Ch. 93: Trick or Treat!

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Nia's princess costume:

Angel's spider man costume:

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Angel's spider man costume:

After the shock of the costumes, the kids and I all get ready for trick or treating

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After the shock of the costumes, the kids and I all get ready for trick or treating. I decided to try and fit into the leather pants from the race for my planned Sandy from grease costume, finding that I can but not for much longer.

I curl my hair in a similar look to the movie before doing my make up with a vibrant red that matches my heels. My the time that I'm done, Nia rushes in. She twirls, showing me her dress as I clap. She walks over, eyeing my make up as I smile.

I pat the chair to my vanity, telling her to sit down as she hops on it in excitement. I choose light pinks in eyeshadows, a blush, and a lipstick as I softly apply them to her face. Smiles as she closes her eyes.

"All done!"

She opens her eyes, smiling wide as she sees her princess self. She jumps up, twirling again as she giggles. I watch her as I smile, putting everything away as Angel walks in. I had a talk with him this morning about last night, explaining everything I could and how I want it to be a secret right now.

"Can we go yet? I want candy!"

"We can in a moment. Be patient or we won't go at all."

I give him a look Ashe nods, walking out of my room. Nia follows him, rambling about her dress and all the candy she wants. I clear my throat as I look down at my small bump that is barely there, laying my hand on it as I look at the wall in worry.

Will it really turn out okay?


"Okay, monkeys...this is the last one!"

The kids and I walk up to the last door on our Halloween adventures, already having three bags full of candy. I ring the doorbell, waiting patiently with kids as Nia yawns. The door flies open, revealing a smiling man in his twenties. He looks at me in surprise before offering the kids a smile while holding out a bowl of candy.

"Hey, Spider-Man! Loved the movies! And who is this lovely princess you have with you? And is that Sandra dean I see behind you? I'm a huge fan!"

The kids laugh as I smile, all three of us holding out our bags. The kids insisted I trick or treat with them, not just in a costume but also with a bag. I personally think it's a ploy to get more candy...

"Where's Danny?"

He smirks at me as I throw on a fake smile, not in the mood to be hit on at all.

"In South America planning for our baby.."

He gulps as he steps back, dropping his smile as I roll my eyes. He looks at my stomach before nodding, smiling at me again.

"Congratulations! I'll be sure to send a gift..."

I give him a look before ushering the kids away, hearing him curse as he shuts his door. Nia turns and looks at me, a confused look on her face.

"Are you really having a baby?"

I look at her right as I notice the car up ahead. I walk faster as Angel answers for me.

"Yes but it's a secret. No one's supposed to know.."

"Ohhhh! Okay!"

She smiles as we get to the car, hoping in and buckling up as I shut the door for them. I get in the front, putting the car in drive before heading back to the apartment.


I help Nia take off her makeup and costume before getting them both in bed. I hide the candy in my room before I go to change, wanting out of this outfit now.

I see flashing lights coming from across the street, drawing my attention towards my balcony window. I step closer, seeing that it's coming from Derek's apartment. I look in confusion before I see a bunch of teens rushing into the building.

I roll my eyes as I step back, putting on my robe as I step over to my vanity. I sit, getting out my makeup removers and face cleansing wipes. I'm not planning on doing my whole skincare routine tonight, to tired and drained to put in the effort.

I close my eyes as I wipe my face down, getting all of the makeup off my skin. When I open my eyes, I see figures surrounding me. I watch them in the mirror as they stare at me with those soulless eyes. They're all dressed in black with only their glowing yellow green eyes showing. I stand, turning around fast as the move closer. I don't have a weapon on me so I throw out my claws, preparing to fight.


I hear a female voice as I look around, not seeing anyone or anything. I shake my head, when I see nothing but the threat before me. I hiss as one gets closer, letting it know to back off. It draws a blade, getting into position to strike as the voice sounds again.

Don't attack! Let them test you...

I don't know why I listened to the voice but I drop my hands, letting my claws retract as one of the step closer. It grabs me my head, forcing me to look into its eyes as I gasp. I feel an unbelievably cold feeling as I fall to the ground, feeling paralyzed.

I drift in and out of reality as I hear a scream come from the kids' room. I try to tell myself to get up, but I can't. I'm stuck to the ground, forced to lay there as my kids scream for me in the other room.

Suddenly a sharp pain comes from my ankle, drawing me back to reality as I look down. Onyx sits there looking at me as I sit up, feeling my head spin as I force myself to move. I get to the kids room, finding Nia crying over a paralyzed Angel. I don't see any of the figures around as I rush forward, grabbing him and pinching his side.

I don't want to hurt him but it's the only way I know how to bring him back. He gasps as he sits up, looking around as I pull him and Nia into a hug. They're both crying as I see a burn on the back of Angel's ear, in the shape of a five or something.

It looks familiar...

"Can we sleep in your room, mommy? I'm scared..."

"Yes, sweetie."

I hold them closer as I release a breath, feeling like it's the calm before a storm.




How is it?

Please comment and tell me how I'm doing or just to make a joke! I laugh at almost all of them...

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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