Ch. 23: Cheater-Cheater

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"Are sure about this?"

"Come on 'stasia! He's the one that decided to leave...we're just giving him some compensation for his actions, okay?"

"I know...but I'm kinda happy he's gone..."

"I know that's a lie."

He stops in front of me, turning around to look me in the eyes. He steps forward, grabbing my shoulders.

"'Stasia...he left you....left your mom....your brother..." he squeezes my shoulders as he talks. "He left."

I look down at my hands, fiddling with my nails as I avoid his eyes.

"I know, Der...but he still lives in town..."

"For how long!?"

I jump at his reaction, staring at him with wide eyes. Why's he so mad?

"You we're just telling me the other day that he's already getting a job out of town!? That he's been leaving more for longer times!? He's left!? If not now, then he's preparing for it."

I nod as he runs his hand through his hair. He takes a few breaths, gathering himself.

"I'm sorry...." He doesn't meet my eyes as he apologizes. "I'm sorry 'stasia...I don't know what's happening..."

"I-it's okay, Derek..." I gulp before taking a breath, putting a smile on my face. "Let's go get him."

"Hell yeah!"


We fall on the floor laughing as we recall Raphael's reaction. We did multiple pranks on him, some small, some hmm...not so small.

We started out with the obvious one, hiding his alcohol. There's nothing worse to do to an alcoholic than hiding their stash...except for maybe drinking it or dumping it...

We dumped all the contents into different containers, displaying the empty bottles on the counter. I even organized them, smallest to biggest.

We hid the alcohol that we put in other containers, such as a pickle jar or a clean oil jug, in various places throughout his house. In the pantry, under his bed, in his closet, under the couch, in the couch, in the bathroom, in the attic, in the freezer, the shed, the broom closet, the coat closet, and my personal favorite, the box of photos and gifts from Scott and I over the years.

After that, we stole all his shoe laces, his ties, and towels of all sizes . I wrote a few nice poems on the mirrors in red lipstick, while Derek set up a contraption that would drop a bucket of swampy mud and water on him when he stepped into his bedroom.

The poem said:
Cheater, cheater
Whiskey drinker
Had a wife
But couldn't keep her


Jack and Jill went up a hill
To fetch a pail of water
But when Jack fell down
And broke his crown
Jill's father came tumbling after

They may not have been the best, but they got the point across. After that, I went to the bathtub and shower. I opened every soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, and ointment, decorating the walls into a beautiful art piece. Derek also cut open my dad's favorite pillows and put the feathers into a contraption that would dump them on him when he walked into the bathroom.

We also dumped all his books, movies, and work papers all over the floor. I cut him out of all the photos of the family made a collage of only him on the ceiling above his bed. Multiple Raph's smiling down on him as he lays in bed.

The cherry on top would be the most simple of all, an Alcohol Anonymous book sitting on his empty desk, all of his other belongings on the floor around it.

After we were done, we took off into the night, leaving a few hidden cameras to capture all of the chaos that was to come.

"Did you see that?!" Derek bust's out laughing again as he points to my dad's face as he sees the poem in the bathroom. "He's almost crying!?"

I stop laughing a little, looking at him.

"That's not funny."


"It's not funny when people cry. Even if it's someone you don't like."

Derek rolls his eyes as he looks back at the screen.

"Oh! I almost forgot!"

He jumps up and rushes to his closet, opening the door and disappearing inside. He comes out a moment later holding a box wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper, a small smile on his face.

"Happy birthday...I know you're mom had to work an de your dad's a dick..." I giggle at his words, a smile on my face as I wait for him to hand it to me. "I only had Christmas..."

"I love it...can I open it now?"


He hands me the box before sitting down next to me again. I rip open the paper, opening the box to see a beautiful black leather jacket. My mouth falls open as I stare at it.

"It's to big for you right now..." Derek speaks as I gently reach out and touch it. "But by that it'll last longer!"

"Thank you!" I jump into his arms, hugging him as I smile really big. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love it!"

"Is it a good fourteenth birthday present?"

"Are you kidding?!"

I pull back and look at him in surprise. He smiles at me as we both look at each other. I giggle before kissing his cheek and getting up, trying on the jacket.

"How does it look?" I spin as he smiles at me, watching my every move.



My eyes snap open as I sit up. I scan the room, seeing chard walls, broken furniture, dust, and cobwebs. A faint smell of burning wood flow's through the air as I realize where I am.

How did I get here?

I look down, seeing leaves in my hair, dirt and grass on my hands and pants, and grime under my nails. I notice that the Jacket that I'm wearing is the same as the one from my dream. Memories flood my brain as I brush my disastrous hair out of my face.

I slowly stand, getting my bearings as I make my way outside. The sun is barely peaking above the trees, birds chirping as the morning begins. I look around, not seeing my car anywhere. I pat myself down and find my phone and keys.


I go to check the time on my phone, finding that it's dead.


I pull out my keys, pushing the lock button as I listen out for it. I don't hear anything, making me realize that I'm out of reach. Taking a breath, i head for the right, following my instincts. As I walk, I continue to push the button. Stepping over a protruding tree root, i push the button again. I hear the sound of my car locking coming from my right.

Now I need a shower....



Pranks aren't my strongest subject...

Drink water!!!!??!!??!!!!

-the author

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