Ch. 77: Recital

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I hear a scream as I'm walking back to my class after helping with the choir class. I run, making my way to where it came from. When I get there, I see Lydia staring at a bored with a familiar symbol. I've seen it one of my books...

Someone pushes past me, walking in. Ms. Blake checks on Lydia as I stare at the two on the bored. I look back at Ms. Blake, giving her a nod before I walk out. I head to the office, stopping by to o tell them what happened.


After they decided not to call the police, I pulled out my phone and texted Noah.

A: another teacher didn't show up for class...the school decided not to call the police but with recent events I decided that they could be wrong and thought I would let you know...

N: thanks...I'll need more information but I definitely will take it as a lead...

A: you're welcome. Are you coming to the recital tonight?

N: i might not make it...I've got the fbi here and they seem to be all work.

A: use it as an excuse to monitor the school....most victims had something to do with it anyways

N: how do you know that?

A: because your son talks loud...I'll call you later. I have to go. Love you!

N: love you too, kid

I smile at my phone before continuing to my car. I get in, driving back to my apartment. Nia and Angel are having a sleepover at Jasper's with Jack. Jack's cousin is in town and she's the same age as Nia so it works out.

Jasper also said not to worry about her leg because, and I quote, 'I am a doctor who specializes in broken child bones' which was one of the weirdest sentences I've ever heard...and that's staying something.

I get my apartment, heading straight to my room where I organized all my books. I find the one with the same symbol on the cover, imprinted into the old leather. I check the time, seeing that I have an hour before I have to get back to the school.

I sit down, grabbing a pen and paper and getting to work.


This makes so much sense....

I grab my go bag, slinging it over my shoulder as I grab my notes and putting them in the side pocket. I do a few touch ups on my hair and makeup before walking out the door. I put my bag in the backseat before starting up the car and driving to the school.


I smile at a few people that come in the door, taking a paper from me. I see Scott standing by the entrance, keeping an eye on me as I watch people take their seats. As recital starts, I move towards the back of the room. I lean against the wall, watching as the freshman sit down.


By the time that the seniors come on, both the orchestra and the band, everyone is comfortable and watching in a daze. I see Scott and Stiles rush off as the students on stage start to play a familiar melody.

I feel a sickening feeling coming from my chest as I hear a scream from the school. I dash out, heading for the origin of the scream as people pay attention to the stage. I rush down the hall in what feels like slow motion as I hear a growl. I reach the classroom, seeing Scott and Stiles staring out a broken window.

"What happened?!"

They both turn to me as I turn to Lydia, seeing her crying with a small rope around her neck and duct tape around her wrists and ankles. I rush to her, pulling out a knife and cutting the rope before moving to the tape. She gasps for breath as I look at her, asking her questions as Stiles stares out the window. Scott transforms back, moving towards us as he checks on Lydia.

"Lydia? Can you hear me? Are you okay?"

She breathes through the tears, allowing me to cut her loose as Scott rips her ankles free. She hugs me as soon as she's free, crying as I drop the knife and rub her back in comfort.

My phone rings, breaking the silence as I break away to answer it. I furrow my brows as I see Jasper's name. I answer it, putting it up to my ear as I speak.


"Ana! Thank god! I c-can't find Nia or Angel! One moment, they're playing in the living room. The next I'm swatting away a moth as I walk into a silent room. Jack and Kelsey are both with me and they don't know where they went, either..."

"Okay...keep an eye's not your fault. We just need to find them...."

"Okay..I already called the police but they said that there's no much they can do about it...with all the murders Ms everything..."

"Just check everywhere...I'll do the same."


He hangs up as I glare at the wall, feeling my blood turn to ice as I stare at the name tag on the desk.


After dressing for war, I let the currents guide me to the place I need to go. I end up at the hospital, seeing it almost abandoned. I rush up the stairs seeing Peter, Scott, Stiles, and
Derek all standing together as they fight the conjoined twins down the hall.

Derek and them rush through the halls as they try to get away from the twins. I grab my bow, notching an electrical arrow. I aim, firing as it lodges into their back. They howl as sparks fly, causing them to separate and drop to the ground.

I rush forward, rushing past them and after the group of men. I crash through double doors, sensing an attack coming from my left. I roll out of the way as the wooden bat hits a metal table, splitting into pieces.

I glare at Stiles as he looks at me in surprise. Derek grabs Stiles, pulling him along as we move farther away from the twins.



Are y'all ready?

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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