Ch. 59: Almost Died

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I'm walking into the the library, heading for Nina's desk to give her a batch of cookies. I'm purposely walking with limp to play that I'm still hurt as I pass students. I hear people talking in one of the side rooms, causing me to stop and peek in.

I see Scott and Derek facing me with Alison and Lydia right and front of them. Stiles is sitting at a table not far from them. I listen in as they talk.

"These two? This one...who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle, thank you by the way....and this one...who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack."


" one died."

No stiles...

I shake my head as he continues on. I look behind me and see a few students looking at me. I smile and wave before turning back around.

"My mother died."

"Your Family's little honor code killed your mother, not me."

That's true...

"The girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you..."

"Wanna help? Find something real."

I step in as I see him leaving.

"What're you all doing in here?"

They all turn to me, surprised to see me. I look at Derek confused before turning to the rest.

"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home, resting?"

I look at Scott, rolling my eyes as I cross my arms. I see Derek looking at me, his face blank.

"I am fine."

"You almost died. Literally."

Stiles is looking at me with an exasperated look as I cross my arms.

"Ah! But I didn't!"

"Yeah! But you almost did!"

"That's besides the point...what're you all doing in here?"

"We we're just working on a project..."

"On the second day of school? With a twenty four year old?"

They all look around, their eyes drifting towards Derek and I every once in a while.

"It's related..."

Stiles tries to save it as I shake my head.

"Then keep it off school time. Derek, can I talk to you?"

He nods as I follow him outside. I see all four teens looking at us with a strange look as I move.

"I wanted to apologize for last must have been the pain pills..."

Even I don't believe my excuse, but I have to use it because if I don't...

"Don't worry about're really feeling? I noticed you were limping..."

"I feel as amazing as someone who just got stabbed in the leg is supposed to feel."

I smile, showing all my teeth as he looks down. I hear a chuckle ring through his chest as he smiles. I hear the door open behind us, revealing a concerned Scott.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I swear if another person asks me that..."

I scoff as I walk around him, heading back inside. I glance behind me, seeing Scott glaring at Derek who's watching me leave.



I look up from what I'm doing, looking towards my open door to see Noah standing there, an exasperated look on his face. I look out towards my students, who're looking at me in confusion. I smile as I stand, limping to the door.

"Go back to's just a family member checking in on me..."

Some nod while others watch me walk out the door. I turn to Noah, my smile dropping as soon as I see his worried eyes.


"Why're you here? You should be at home, resting."

He sounds like a concerned, yet angry, father who's tired of his child's life choices. I smile and cross my arms, mimicking his stance.

"As I've said many, many times, I'm fine. Okay. Fabulous. Never been better. I could even run a 5k marathon right now if I wanted too..."


Uh-oh....if he's using the full name...there's a problem.....

"You almost you know how scary that was for everyone?"

My smile drops as his anger dissolves away, revealing his true despair. I glance around, not seeing anyone as he continues.

"Your students were crying...saying that you were dead...your face was as white as paper..." he takes a breath, gathering the strength to carry out his sentence. "I thought I was going to loose're the closest thing to a daughter that I have...hell you are my daughter..."

I pull him into a hug, cutting him off as I rest my head on his shoulder. He exhales, tightening the hug before stepping away. I smile at him as he subtly wipes away a tear.

"I love you too, are a better dad than Raph...."

He smiles before clearing his throat, looking down as he scratches the back of his neck. I look around again, not seeing anyone but feeling eyes on me.

"I should get going...there's a missing teen to find..."

"H-have you heard anything about Boyd and Erika?"

He sighs again, looking at me with a pained look.

"I couldn't tell you even if I did..."

That's a no...

"Okay...bye Noah..."

"Bye, sport..."

I smile at hearing my old nickname come out of his lips. He used to come to all of my games and called me it when some other dad was being sexist to the girls on the team. Noah called him out on it then proceeded to call me sport in front of him and ask me if I want some ice cream.

He really was a better dad to me than anyone....

I clear my throat, turning around just to see Ms. Blake standing there. She has a smile on her face, but I still have a sickening feeling when she's around.

"Was that your Dad?"

"Yeah...he was just worried after yesterday..."

"I bet! How're you feeling after it? I heard you had quite the scare!"

I'm really getting tired of that sentence...

"It wasn't as bad as people made it to be...what about you? Our rooms are right next to each other and yours was disrupted as well...I heard you had glass in your neck..."

Lie but I wanted the pressure off me....

"What? No! I didn't get but a few scratches!" She waves me off, laughing a little as she does. "I did have a feather in my hair, though...."

I laugh as I turn, going towards my classroom.

"I should get back...a room full of sixteen year olds..."

"Right! Me too!"

She sends me one of those smiles again as she turns away, heading for her classroom.



A sweet father/daughter moment between Noah and Ana!!!!

I honestly think that if he had a daughter, he would be like that with her....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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