Ch. 43: Restraining Order

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I watch as ambulances and police officers crowd the parking lot of the club, rushing to help anyone they can. I watch as stiles and Scott act suspicious in the jeep, talking while looking in the back seat.

I narrow my eyes at them before turning away, heading home where I should be.


After I got home last night, I gave Ms. Pearl twenty dollars and a milkshake from her favorite 24/7 shop. She tried to decline, saying that I don't need to repay her, but I slipped the money into her purse as she enjoyed her sweet.

After she left, I took a shower and slipped into bed.

Now, I'm on my way to my job after dropping off the kids. I stoped and got us all breakfast, including two coffees and a frappe for myself.

I pull into my parking spot, grabbing my heavy bag and cup holder filled with my drinks. I lock up my car and walk inside.


"Okay...the world history midterm is next week. Meaning, we're going to be having a practice test tomorrow. The practice test will be your study guide for the midterm, but won't effect your grades to much if you flunk it. Does everyone understand?"

I hear groans, like usual, as I pass out graded papers from last week. Most are vocabulary words and single sheet papers. I pass by Lydia, who looks distressed, and Alison who's worry is clouding the air.

"I suggest looking over some of these papers tonight, it may help with your midterms...."

I walk back up to my desk, ignoring the groaning coming from the teenagers behind me.


I get home, the kids rushing to do their normal thing, as I walk to my room. I pull out a big wooden chest from the back of my closet, opening it up and shuffling through it.

It's filled with bestiaries from countless packs and hunters who are no more. I collected them on my travels, storing them in this old box. I grab the one I got from Brazil, knowing it has a chapter about what's happening to Jackson.

I read through it, soaking up all the information before digging for another book and doing the same. By the time that I've read through ten books with chapters about Kanimas, it's past seven and Angel and Nia are knocking on my door.

"Ms. Pearl's here. She said she has dinner for everyone..."


I follow them into the kitchen, where Ms. Pearl is dishing out plates of her famous fried chicken. I rub my hands together, excited for the food.

"Oooo! Looks good!"

"It better. I spent two hours just preparing..."

"Two hours!? Why didn't you ask for help?"

"Because I didn't need it..."

I shake my head at her before I wash my hands, ready for food.

"Kids! Wash up!"


I get a call from during dinner my mom about Scott and stiles kidnapping Jackson and stealing a transport van. She asked me to keep an eye on them while at school, which I agreed to.

The idiots are always up to something...especially Stiles...who is definitely the criminal mastermind behind the two...


I'm walking to Bobby's office, a container of cookies in my hand. He asked me to bring some, and Ms. Pearl happened to make some last night after dinner.

As I walk down the hall, I hear bangs and crashes coming from up ahead. I pick up my pace, heading to investigate. I see a fight happening outside the locker rooms, multiple people standing there. I can tell who it is before I get there. I hear Harris rushing up behind me, yelling at them to stop.

I glare hard at both Scott and Stiles as I walk up, gripping the container of cookies hard.

As Harris talks, I study each person standing before me. I glance beside me, seeing Matt doing something on a tablet. As I glance over his shoulder, I see him sending a copy of a bestiary to another account. I lean back, acting as if I wasn't looking as he glances around before holding up the tablet to Scott. Harris takes it, glaring at everyone as he speaks.

"Detention! All of you!"

I grab ahold of Scott and Stiles, dragging them away by their ears. I glare at staring students as I drag them away from the scene. I get to Bobby's office, opening it up and shoving them both inside.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?!"

They both rub their ears, not making eye contact as I glare at them. I drop the container of cookies onto the desk before leaning against it, arms crossed as I continue to glare.

"I asked a question."

They jump at my volume, surprised by my anger. They look at each other before looking at me, not saying anything.

"Do you have any idea what it's going to cost to fix the damages that we're made?! Or what it could do to my job?! Or Noah's job?! You were just issued a restraining order and you can't even keep it for a fucking day?!"

"Y-you know about that..."

Stiles doesn't make eye contact as he speaks. Scott just stares at the floor, clutching his fists. I narrow my eyes as I glare at them both.

"Yes. I know about that. What the hell were you thinking?!" I look at my brother, expecting an answer. "Scott?"

"I-it was a joke..." he mumbles as I scoff.

"A lame excuse for a fucking joke!?You're both lucky if he doesn't press charges!?"

"Look...we're sorry. We'll work off the damages if we have too...just please" Scott looks me in the eye, pleading with me through them. "Stay away from him..."



I scoff again, shaking my head as I stand up straight.

"I'm not the one with a restraining order against me..."

I glare at them one last time, really putting my anger into it as they cower away.

"Get to class, both of you."



They really did a number on that Locker room tho....

Drink water and stay hydrated!!!!!?!!?!!?!!!!?!!

-the author

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