Ch. 95: 1980 CJ5 Jeep

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I wake to the sound of my phone ringing. I sit up, removing the arm that's draped over my side as I stand to check it. I grab my phone, glancing back at the bed to make sure it didn't wake the sleeping figure. I step out onto my balcony, silently shutting the door behind me as I answer my phone.



I jump at Stiles frantic voice. I look at the phone before talking again.

"Stiles? What's wrong?"

"I-I don't know where I am...I-I called Scott and told him b-but I-I fel-felt like I needed to call y-you...b-because you always know w-what's going on..."

"Stiles...take a breath, okay? Follow my breathing, okay? In..." I take a deep breath, hearing him do the same over the phone. "Out..."

I repeat the process a few times as he follows my breathing. After he calms down, I begin to talk gently, staring out into the night sky as I fiddle with my necklace.

"Okay...Stiles...I need you to describe your surroundings, okay...tell me every little thing you see..."


My heart rate skyrockets as I struggle to understand the cutting of his voice.

"Stiles? Stiles? Stiles?! Stiles?!?!"

I'm gripping my phone hard as I hear the beeping of the call ending. I pull it away, looking down at my Lock Screen of Angel and Nia in their costumes. Tears of worry fill my eyes as I go to my contacts and call him back. It beeps as it goes straight to voicemail.

I pull it away, calling the only other person on my mind. I feel arms wrap around me as I click the contact, putting it up to my ear as it rings. After only one, the phone clicks as they answer.

"Noah? Do you know where Stiles is?!"

"Ana? Do you know what time it is?"

"Uh.." I check my phone, seeing that it's 12:26. "After midnight. That's besides the point!? Do you know where Stiles is?"

"At home in bed..."

"No he's not. He just called me saying that he doesn't know where he is and that he's cold.."

"What are you talking about?"

"Stiles is missing!?"

He hangs up as I turn, breaking away from Derek's hold as I walk back into my room. I walk to my dresser, getting a pair of jeans and a shirt before I start to change. Derek does the same with his bag of clothes he brought, changing into clean clothes before putting on his boots.

I grab mine as I walk out of my room, heading for the kids'. I open it, turning on the light as I wake them up. I can't leave them here because Ms. Pearl is currently out of town.

"Come on's an emergency dress in warm clothes."

They get up and start to get dressed as I walk into the kitchen, packing drinks and snacks after I start a pot of coffee. Derek joins me, fully dressed and ready to go as he starts to help me.

I slip on my boots, grabbing my trench coat and the kids' coats out of the closet, turning just in time to see them walking out of their room. Derek grabs the full bag as I grab the throw blanket off the couch, walking out the door with everyone following behind me.


We rush into the station, meeting Noah in the lobby as he leads us towards his office. The kids sit on the bench while I stand by them. Derek sticks to my side, on the defense.

I see a familiar guy sitting in a desk, looking at me in surprise. He smiles at the kids before looking at Derek and gulping.


Derek looks at him in confusion as Noah looks up, studying everyone's faces before looking at me. I look down, subconsciously crossing my hands over my stomach. He catches that as he slams a file shut, standing up straight as he glares at Derek.

Suddenly, the door bursts open, revealing my brother with Issac. He looks at us in confusion before looking at Noah, a worried look on his face.

"Stiles is missing."

"I know..."

Noah leans on his desk, struggling to hold it together as he strains his jaw. I walk forward, softly resting my hand on his shoulder. I watch as he fights back tears as Scott and Issac tell him everything they know. I squeeze his shoulder as they finish, letting him soak up the information. He takes a few deep breaths before standing up straight, turning and facing everyone in the room as I step back to give him room.

"If his jeep is gone, that's where we start..." He turns towards the guy who hit on me on Halloween. "Parrish. Let's get an APB out on a blue 1980 CJ5 Jeep....Cordova. I need a list of all the industrial basements or sub levels in any building he could have gotten into while sleepwalking."

He turns and faces the rest of the officers, projecting his voice farther as he speaks.

"It's the coldest night of the year so far and if he's out there barefoot in just a t-shirt, he could already be hypothermic. Let's move fast. Let's think fast. The four of you, come with me."

He points to the three adult werewolves and myself before guiding us into his office. He shuts the door behind us as I fold my arms over my chest. I feel Derek move to my side, barely touching as I stand in the back. Noah turns and looks at Scott and Issac, glancing at me every once in a while.

" there anything you need to tell me that I can't tell the people out there..."

"Lydia knew he was missing..."

"Can she help find him?"

"She's working on it..."

Issac answers as I follow each of them with my head, keeping an eye on the kids through the window.

"Anything else?"

"I called Alison for help and Derek is here...with my sister..."

Derek nods at Scott as Issac smirks in amusement. I narrow my eyes as I step forward, drawing the attention to myself.

"I can track him....if you find his jeep. I can track him on foot..."


Derek steps forward as I glare at him, daring him to try me right now. He gets the message as he holds up his hands, stepping back. Scott looks at us in confusion as Derek crosses his arms, standing behind directly behind me.

"Can you find him by sent?"

Noah asks us all right as the door opens, revealing the officer from earlier.

"We got it sir. We found the jeep."

I stand up straight as I look at Noah, waiting for his instructions. He looks at me, staring me down with emotions swimming in his eyes. He finally looks down, sighing before looking at me and nodding.

I nod once before turning and walking out the door. I nod at the kids telling them to come with me. The follow without a second thought as I head for my car. I hear Derek following me as we all make it to the car and hop in. Right as I start the car, I hear a ping on my phone from Scott alerting me of where to go.



This the authors note for when I don't know what to put...

Oh! I will be ending this book after season three and starting a sequel for the second half of the series!

If you're interested, it will be called Guardians!

Drink water!!!

-the Author

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