Ch. 75: Paige pt. 2

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I sit under a tree, reading a book when I feel eyes on me. I glance up, seeing Derek glance away. I roll my eyes as I go back to reading. I notice a certain over age Hale walking towards the one that I'm currently ignoring, blending in with the teenagers perfectly.

I go back to my book, ignoring them. I hear my name, causing me to look up. I see Derek standing as Peter eats his lunch. My eyes narrow as I watch them closely.

"They don't have to find out..."

"But they always do. Especially when they're perfect for you...." Peter takes another bite as he watches Derek. "I don't have to worry to much about two are on the outs."

Derek glances over at me, making eye contact for a split second before I look down, acting as if I'm reading my book. I can feel his eyes on me as I look at the words and letters on the page.

"At least you have Paige, right!"

"'Stasia and I are fine..."

"Are you?"

I feel his eyes on me as he listens to his uncle speak. I keep my eyes on the pages in my hands, ignoring the two males across the yard. Someone plops down next to me, tossing they're arm around my neck.

"Hey! What's up, Kobe?"

"Hey, Tucker..."

I smile at him as he starts to ramble about something that happened at swim practice as I focus in on the conversation that is centered around me, well...partly.

"Oh, look! It seems that you may have been sad..."

I giggle a little as Tucker laughs at something he said, nodding as he continues to ramble. I glance back at Derek, seeing him glaring at Tucker as he clutches his fist. I turn back to Tucker, smiling again as I close my book.

" was bound to happen...." Peter eats another cookie as he looks at Derek, a bored look on his face. "Especially when Paige come into the picture...well...until you loose her too..."

"I won't."

"There's really only one way to make sure that you'll always be together...." Peter and Derek both look towards Paige, who is now looking at Derek. "Turn her."



Im standing in Derek's kitchen, making me a glass of water as I listen to the conniving liar lie in the living room. I growl to myself as I grab a kitchen knife and dish rag off the counter as I walk back into the room.

I walk over, swiftly stabbing Peter in the hand as Stiles and Cora yell.

"Whoa!? Woah! Ana?! What the hell?!"

I ignore him as I get eye level with the grunting werewolf sitting in the chair. I twist the knife as he grunts more.

"You are going to stop lying or I swear to whatever god you believe in, that I will cut out your tongue and shove it so far up your ass..." I take a breath, emphasizing my point as I glare into Peter's eyes. "That you will taste your own tonsils from the other I make myself clear?"

"You and Derek weren't even talking to each would you know what the truth is?"

I smirk before grabbing the knife, pulling it out before stabbing it back in. I twist it a little more, hearing a growl come from deep within his chest. Stiles freaks out behind me as he spazzes out.

"Oh my god!?"

"Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear."


His answer is barely heard over the sound of his grunts as he forces a small smile. I smile, pulling out the knife and stepping back. I toss the towel into his lap as I turn, heading back to the kitchen while I twirl the knife in my hand.

"Good. Now clean yourself up. You're dripping blood everywhere..."

"What the hell just happened?!"

I ignore stiles as I grab my water, taking a sip as I think back to my memories.



I'm sitting in my room, finishing an essay for English. I tap my pen, trying to find the right word to use as stare at my paper. I hear movement coming from downstairs as I look up.

I'm supposed to be the only one here. Mom's at work and Scott's at Stiles', making my heart rate spike. I reach over, grabbing my baseball bat, silently standing and making my way downstairs. I see a figure in the living, staring at nothing as I move in the darkness.

I go to swing just as I recognize who it is. I drop the bat, hearing it clatter against the wooden floor as I take in his appearance.

"Derek? What happened?"



I move forward, gently setting my hand on his shoulder as I see the tears streaming. Black blood coats his hands and clothes as he stands there, staring at the wall. His voice quivers as he tries to speak.


He can't finish his sentence, causing my chest to tighten. I gently take his hand, squeezing it as I turn him to face me. He makes eye contact with me, showing me the pain and grief he's feeling. I rest my hand on his cheek, gently brushing away a fallen tear as he cries.

"It's don't have to say anything if you don't want to..."

"She's dead..."



I stare at him shocked, completely shellshocked. Not knowing what to do, I reach forward and pull him into my arms. His head hits my shoulder as he wraps his arms around me, barring his face in the crook of my neck. I rub his back, comforting him as best I can.

He eventually stops, pulling away as he keeps his head down. I give him his space as I softly speak.

"Do you want to stay over?"

He nods, not making eye contact. I hold out my hand, offering it to him as he takes it. I lead him upstairs where we he cried more, letting it all out as I offered him the comfort he desperately needs.



This chapter was a little sad....

Drink water!!!!!!!

-the Author

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