Ch. 36: Agression

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After leaving the hospital, I make my way back to the school with enough time to still have my lunch break. I pull into the school parking lot, finding a spot. As I get out, I see a familiar car pull up.

I watch in disbelief as Erika rushes out of the school, heading for Derek's car. As she opens the passenger door, I see Scott and Stiles rush out of the school. They both glare at Derek as I think of all the ways to kill the asshole driving the car.


I'm rushing down a long hallway, on my way to the elementary principals office. Any who pass me get nothing but a glare as I struggle to hold in my anger. Not long after the final bell of the day, I received a call about Angel fighting.

I rush up to the secretary's desk, seeing a middle aged blonde sitting there on the computer. I don't exhale as I look at her, a hard line for a pair of lips as I talk.

"Hi, I'm Ms. McCall. I was called about Angel Sanchez..."

She doesn't look up from the computer as she points to a door on the right. I roll my eyes as I walk up to it, knocking.

"Come in."

I open the door, seeing Angel and Jack sitting in the chair's, an old guy behind the desk, and a beautiful brunette behind the chair that Jack's sitting in. The man stands as I enter, as smile on his face as he holds out his hand.

"Ah! You must be Ms. McCall."

"Yes. It's lovely to meet you, Mr. Edwards."

"Same to you. This is Mrs. Griffin, Jack's Mother. I'm sorry that I had to call you both in, but my school has an absolute 'no violence' policy. We still aren't sure if the specifics, due to neither of them talking. All we do know is that they were both fighting in the field by the west parking lot..."

I glare at Angel, letting him know exactly how upset I am. He cowers away, not making eye contact as Mr. Edwards speaks. My glare falters as I see a black eye and busted lip on his face. I glance at Jack,  seeing a giant bruise on his cheek, a busted lip, and a tissue stained red against his nose.

I glance at the woman, seeing her glaring at me. I glare back before looking back at Mr. Edwards.

"I suggest detention, but the punishment is up for de-"

"Sorry I'm late!"

All eyes snap the the door, seeing a frantic Jasper. His eyes widen as he sees me, before they lock on to the beautiful brunette across the room.

"Finally. Did you have to rescue a dying apricot on the way?"

"Martha. Please."

My eyes narrow before they make their way back to the principal. He gulps before continuing with what he was saying. 

"As I was saying. Their punishments are up for debate and a full investigation will be made. I have no empathy for any who bully or cause disruptions in my school. So, once the truth is revealed, I will see that a proper reprimanding be given to the guilty party."

I nod as he looks at all three adults, Mrs. Griffin and Jasper both doing the same. I grab Angel's shoulder, squeezing it as we're dismissed. I turn and walk out the door, Angel right behind me as we leave the building.

When we get to the car I stop, turning and looking at the boy behind me. He stops, not making eye contact as I watch him.

"What happened?"



"He was calling me names..."

I exhale as I look at the ground, running my hand through my hair. I look back at him, dropping to eye level before grabbing his hands gently.

"For how long?"

"Since the sleep over...he kept calling me a baby...saying that I needed my mommy to come get just made me so-"



I look at the ground again, exhaling before attempting to make eye contact. He keeps his eyes on the ground, not looking up.

"Angel...look at me..." he slowly does, gulping as he does. "What you did was wrong."

"But he-"

"I know what he did. But that doesn't excuse your actions. People are going to say things, and even do worse, just to get under your skin...given what you are, you have to work twice as hard as anyone else just as to keep the composure."

His shoulders drop as he realizes his predicament. I brush his hair out of his face as I show a small smile.

"You can't allow the anger to control you. All it's going to do is cause you and everyone around you harm."

He nods as I stand, kissing his head as I do.

"Now get in the car. We'll discuss your options at home."

He gulps as he gets in the back seat, his head low. I turn and head back up to the doors, smiling at Nia's teacher as she escorts her out of the building.

"She's all ready to go!"


I wrap my arms around her shoulder as I guide her away, listening to her blabber on about her day.


When we get home, I tell Angel to change out of his school clothes and to sit on the couch until I say. He does as I go and change myself. I strip off my makeup, changing into workout clothes and throwing my hair up in a ponytail.

When I return to the living room, Angel is sitting on the couch with his hands on his lap. Nia is at the kitchen table doing her school work as if we're not here.

"Get up. Grab your coat. Nia, grab everything and let's go. You're going to Ms. Pearls."

She nods as Angel gets up and grabs his coat off the hook. I walk to the door, grabbing my phone and keys on the way. Locking the door, I walk down the hall with both of them following me.


"What're we doing here?"

I ignore Angel as I walk up to the desk, a smile on my face. The secretary smiles at me as she recognizes me from her spot.

"Ana! How're you?"

"As good as I can, Mandy. I have a guest with me, if that's okay?"

"Of course! You have our plus one deal so it works out!"


Angel continues north to look around confused as I show my gym card.


I walk to the back, heading for the punching bags.

"Now. I'm only allowing this to help with the agression. We're not going to make a habit of you coming here and beating the crap out of sand filled bags, okay?"

He nods as I smile, gesturing for an instructor to come over.

"Teach him well."

I say before turning to a treadmill, starting my workout with Angel still in sight.




Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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