Ch. 11: Idiots

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"Angel!? We have to go!?"

I call out as I gather up all of my things and grab a banana and granola bar for each of us to eat on the way. He's getting ready in his room as I throw together a bad excuse for breakfast.

"Angel?!" I yell out when he doesn't come or answer me.


He comes out, trying to hide his face from me. I grab his chin, pulling it up to see that he has a bruise on his cheek that is almost healed.

"What happened?" I ask, worry dripping from my lips.

"Nothing. I fell." He pushes my hand away and grabs his backpack, heading for the door.

I grab everything else and follow him, wanting to find out exactly what happened. I reach out and grab his hand when we get to the elevator. He shakes me off, getting on when the door opens.

I follow suit, watching him as he pushes the button to the bottom floor. He keeps watching the doors, not looking at me as I try and figure out what's wrong.


I'm sitting in my classroom, eating my lunch when a knock sounds at the door. I look up, finding Nina smiling as she holds up her lunch.

"Can I eat with you? I'll split my cookie."

"Sure." I smile as I shake my head, finding enjoyment in her excitement. "What kind of cookie is it?"

"A chocolate fudge cookie... my mom made some and gave me a dozen."

"I have a peanut butter one."

"Ooh I haven't had one of those in years."

"Wanna switch? I have more at home..."

"Hell yeah!" She laughs as she gives me her cookie, taking mine in the process. "Did you hear about what happened the other night?"

"What?" I ask as I eat my quesadillas. Angel made me them for lunch. He was awake before me again...

"The mountain lion at the school..."

"Yeah I was there when they shot it..." I take a sip of my water, washing down my food.

"Can you believe it? I about died when I saw it... I hoped in my car and took off.."

I take another bite as she goes on and on about the mountain lion and how she was about five feet away at one point. I listen and nod, letting her talk as I eat.

"Thanks for eating with me, I have to go..."

"No worries.. see you later."

"Bye!" She walks out the door as I shake my head, eating my delicious cookie.


"Okay, class, does everyone have they're projects?"

I see Issac with his head down, avoiding eye contact.


"Uh-I forgot it at home..."

I can see a black eye and a cut on his cheek. I send him a strained smile as I try and think of a way to help him.

"That's okay, just work on something."

"Ms. McCall?"

"Yes, Mr. Greenberg?"

"I was wandering where you got your skirt from? It's very...peachy"

"Greenberg. Watch yourself." I send him a glare as his friends all laugh, making jokes with him.

I shake my head as I move back to my desk, unamused by the jokes being thrown.



I'm walking to my car, needing to grab something out of there, when I see Scott and Stiles walking towards the practice field with equipment.

I know that coach is in class, so they shouldn't be out here. I narrow my eyes as I follow them, staying out of sight. I see stiles hand Scott something, telling him something as does. I watch as Scott puts it on, listening to Stiles as he talks.

After that, stiles pulls out duct tape. Scott puts his hands behind his back, letting Stiles duct tape them. I narrow my eyes as I watch them, confused.

Stiles grabs a bag of balls, dumping them on the ground. He grabs a lacrosse stick, tossing and throwing balls at Scott. I laugh as I watch the idiots on the field, doing whatever they're doing. I notice Scott's heartbeat picking up as he starts to get angry.

I see Jackson behind the stands, watching as my brother starts to transition. I walk over to him, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Mr. Whittemore? What're you doing?"

"Ms. McCall...I have a free period..."

"Shouldn't you be using it to study...with the grade you have in my class..." I narrow my eyes as I talk, emphasizing my point.


"Good. Go."

He leaves as I turn back to the field, seeing Scott and Stiles gathering everything to leave.



I'm sat in my classroom, grading papers. It's well past dark, everyone gone except me. I know that Angel's okay, staying the night with a knew friend he made at school. I enrolled him the other day after I got the okay to be his foster mom.

I hear footsteps outside my room, two to be exact. I slip out of my room, heading for the office as I hear the speaker turn on. The sound of dying cat comes over the intercom. I stop and shake my head, realizing what's happening.

"You've got be kidding me.." I mumble to myself as I shake my head. "Idiots."

I turn and head back to my room, grabbing my emergency bag. Just as I'm opening the door, a deep growl is heard over the intercom. The doors and lockers start to shake as it happens. I grab my bag and shut off the light, going into the back of my classroom to open my secret compartment. I grab a set of daggers and a few flash bangs and put them into my bag. I grab my gun and put the silencer on it. I load it and grab a few extra rounds, wanting to be prepared.

I put it in its holster, concealing it from sight. I close my bag and act as if I'm leaving for the night, heading for the door.

Time see what these idiots are doing...



Shorter than normal...but I'm working it!

Drink water!!!!!!!

-the author

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