Ch. 39: Therapy

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"I can't find it!"

I exhale as I hear Nia throwing a fit in their bedroom. She's looking for a certain pair of shoes but can only find one. We were supposed to leave five minutes ago and I'm getting tired of waiting.

"Nia, just pick another."


That's it.

I storm into the room, seeing a mess in front of their closet. Nia is sitting on the floor, shoes surrounding her as she yells at Angel. She's been having these outbursts more often, leading me to question how she really is doing. I should talk to her therapist...

"Petunia. If you don't get up, put of a pair of shoes, grab your stuff, and get out that door, we're going to have some problems."

She glares at me before grabbing a pair of sneakers and rushing to put them on and grab her stuff.

"I want this mess cleaned up as soon as you get home."

She nods, still radiating anger as she goes out into the living room. I look at Angel, nodding for him to go as we follow the moody child.

I walk into the kitchen and grab three bananas and granola bars for us to eat on the way to the schools.

"Let's go."


I'm watching the two idiots sit on the stairs outside my classroom, talking to each other. Stiles seems to be laying his heart out, saying some pretty intimate things to his best friend. I've been sitting here, watching confused, for a few moments now. Scott keeps smiling at stiles, furthering my confusion.

All of a sudden, stiles stops. He has a spas attack, making me laugh as he complains to Scott.

"You and Alison need to find a better way of communicating..."

That makes more sense...

I turn away from them, shaking my head as I go back to grading papers.


"Ms. McCall?"


"May I use the bathroom?"

"Of course, Lily!"

It's just after lunch, my planning period usually, but today I am subbing in for another teacher's home room. They came to my room and are all doing their own thing. Some are reading while others do homework. I have my door open as it's quiet in the hall and in here.

As everyone goes back to what they're doing, I hear fast footsteps coming from the hall. I look up and see stiles running by. I roll my eyes and shake my head before looking back at my papers. I'm grading an essay from my second hour about different issues that still effect our world today. So far the only one who did somewhat of the assignment is Stiles.

I get through about three more essays before I hear the rushed foot steps again. I look up and see him running by again, going in the opposite direction than before.

I give him a confused look before I look back out at the students. Some are looking as well, while others couldn't care less. I shake my head before going back to grading.

Five more minutes pass before he does it again, then again after that. By the fifth time, I'm fed up and stand to finally ask him.


He stops and turns around, eyes wide.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Uh...going to Scott..." he's out of breath, struggling to breathe.

"Well...stop running in the halls. It's annoying."


He takes off again, completely ignoring what I just said. I scoff as I roll my eyes, walking back into my room and shutting the door.



I walk into the clinic, a bag a food in my hands. Angel and Nia are both at Ms. Pearls, helping her with dinner while I'm out. Deaton steps into view, a chart in his hands.

"Hey! What's that?"



We go into his office that's in the back, sitting down as he digs in. I sit back, pondering over everything.

"It seems to me...that there is a storm of different issues raining down in that head of you want to talk about it?"

"I-" I exhale as I rub my eyebrow, finding the right words. "It's a million different things...including how much I wish to tell Scott that I know that he knows what he is..."

"It's up to you...just remember that the more who know you're secret, the riskier it is for you. The Puma is one of the rarest of the shifters, only about one in a billion exist. Hunters love finding the rare."

"I know."

"What else is bothering you?"

"Nia...she's been irritable lately, getting into fights with Angel and snapping at me. When she's not doing that, she's bursting into tears, wanting to be comforted in that moment..."

"Is she currently going through grief or trauma therapy?"


"Ah...I see..." he take's another bite before swallowing and looking back up at me. "Those are common side effects."

"To what?"

"Therapy works in interesting ways. It can strip the person down of everything they know to be true..." he take a sip of his drink before continuing. "It can cause side effects just like anything else that deals with the mind. Most are deal with moods, especially anger and sadness."

"Oh..." I look down, staring at my hands as I process his words.

"The good thing is, once she's through this, she'll be better than she was before..."

I smile a little, still not sure how to feel as I think of the little girl at home.

"How do you know this?"

"My sister is a licensed counselor who likes to talk...and I also took a few classes myself."

"Does she know about..."

"The supernatural?"



"Do you think she would be willing to help Angel? His nightmares are coming back, and I'm worried that if I take him to a normal therapist like Nia, they won't be able to help him due to the hunters part..."

"I'll ask."




Comment any mistakes you find, please! I'll try and fix it as fast as I can!

Drink water!!!!!?!!!?!!??!!!?!!

-the Author

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