Ch. 66: Hurt You

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I awake again to Derek removing his arms from around me, trying to get up. I sit up a little, grabbing his arm to stop him. He grunts in pain again as I sit up completely, forcing him to look at me.

"What're you doing? You need to rest!"

"I need to find the think I'm dead...."

He tries to get up again as I swiftly get off the bed, pushing him back as I do. He growls a little as I force him to lay back down.

"Listen to me....your wounds are bad...Even with your healing, you wouldn't be able to make it to the others..."

"H-how d-do you kn-"

"Shh....just rest..."

He closes his eyes as I back off, looking around. I see a dresser and walk over, opening it. I grab a t-shirt out of there and slip off my uncomfortable clothes. I keep my panties on as I slip the first t-shirt I find over my head.

I go to close the drawer when I see something that catches my eye. I reach in, pulling it out. I study the beads, feeling each and every one as hold the bracelet in my hands. It feels like hours pass as I stand there, staring at the piece of jewelry.


I whip around, seeing Derek watching me. I feel a blush run up my face as I look at him. I look back down at the bracelet, feeling a feeling I'm not comfortable feeling.

"You kept it?"

He sits up, getting out of the bed and walking in front of me. He looks down at the bracelet, gently taking it from me. He leans around me, gently putting it back and closing the drawer.

I watch his face as I try to keep my heartbeat in check, acting as if his body doesn't effect me. He looks me in the eyes, not pulling away as he studies my face.

"Of course I kept it..."

"I-I'm just surprised...."

"I was the same when I saw you wearing the jacket..."

I gulp as his eyes drift down to my lips, watching as I bite the bottom lip. I hear a small growl sound in his chest before he plays it off, acting as if he was clearing his throat.

"It's a great jacket..."

"Well it's a great bracelet..."

I smile as he meets my eyes again, seeing many emotions swimming around. I lean in more, my eyes drifting to his lips. I hear him exhale as he pulls away.

My head snaps up, brown eyes meeting green as he stays at arm's length. I give him a confused look as he looks down.

" shouldn't be here."


"Because..." he takes a breath running his hand through his hair. "Because I don't want to see you get hurt again...."

My heart skips a beat as we make eye contact. I feel an imaginary string pulling me towards him as he watches me. I gently reach up, cupping his face as I look back and forth between both of his gorgeous eyes.

"I can take care of don't have to worry..."

"But I do....I haven't stopped worrying or thinking about you since the moment I fucked it all up...."


"No. We need to talk."

I nod as I look down, pulling away as he watches me. I know we need to talk, more than ever. So I step around him, walking to his bed and sitting down. He does the same, sitting down next to me. I keep my eyes down as I twiddle my fingers, trying to distract my anxious feelings.

"G-go ahead."

"'Stasia...when I did...what I did...I have no excuse, I know that, but at the time I didn't realize what I was doing...I allowed myself to be manipulated by someone w-who couldn't caused nothing but tragedy and there's no one to blame but myself..."

I keep my eyes down as I listen to him. He runs a hand through his hair as he takes a breath, preparing for his next words.

"The last thing that I remember my parents telling me is that I made an unforgivable mistake...that I didn't deserve you...and they were right. I never deserved you. You were always there for me and I did nothing but hurt you...I can't allow that to happen again. I can't see you like that again..."

He grabs my hand, squeezing it as he turns to face me. I gulp, looking up to meet his eyes.

"Everyone close to me gets hurt...I can't watch the same happen to you..."

"And you won't..."

I reach up, caressing his cheek as I keep eye contact. My eyes shift back and forth between his beautiful greens as I grip his hand.

"Everything happened a long time ago....people change and grow..."

"But I can't hurt you again..."

"I don't think you will."

We keep eye contact, staring into each other's eyes as we focus on only ourselves. I may regret this later, but I can't deny it any longer.

I love this man...

He leans down, brushing his lips against mine as he keeps eye contact. I close mine as I lean forward, capturing his lips with my own. My hands rub up his arms and into his hair as he pulls me closer, deepening the kiss.

He lays me back, not breaking our connection as he hovers over me. I hum into the kiss, letting everything go as I focus only on him. He pulls away, allowing us both to breath as he moves down. He brushes my hair back, giving my neck feathery kisses as I smile.

I grip his waist with my thighs as I run my hands up and down his sides. He growls into my neck as I smile again, giggling a little as his scruff tickles my skin.

I rub his back as he kisses my skin, finding my spot immediately. I moan a little as I close my eyes, pulling him closer. He growls before pulling away, hovering over me as we make eye contact.

"Are you sure?"


He connects our lips again, kissing me hard as I pull him closer.




Drink thirsty b*tches.....

-the Author

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