Ch. 67: Best Feeling

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I lay in bed, my back to Derek as he traces the tattoos on my back. I have my eyes close as I soak in his warmth. I feel him kiss the back of my neck, right where my mountain tattoo is. I giggle as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me in.

I didn't realize how much I've been craving him, his touch. I guess I didn't want to....

"I missed this...I missed you..."

He mumbles into my shoulder before kissing it. I grip his arms cuddling up with him as he breaths in my scent. I do the same, feeling the best I've felt in well...ever.

"Me too....."

He snuggles closer to me as we both begin to fall asleep again. As I feel myself slipping, a ringing breaks out from downstairs. Derek exhales as he pulls away, allowing me to get up.

I grab the shirt he took off me and my panties, slipping them on as I walk towards the door. I turn and smile back at Derek as he watches me leave the room. I get downstairs just as it starts to ring again. I bend down, grabbing my bag that was discarded on the ground and dig inside.

I pull out my phone, seeing a picture of Noah posing with Nia in a Charlie's angels style pose. I smile as I click the answer button, holding it up to my ear.

"Hey, Sheriff!"

"Ana! Thank god! I think Nia broke her leg and we're stuck in the middle of the preserve because your other child ran off right before!?"

I exhale as I close my eyes.

There's reality....

"Okay...where are you? I'll try and find you..."

"I don't know!? Angel had the compass..."

I nod to myself as I sigh, gathering up the rest of my stuff as I head back upstairs. Derek is sitting up, a knowing look on his face as he watches me gather my things.

"Okay...yeah....just stay calm. I'll be there as soon as I can...okay...bye."

I hang up before looking back at Derek, an apologetic look on my face.

"I have to's an emergency..."

"Do you want me to do anything?"

" Just stay here a-and rest..."

I bump into his dresser as I back up, awkwardly laughing as I bend down to pick up my discarded outfit from earlier. I hold up the skirt, looking at it with a frown. Black blood splatters the fabric, completely ruining it.

"You still owe me a new outfit....this was my favorite skirt...."

He laughs as I grab a pair of sweats out of his drawer, slipping them on before grabbing everything in one hand and my heels in the other. I head for the door, waving at Derek over my shoulder before leaving his apartment.


What is wrong with me?


The doors to the elevator open, revealing a pair of bodies I was hoping to avoid long enough to get across the fucking street. Cora looks at me in shock as Peter laughs, taking in my appearance. I clear my throat, squaring my shoulders as I walk past them and out the door.

I keep my composure as I cross the street, using the cross walk like a civilized human, and walk into my building. I see Ms. Pearl at the desk, sorting through paper's as I walk past. She looks up, taking in my appearance.

"Oh! Good for you, hunny!"

I nod at her before getting onto the elevator, pushing the button to my floor and watching the doors close. I exhale as soon as I'm alone, letting my facade drop as I rest my head against the wall.



After I changed and slipped on a more comfortable shoe, I make it to the preserve. I hop out, surprised as I see Noah, Angel, and a smiling Derek holding a crying Nia walk out of the trees. I exhale in relief as I have rush over, checking both kids over before rushing to open the backseat door.

Derek sets Nia down as I toss my keys to Derek, hoping in the backseat with her. Noah hops in his vehicle, taking Angel with him as we all head to the hospital.


"What happened?!"

My mom yells as soon as she sees the crying child in my arms. She grabs a wheelchair, bringing it over so I could set her down. Jasper also sees us and rushes over, preparing to take over.

"Hey! Nia! What happened?"

"I was trying to catch up with Angel and stepped in a hole...I fell and now it hurts..."

She grips my hand, showing how much it actually hurts. I unfortunately can't take away pain, due to me not being a werewolf, but I can calm her down. I grip her hand back, focusing on calming her down as her breathing slows.

My hand shows white veins traveling from my hand to hers, drawing only the attention of my mother. She subtly steps forward, covering my hand with her body to any bystanders walking by.

"Okay...let's get her to X-ray...get Dr. Cooper down here to take over and Dr. Michaels for consulting...please and thank you...I appreciate each and everyone of you..."

I stand back, allowing them to take Nia as I grab Angel. I use him as an Anchor to keep me sain as I watch my baby get wheeled away. I turn to my mom, seeing her looking at my neck. Her eyes widen as she looks from me to Derek, then back to me.

I look away, clearing my throat as I guide Angel over to the chairs. I sit him down as I dig in my purse, pulling out my wallet. I get out a five, handing it to Angel and pointing to the vending machines.

"Would you get me something to drink, Bud? You can get whatever you want as well..."

He nods as he walks over there, looking at what they have. I look over at. Noah, seeing him glaring at Derek as he walks to me.

"'Stasia...I have to go..."

"O-okay...uhm..thanks for finding them..."


He smiles at me as he turns, walking towards the exit.



I know....I the smut police and the smut lawyer and lock me up in smut jail....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

Y'all thirsty anyways......

-the Author

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