Ch. 54: Birthday Girl

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"Are you sure this is okay? I can pay you or we can go somewhere else..."

"Oh! Stop! I love that we can do this for you!"

Natalie is setting out dishes of different appetizers for the guests to snack off of. Lydia is in the back yard, setting up for the party as Angel and Nia both change upstairs. Mom is picking up Ms. Pearl, who had to do a few more things before coming. She made a chocolate cake for Nia, one with extra chocolate.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!" She laughs as she takes a player of cheese sticks out of the fridge. "Now go change! We have guests arriving already."

I nod and rush upstairs. I just have a black bikini top and shorts that I'm wearing, not wanting to go Al out for a child's birthday party. Lydia also invited a few of her friends so she wouldn't be the only teen, other than Scott and Stiles...who still haven't shown up...

I hear voices coming from the kitchen as I walk down the stairs. I walk in, seeing my mom, Ms. Pearl, Natalie, and Nia all talking and laughing.

"Hey there, birthday girl!"

I call as walk up behind her, giving her a hug and a kiss on her head. She giggles as everyone watches us.

"Mama! You've been with me all day!"

"I know..."

I smirk at her as I tickle her a little. She giggles more before I stop, walking around everyone and giving my mom a hug.

"Hi, mom! How have y'a been the last few days?"


She smiles at me just as a group of little kids come in the room, holding gifts. I smile at them as I take each one, setting them on the gift table. Nia hugs them before running off, her friends right behind her.

"She's something else, huh?"



I'm currently sun bathing as the kids play Marco Polo. About twelve kids showed up, more than I was expecting but enough to make Nia happy. Angel is it, feeling around for any who are near. Ms. Pearl is in the kitchen, preparing the cake with Natalie. My mom and Lydia are over by the bar, refilling drinks.

I see Stiles walk in, holding a very large gift as he walks towards me. I Give him a confused look as he stops in front of me.

"That can go inside..."

"Okay! Oh! By the way, my dad can't make" I nod as he continues. "But he sent a gift and said to tell you that he would love to take the kids fishing next week..."


"Oh! And Scott's out front...talking t  on someone..."

My confusion returns as he walks away. I stand, walking to Lydia and my mom.

"Hey...could you both keep an eye on everyone? I have to go get something out of my car..."



I smile before rushing away. I walk through the gate, not wanting to let anymore air conditioning out then needed. As I walk around the wall, I see Scott talking to Derek.


They stop and turn towards me as I approach. I give them a confused look as I meet them at Stiles' jeep.

"Ana...hey Deaton has to take care of the clinic tonight but sent the presents with me..."

I smile as I take the small one from him, already knowing that it's a book about different herbs that Deaton has had. Derek is still looking at me as I look at my brother.

"And the other one?"

He smiles before reaching into the jeep and pulls out a solid black fuzz ball with a pink ribbon tied around its neck.


I grab the kitten, snuggling it as Scott explains it's existence.

"It's part of a litter that was found in the woods. Deaton picked out that one in particular for Nia...said something about it's energy matching hers..."

I laugh as I continue to love on the tiny kitty. I see Derek watching me with gentle eyes, his hands in his pockets. I smile at him before looking back at the kitten.

"Why don't you go ask Natalie where we can stash it away? It's the big present so I want it to be a surprise..."

Scott nods before looking at Derek and walking away. I watch him, rubbing the back of the purring cat's head. I look back at the cat, smiling as I love on it.

"What're you doing here?"

I ask as I keep my eyes on the creature in my arms. He clears his throat as he shuffles his feet.

"Well...I never got to give you your birthday present...I thought I would give it to you today..."

" came to my daughter's birthday party, that's at a person's house by the way, just to give me a present that you didn't give me two months ago?"

He reaches into his pocket, pulling out  a gold chain. He holds it up, showing me a simple, yet beautiful, solid gold star necklace. I smile as he asks me with his arms if he could put it on for me.

I nod and he steps behind me, gently brushing my hair out of his way. He slips it around my neck and silently clasps it. He hesitates as he touches my neck and shoulder, softly caressing it as he pulls away.

I feel myself exhale as he drops my hair, moving in front of me. He smiles at me as he rubs the back of his neck.

"I like your tattoos..."


Just then, Scott comes back, talking to Natalie as she walks with him. She smiles as she sees us.

"Oh! Is that the baby?"

I nod as she gently takes it from me, cuddling it as she rubs its ears.

"How adorable! I'll slip it into my bathroom upstairs, make it a little pallet and give it a bowl of water and some of Prada's soft food from the pantry..."

She walks away, still talking as she carries the kitten inside. I turn back to Derek, Scott right beside me.

"Would you like to come inside? We're having cake and ice cream soon..."

" I have to go, actually..."

I nod as I smile, going to turn away. Scott is giving us confused looks as I go to walk away.

"It was great seeing you, Derek...thanks for the necklace...."

"N-no problem..."



These are Anastasia's tattoos:

Any name ideas for the kitten?

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Any name ideas for the kitten?

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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