Ch. 98: Electric Shock

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After telling the kids to stay in the stairwell, I rush out onto the rooftop with a worried look clear on my face. Both Scott and Derek are rushing around, looking for anything as I make my way towards the center of the roof. Scott notices something as Derek walks up to him, looking at the same spot.

Scott hops up on a platform, looking back as he reaches up onto another small roof over a fence. Metal clinks as he throws a bag onto the platform beside him, miscellaneous objects falling out as we all look at each other.

We collectively look around as I feel my breathing become heavy, anxiety and worry sinking in. I take a deep breath to calm myself as both boys see a sparking wire above us. Right then, a deafening scream hits my ears from somewhere else. I look out into the night as I hold my ears, knowing exactly who it's coming from.


Both boys look at me in confusion as I gulp, still looking out into the night. Derek gently takes my hand, squeezing it in comfort before guiding me towards the door. I hear crackling behind us, coming from the generator as I stop. Derek does the same as he looks at me in question, worry clear on his face.

"Something's wrong..."

Just then, a bang is heard behind me as Derek grabs me, covering my body with his own as sparks fly everywhere. We all look back, seeing beams of nothing but sparks and embers shoots up into the air as the generator blows. A cord gets knocked loose as we all watch, unable to do anything to help.

Derek covers my body more as I gulp, gripping his arm tight. My heartbeat is through the roof as my breathing picks up more. My other hand subconsciously rest's on my stomach, guarding it from the potential threat before us.

It whips around in the air, as if dancing the dangerous dance before us. Derek's grip on me tightens as a flare of sparks fly towards us, hitting the ground by our feet. He moves us towards the door as Scott gasp's out in pain, gripping his arm as he rushes to follow us.

I gasp and grip Derek's arm as I watch the large cord fly into the air, landing down in the parking lot. I push past both males as I rush towards the edge, watching helplessly as an ambulance crashes. Water sprays everywhere, coating the cement in a large puddle just before the cord lands in the water, causing the liquid to ignite into sparks as people rush to get closer.

Kira starts to yell at people to get back as I see Isaac and Alison step closer. The driver of the ambulance gets out, stepping right into the water before being electrocuted. Alison goes to help but is pushed out of the way by Isaac, causing him to stumble into the water.


I feel arms grab me as I reach out into the night, watching helplessly as Isaac falls to the ground. I push the arms off of me, turning and running back towards the door. Both males go to follow me but stop when I turn, facing the edge of the roof.

"Ana...what are you doing?"

I ignore my brother as I take a deep breath, rushing full speed towards the edge. I hear them both calling for me as I jump, twisting in the air before landing on the roof of the ambulance. I look around, seeing everyone looking at the water and not at me. Studying the scene, I see a few more people drop before they realize what's happening.

I see Kira hopping over a car and flipping into the water, landing perfectly before standing. I leave her to deal with the electrical problem as I maneuver myself into the ambulance, grabbing everything you would need after something like this happens.

I hear screaming as I grab a syringe, filling it with a large amount of Amiodarone before opening the back doors. I push the stretcher out, looking around as people rush to help those who need it. I push the stretcher towards where Isaac is, the syringe still in my hand as people push past me.

"Scott!? He's not breathing!?"

I pick up my pace as I hear Derek's voice, making my worry sky rocket. I leave the bed by a car as I rush forward, crouching down beside Derek and Isaac. I tear his sleeve, getting access to his arm as Derek watches me. I find the vein before sticking the needle in, pushing the medication into his body.

I listen out for his heartbeat, not finding one as I start compressions. Scott rushes over, bending down beside us as he looks at Isaac in worry. Doctors and nurses fill the parking lot as I continue pushing on his chest, a determined look on my face.

"Come on...come on..."

I hear his heart beat as I exhale, relaxing a little as I lean back. A team of medical professionals rush over, grabbing the stretcher that I brought over and hauling the young werewolf away. I start to follow them, standing up fast as I feel a hand grab my wrist.

"Why did you do that?!"

I turn to see an angry Derek looking at me with a tight jaw. I glare back as I rip my wrist away, crossing my arms as I look at him.

"Do what?"

"You know what...were you trying to get yourself killed?!"

"I didn't, did I? I'm still standing and breathing and so is Isaac...isn't that all that matters?"

I go to leave as he grabs my wrist again, pulling me back as he looks me over. I glare at him, expecting another remark about how reckless I was as his jaw stays tight. Scott and Alison have both already went inside, rushing to check on Isaac as I continue to stand out here with the designated sour wolf.

"Are you okay?"

I look back up at Derek, my whole body softening as his eyes meet mine. His dark greens swim in worry as I sigh, moving closer as I cup his face. I smile up at him as he relaxes a little.

"I'm completely fine...I'm not fragile, okay? I won't break from jumping off one building..."

I smirk as he sighs, smiling down at me as he wraps his arms around my waist. My smirk turns into a small smile as he leans down, bringing me into a kiss before pulling away. I rub his cheek before moving back, holding out my hand for him to grab.

"Let's go check on him, okay?"


He grabs my hand, allowing me to lead him towards the building.




I made an announcement about this but....

My mom suffered from a stroke this last week and is unable to move her right side. Due to this, I don't know when I will be able to update this or my other stories and works.

I'm so sorry and ask that you be patient with me as I go through the next few months.

Please take care of yourselves

-the author

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