Ch. 31: nose bleed

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I just dropped off the kids, parked my car, and now I'm walking up to the school as I yawn. I see Scott and Stiles ahead of me, talking quite loud for what they're talking about. I roll my eyes as I walk behind them.

"So what! It's the most nutritious part of the body."


"I never ate anyone's liver..."

"Yes, because when it comes to werewolves, you're a real model of self control..."

I hold back my laughter as I shake my head. I walk around them, deciding that I'm done with this conversation already. I walk inside, turning around when I hear an engine rev up. My eyes catch onto a figure by the trash cans, my breath hitching as I see who it is.

I see Frank, the head security guard walk by and grab his arm. He stops and looks at me confused.

"Frank. There's a man over by that trash can that shouldn't be here, will you escort him out, please?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I nod as I turn, leaving him to do his job. I walk past groups of teenagers, all gossiping about a certain redhead who disappeared from the hospital last night. I shake my head again as I continue to my room.


I turn and see Nina walking up to me, a big smile on her face. I smile back as I face her completely.

"Hey! How was your Christmas?"

"Good. My brother got a new job and I got a promotion sooo..."


"Yeah! I'm no longer someone without a place in this school! I'm the new librarian and I get to run a few clubs, including creative writing! Which I'm sure excited about!"

"Wow! I'm so happy for you! You want to get lunch? Tell me all about it?"

"Definitely. Gotta go! See ya then!"


I laugh as I continue down the hall. She's a very beautiful person inside and out, a great friend too. I continue down the hall as I sip my coffee, needing it.

"McCall! Teacher McCall!"


I see him rushing to me, a frantic look on his face.

"Do you know anything about the missing girl? We have to spread the word for everyone to look out for her before the temperature drops anymore..."

"Not more than anyone else..." I sip my coffee, savoring the flavors as I look at him. "Just tell them what you know and I'll do the same. It's not like anyone in this school won't recognize Lydia Martin as soon as they see her anyways..."

"You're right."

"I usually am..."

He turns and walks away as I laugh again, continuing to my classroom. As I walk, I go take another drink but stop as I smell the air. My head snaps to the left, seeing Issac rushing to get to his first class. I can smell his chemical change immediately, my eyes narrowing as I think of the one person who could have done this.

He's dead.


I'm walking down the hall, going to the lounge to make copies of a quiz for my next period. I didn't get a chance to do it before school like I planned, so I'm doing it now. I look at the
ground as I walk but stop as I see a drop of a black liquid on the ground.

I can tell what it is and immediately think of Issac, worry rushing through me. I see a couple more drops down the hall and follow them. I make it to the boys room, finding a smudge on the door leading into it. I listen in, hearing a voice I knew would be there.

"Your body's rejecting the bite..."

My body fills with anger as I hear his words. I grip my fists together, crumbling the papers in my hand.


"I don't know..."

I burst into more anger as I throw open the door, seeing Jackson looking in the mirror while Derek backs away. I glare at him as I step into the bathroom.

"Mr. Whittemore? Shouldn't you be in class.

"Ms. McCall?"

Derek tries to disappear more, acting as if I couldn't see him. I fold my arms, gripping the papers to my chest as I glare over at him.

"Derek. What have I told you about hanging around teenage boys..."


I glare at him as Jackson looks between us. Something seems to click as his eyes widen.

"You know each other?!"

"Mr. Whittemore. That's none of your business. Fix your nose bleed and get to class." I look back at Derek with a glare as he acts as if this isn't a problem for him. "Hale. You get off school grounds before I decide to do something drastic..."


He walks past me as I loo at Jackson, seeing him looking in the mirror, watching us as we leave. As I step into the hall, Derek clears his throat.

"How have you been?"



"We're not having a conversation right now. You are going to go out those doors before I report your ass for, not the first or second, but the third time that I've caught you doing questionable things with minors. I don't care about our history, not when you are doing questionable things."

He goes to speak but stops as he sees my face. He nods as he turns, walking away and out the door. I watch him before looking back at the door, worry seeping through as I think of the teenager behind the door.



Slightly shorter than normal, but more is to come!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the author

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