Ch. 58: Biggest Threat

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"Mom. I said I'm fine."

"I know but I have to make sure."

We just got back to my apartment, mom carrying a kit she brought with her. I don't see the kids anywhere, making me freak out a little.

"Where are the kids?"

"At Ms. Pearls with Onyx. I figured it'd be easier if they stay down there until you're ready for them."

"I told you. I'm fine."

"If you're fine, let me see it."




She crosses her arms as she looks at me.


I exhale as I look around. I guess if I can trust anyone, it'll be my mom.

"Okay...but first, I need to explain something to you. Something that you can not say to anyone else, even Scott..."

She looks at me in worry before nodding. I walk to my room, grabbing a pair of running shorts and a tank top. I change fast before walking back to my mom.

"Okay...I know about Scott..."


She laughs as she looks at me. I stare her down as I continue.

"I have known, even before he did."


"I'm not human."

She looks at me in astonishment as she soaks in my words. I grab two mugs, making us both a pot of coffee as I continue.

"I'm something they call a 'puma' or 'cougar'. It's a very rare shifter that is only ever passed down genetically..."

"Wait...y-you know?"

"I have since I was fourteen..."


"Those who are born usually shift around the time of puberty. It lines up with hormonal changes and blends right in from an outside perspective..."

"B-but how do you know? And how did I not know about the other thing?"

"Tatia Hale, Derek's mother, knew before I did and helped me get control. She was friends with my birth mother and even promised her to watch over me before she passed."

I make my mom's cup and give it to her before making mine and sitting down. I take a sip as she looks at me.

"Part of the reason I left was because I received a letter from my birth mom. It was dated back to when I was about two, she explained everything and left the information for a bank account that she left for me. I was confused and heartbroken by other things and saw it as an opportunity to get away from it all. I used my time abroad to learn about the supernatural world and how it works."


I reach down and grab the bandage, ripping it off and showing my mom my clear skin.

"It healed before I even woke up. It didn't heal earlier because no one removed the glass. They did that and more in my surgery...and I bet it only took minutes to heal after they put the bandage on..."

"'re a cat?"

I laugh as I see her confused, yet still shocked, face. I stop as I take a sip, preparing for what I have to say next.

"You can't tell anyone, Mom."


"Because knowing what I am...I am the biggest threat to everyone around me."

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