Ch. 63: Derek's Sixteenth

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I feel a little body run into me as soon as I walk into the beautiful house. I laugh as I hug Cora before pulling away, ruffling her hair as I do. She giggles before running off, stomping on Peter's foot as she does.

I hold back my laughter as he yells out in pain and Talia scolds Cora. I turn to her and give her a hug right as she's done. She smiles at me as soon as we pull apart.

"Anastasia! How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

He smile widens as she squeezed my arm before stepping away.

"Better because of you!"

She disappears around the corner as I watch her in confusion. Peter taps my shoulder, drawing my attention away from his sister.

"You look lovely, Anastasia..."


I give him a confused look as he smiles at me. Derek rushes down the stairs, skipping the last five and landing beside me. I jump back and laugh as he smiles at me.

What's with the smiling?

"'Stasia! Glad you could make it! You ready for tonight?"

"Uh...yeah! It's not every day when you're best friend turns sixteen!"

His smile falters for a Millisecond before he recovers. I curse myself inside as I hold my smile. He grabs my hand, causing my heart to pick up. I curse myself again as I try to calm myself down.

You're in a house filled with werewolves. Cool it.

"Come on! I want to show you something!"

Derek leads me upstairs, a big smile on his face. I look back down the stairs as I'm dragged up them, seeing Tatia and Eli, Derek's Dad, watch us with a knowing look. I gulp as I turn forward, my eyes wide.

Derek swings open his bedroom door, letting go of my hand as he plops down on his bed. I tuck my now cold hand into my pocket as brush my hair behind my ear with my other hand.

I walk over and gently sit at his desk chair, watching him as he grabs a bag. He reaches in, smiling at me as he waits for me to be paying attention. I smile as he pulls out a black jacket.

I gasp as I reach out, grabbing the jacket and feeling the leather. He smiles as he walks he explains the history behind it.

"My dad gave it to me....he said that it was his when he was younger and kept it in good condition just for me...."

I hold out the leather jacket, looking at it as I admire it. Derek watches me, a small smile on his face as he sits back. I get my feel of it before tossing at him. He catches it, laughing as he holds it up.

"Try it on! Let's see how it looks!"

He smiles as he stands, putting it on before doing a little runway walk while posing. I laugh as he continues, making me snort. I cover my mouth, hiding away as his head snaps to me.

"Did you just snort?"

I shake my head as he nods, moving closer with a smile on his face.

"Do it again..."

I shake my head again as he tries to tickle me. I hold my finger up, telling him no as he stops. He holds up his hands and backs up. I giggle again as he plops down on his bed.

"Oh! Your present!"

I reach into the pocket on my leather jacket, pulling out a small box. I hesitate before handing it over to him. He grabs it and opens it, pulling out a black beaded bracelet with one singular pearl. They're all small, not even the size of a pea, but came together so beautifully.

"I know it's not much...but I did make it myself! Spent hours just trying to get the little beads in the right place before I could even tie it off..."

"It's perfect..."

He slips it back into the box as I stand, stretching as I yawn a little. I was up late last night training with Eli and Deaton, perfecting each strike of my hands. Derek doesn't know that.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah...up late last night..."


I nod, listening to my own heart beat steady. I'm not technically lying. I was up studying, but not what he thinks.

"Well...let's head out back...I bet the fire's ready..."

I nod as I follow him out the door.


Music plays from the back door as people of all ages enjoy themselves. Kids run around with sparklers, teens are dancing or watching the fire, while the adults enjoy conversations with old friends and family.

About fifty people are here, some from the pack and family, others friends from all social groups. I'm stood next to Lexi as she talks about something that happened with Tucker.

"He's just such a dick sometimes!?"

I see him across the fire, kissing one of Derek's cousins from his Dads side. I grab Lexi's arm, keeping her eyes on me as she goes to look where I'm looking.

Dezi rushes up, grabbing her arm and dragging her off to dance. I watch them go before looking back over at the asshole, seeing him watch her rush off.

I feel arms wrap around me, picking me up as I scream. I hear Derek's laughter as I hit his arm. He sets me down but doesn't remove his arms. I look at him as he smiles at me.

"You scared me!?"

"Sorry, 'Stasia...I thought it was funny..."

I roll my eyes as he tickles my side, making me laugh. I push his arms away and cross my arms, play glaring at him. He drapes his arm around my shoulder before guiding me away from the fire and party.

"Come on..."

As we walk, I hear an older couple talking. I recognize one of them as Derek's Aunt, his dad's oldest sister. She lives with them and helps with the cooking and gardening.

"Are they dating yet?"

"No, Frank."

"Well...they're definitely in love..."

"I know."



Flashback chapter!

I realized that I haven't done a flashback in a while and decided to do one.....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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