Ch. 88: Court Date

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I get up, get the kids ready and take them out for breakfast at their favorite place. Since today is our court date, I thought it would be okay to keep them out all day instead of going for two hours or so. I requested off last week, giving myself and everyone enough time to prepare.

After breakfast, we go to the park for an hour before heading back to the apartment to prepare for court. Nia chose a beautiful pink sundress to wear while Angel chose a nice button down shirt and slacks. Nia convinced me to where a dress and Angel wanted me to wear his favorite color, so I compromised. They both wanted to look their best, which we all did as we walk into the court house.


I see Dezi and Lexi both walking up to me, big smiles on their faces. I see Roxy walking closer, a small baby in her arms and a toddler waddling beside her. She was the god mother to Sean and Jessica's baby so after the kanima killed them, she got custody and is in the process of fully adopting her.


I hug all three of them, kissing the babies foreheads as I pass them. Nia and Angel do the same as we all wait for everyone else to show up. I feel a flutter in my stomach as I smell the lunch of someone walking by. I throw on a smile as I look at my friends.

"I really need to use the restroom....would one of you be willing to watch them until I get back? It will just be a moment..."

"You don't even have to know we will. Now go before you pee yourself."

I smile at Lexi before rushing off.


I wipe my mouth after I rinsed it out, digging in my purse for a mint. I hear the door open behind me, causing me to look up and see a familiar face. I smile as I turn, facing her fully.

"Hey, Mom! You made it!"

"Of course I did! Though I wasn't expecting to run into you in the bathroom..."

"Yeah...I'll see you out there, okay?"

"Yep..." she looks at me for a moment, her face in a calculated look. "Were you just throwing up? Why is your face pale?"

"Uh....I'm fine. Just nervous...."

I let out forced giggles as I wipe my forehead of the sweat. She gives me her 'I don't believe you' look before smiling and patting my shoulder.

"Why should you be nervous? Those kids love you and your a perfect mother...they would be stupid to deny this family from being together..."

She brushes my hair behind my ear as she gives me a thoughtful look, showing her support. I nod and hug her, squeezing her tight before pulling away.

"Thanks, mom..."

"No go, I came in here for a reason and you have kids out there..."

I laugh before nodding, turning and walking out the door.


"Ms. McCall...there is one last question I want to ask before we continue with the proceedings..."

I look up at the judge, Nia and Angel both beside me on the bench as we listen to the old man speak. My mom, Scott, Noah, Ms. Pearl and Stiles are all on the bench behind us, showing unconditional support. Lexi and Roxy are in the row behind them, big smiles on their faces, and Dezi sits on my other side as my legal counsel.

I know that she really doesn't need to be here for this, but I needed the support and she understood. I feel a hand grab mine as I wait for the jjudge to continue. I look down, seeing Angel's hand holding onto my own. I grip it back as I smile, focusing back on the judge.

"You're a teacher, correct? And you're a single parent living alone with these two, right?"

"Yes, your honor..."

"Don't take this the wrong way because I have complete administration for you...but how do you expect to provide for them with the salary you are currently making?"

"I have a sun total of $87,987,975 in a trust fund that I inherited from my deceased birth mother. I plan on putting a portion of it into two separate trust funds for both Petunia and Angel so they wouldn't have to worry about the future. I teach because I love to teach, not because of the money."

"I'm sorry for your loss..." that's okay, I didn't know her.. "I just have one more question, okay?"

I nod as I put my other hand on top of Angel and I's connected hands. I glance over, seeing Nia gripping his other hand as she looks up at the judge with her big brown eyes. I smile before looking back up at the man who decides my fate.

"Do you agree to adopt these kids as your own and create a family?"

"Yes, your honor."

I smile as I look back at the kids, seeing them both smiling at me. The judge smiles before turning to the kids. The kids both sit up strait as they throw on big, shining smiles.

"Mr. Angel Hector-Juanito you accept Miss Anastasia McCall as your parent and guardian?"

"Yes, sir..."

He smiles up at the judge as he grips my hand hard. The judge smiles back before turning to Nia. Her smile widens as she brushes down her dress.

"Miss Petunia Rose King, do you accept Miss Anastasia McCall as your new mommy?"


She almost yells, causing people around us to laugh to themselves as the judge laughs himself. I smile as I look at her, taking in her happiness gratefully. The judge turns to the audience, a large smile on his face as he speaks.

"Well! Then by the power vested in me by the state of California, I pronounce you a family!"

I cheer as I bring my kids in for a hug, loving it as they wrap their small arms around my waist. I'm almost crying as I kiss both of they're heads, pulling away and discreetly wiping my eyes as I turn towards the guard who is smiling while holding a camera.

"Do you want to take a picture with the judge?"

"Yes, please..."

I smile as we make our way to the stand, standing to pose for the photo. Nia yells out before we can complete the photo, looking at the second row of people.

"They need to come and get in it, too! That's Nana Mel and Nana Pearl and uncle Scott and Papa Noah and uncle stiles!"

We all laugh as they stand, walking over to get in the photo. Angel and Nia both stand in front of me as the boys get on either side. My mom and Noah stand by they're respected sons and Ms. Pearl by my mom as we all smile, facing the camera.

The lights flash right as I notice someone sitting in the back row, a hard frown on his face. He sits there, watching us as he rubs his chin. I look away from my father as I see him look down at the ground, rubbing his eyes before looking back up.

What is he doing here?



A little bit of an instant family reference here....

If you haven't watched it, please do so because it is amazing!

Don't forget to drink water!!!!!!

-the Author

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