Ch. 32: The Necklace

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I'm sitting in the kitchen, the gift from Jennifer in front of me as I sip my coffee. Nia hasn't opened it yet, not by her choice, but mine. I'm scared on what it will do to her to open it. So I sit here, drinking my coffee as they do their homework in their room.

I decided to get it over with. Standing, I grab the gift off the table and walk to their room. I knock gently as I peak in the open door. Angel is reading a magic treehouse book on his bed as Nia does her math homework. She's barely learning how to add single digits, but is a master at it already.

"Hey..." I smile at them both as they look up. "Are you done?"

"Yeah! I just have to add nine plus one and I'm done!" She smiles before looking at the paper.

Angel doesn't say anything as he goes back to the book, engrossed in the tails of Jack and Annie. I smile at them both as it goes quiet. I keep the present behind my back, not wanting to alarm either one of them.


Nia puts her homework in her folder, putting it in her bag as she grabs her book, a Clifford the big red dog book, and hops back on to her bed.

"Wait. Before you get comfortable..." she stops and looks at me. "I have something for you..."

She gives me a confused look as she sets her book down, looking up at me with her big, brown eyes. I hold out the gift, showing her the beautiful gold wrapping her mother did.

"It's not from me..."

She takes it gently, giving me a confused look as she start's to open it. She opens it up to reveal a book filled with pictures of all kinds of plants. I'm confused as she smiles big.


"It's from your mom...she got it for you before she..."

"I love it.." she starts to cry as I pull her into a hug. "I miss her..."

"I know..." I sooth her as she releases her pint up emotions, crying the pain away.


I dress in my uniform, slipping out my window as I listen to the kids snore away in the next room. I haven't had a chance to go out at night like I wanted to since the night of Kate's death.

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I make my way to the woods. Lydia's Scarf is in my pocket, her scent strong as I move through the air. As the building dwindle to almost nothing, I swing into an alley way. As soon as I hit the ground, I take off running towards where the smell takes me.

I continue to move, making my way to the woods ahead of me.


I come to a stop outside the Hale House, not seeing anyone or anything around. I make my way inside, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. I make my way upstairs, heading for the old bedroom that I used to sleep in. As I pass by Peter's old room, I hear the floor creak from inside. Silently stopping, I flatten against the wall as listen in for any movement.

I've only been in this room twice. Once as a thirteen year old child that liked to pull pranks on unsuspecting victims, and another time at seventeen.

Opening the door softly, I cringe as it screams for help. I peak in, seeing nothing. I step in, keeping my eyes and ears out for any threat. I see something laying in the middle of the floor, gleaming in the moon light.

Stepping over to it, I bend down to examine it. I gulp as I realize what it is.

How did that get hear?

I'm to distracted by my Necklace being on the ground of a burnt house to hear the footsteps walking up to me. I shoot forward as a searing pain shot through my skull. I twist over, seeing a figure standing over me with a rock. I can't see much, but I did see hair.

Red hair.


I gasp awake, shooting up as I look around. I'm still in Peter's old room, on the floor with my necklace clutched in my hand. Looking around, I notice that she's not here anymore.

I jump up and collect myself, dusting myself off as I blink away the dizziness. I begin to move to the stairs, gripping the wall as my vision begins to double.

I stumble through the house, making my way to the door as I struggle to get home. I make it outside, walking aimlessly as I grip my pounding head.

A protruding tree root trips me up as I make my way through the woods. I hit the ground hard, grunting as I do. I hear movement to my left, drawing my attention away from my splitting headache. I see three Dereks coming towards me as I struggle to keep my eyes open.

He bends down, getting to eye level as he looks at me. Something catches his eye beside me. He looks confused as he picks it up, holding up my necklace.

He looks back at me as my eyes win the battle, closing as the darkness takes over.



A sixteen year old version of myself is sat on the cliff overlooking Beacon Hills, a smile on her face as she watches the twinkling lights below. A teenage Derek steps into frame, a smile on his face as he kisses her. They start to pick up the pace, laying on the blanket under the stars.

They pull away, both catching their breath as she closes her eyes. Derek brushes her dark hair out of her face, watching her as he does.

"I have something for you..."

"Hmm?" She opens her eyes, a smirk on her face as she looks at him. "I'm intrigued..."

He laughs as he sits up, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling something out.

"Close your eyes."


She closes her eyes, a smirk on her lips as she waits patiently. She feels him move her hair out of the way, kissing her neck as she feels something cool touch her skin. He pulls away abruptly, dropping her hair and moving away.

"Y-you can look now..."

She laughs as she opens her eyes, reaching down and feeling her neck. She gasps as she looks at the necklace around her neck, a smile making its way to her lips.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it."




Puzzle pieces are connecting!!

Drink water!!!!?!!!!??!!!?!!

-the author

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