Ch. 57: I'm Fine

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*Scott's POV*

I'm with Derek, walking into the hale house while he holds Issac. I hear my phone going off, seeing Stiles name on the screen. I answer it, hearing his rushes voice.


"Scott! Serious things are happening at the school..."

"Can you tell me aboutit later?"

"Uh-no. I'm pretty sure this calls for immediate discussion..."

"Alright. Meet me at Derek's."

"Derek's house? Wha-why do you need me to meet you at Derek's house? What the hell are doing-"

"Just meet me here. okay?"

I hang up as I turn to Derek.

"You don't still live here, do you?"

"No. The county took it over, but there's something here that I need. It'll help heal a wound from an alpha..."

"Yeah, but it did heal!"

"Not on the inside."

I look around, taking in the room as Derek continues to search for what he needs. I remember the alpha from earlier and look back at Derek.

"Are you going to tell me who that was back there? That alpha?"

"A rival pack..."

I can tell he's holding back on some information.

"It's my problem. I know you want to help, and you did. I owe you one. But go home. Go back to being a teenager."

I look away as he stands, moving away from Issac. I rub my arm, remembering that has a tattoo and maybe he can help.

"Hey Derek...." He looks at me as I continue. "If you want to pay back that favor now....there is something you can do for me."


I jump awake, looking around me. It's right after Derek helps me with my tattoo. He's over by the Issac, checking on him as I rub my arm. Stiles is still jump as he looks at me.

"It worked!"

"I-I'm happy for you...but I really need to talk to you..."


"It's about what happened at the school..."

"What happened?"

"Uh-birds flew through the windows of two classrooms...people were hurt...mostly minor...but one that was fatal...."

"What happened....stiles!"

"It's Ana...her femoral artery was nicked by glass...she lost a lot of blood..."

I stand in shock as I stare at him. I get up, grabbing my things as I get frustrated and scared.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?!"

"I-I didn't know how...."

I see Derek staring at a wall, his shoulders stiff as he stands frozen. I know that they have history, but no one talks about it. I even asked mom and she waved me off.

I look back at stiles, holding everything as I walk towards the door.

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know...Dad and your Mom are both with her..."

I nod as we get into his jeep, rushing off to the hospital.


*Anastasia's POV*

I wake with a jump, looking around me as I assess my surroundings. I'm laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to a heart monitor and drip. I look outside the window into the hall, seeing people rushing about.

I can see and hear Noah as he argues with a nurse.

"What do you mean I can't see her?! That girl is the closest thing that I have to a daughter!? I was there for her when her real father wasn't and you're telling me I can't go see her now?!"

"I'm sorry sir...but it's family only."

I see the anger on his face, the blood rushing to his face as he screams out his anger. I try to sit up but can't do to the needles in my arms. My mom rushes up, worry strong on her face.

"It's okay, Patty. He is family..."

The nurse walks away as my mom an Noah begin to talk. I glance down, seeing a bandage on my thigh. I guess it wasn't a good idea to wear a dress today....

I begin taking the needles out of me, removing everything from me as I go to stand. I know that it's already healed so there's no reason to stay. The monitor starts going off as people rush in, my mom and Noah included.

"Ma'am, you need to lay back down. You're wounded and just got out of emergency surgery..."

"I'm fine."

I look for my things, not finding them anywhere. A doctor rushes in front of me, trying to get me back into the bed.

"Ms. McCall, you really need to lay ba-"

"No. I'm. Fine." I look him dead in the eyes as I slowly walk forward. He moves back as he realizes his mistake. "If you do not let me walk out that door and go home to my children, then I will not be the only one with a life threatening injury."

He moves out of my way as I push past all the faculty in my way. My mom and Noah follow me, the latter taking off his coat to drape it over my exposed backside.


"I said I'm fine."

I continue down the hall with both of them following me. Eyes from all sides follow us as we not so subtly discuss my predicament.

"No you're not. You shouldn't even be standing right now..."

I stop, turning to her.

"Mom. I'm fine. I understand that this was scary, but I. Am. Fine."

She nods as she covers her mouth, looking down. I turn to the elevator, preparing to get on as it opens. The doors give way to reveal three very worried faces, one I wasn't expecting to see at all.


"How is she standing right now?"

"I'm fine."

I say to both of the teens as I get on, moving to the farthest corner from Derek. My mom and Noah both slip on before the doors close, the former turning to me to continue her speech.

"I know you said that you're fine...but I know you're least let me get a wheel chair for you..."

"The only thing I want right now is my kids and a fresh pair of clothes, okay?"

I continue to ignore all of the faces on me as i watch the numbers above the doors. The only person not looking at me is Scott, who is look at Derek.

When the doors open, I bolt out and head for the door. I can hear every single one of them following me as I move.

"At least discharge! You have to do that!"

I sigh as I walk up to the desk, signing the paper and walking away. My mom keeps up with me as I move, the only one who does.

"At least let me drive you home...make sure that everything is actually fine..."

I exhale as I roll my eyes. Letting her lead me to her car.




Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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