Ch. 50: Sweet Anastasia

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The game turned from brutal to extreme after Issac joined the game, making me smile a little as I know he didn't run. After awhile, Jackson tackles Issac and he goes down.

The night continues on with a few more memorable moments to have saved, like the moment stiles gets the ball and runs like a scared gazelle running from the predators after it.

By the end of the game, Stiles has made enough goals to secure the win. As everyone cheers, i see Jackson take off his gloves and extend his claws. The buzzer rings as everyone cheers for the win. I grip my hands together as I dart my eyes around in worry. Seconds pass before anything happens, everyone celebrating the win.

Suddenly the lights cut off, throwing the field and everyone on it into darkness. Everyone screams as they rush to get off the field and away from the scene. I have a grip on both Angel and Nia as I stay where I am, holding on tight.

When the lights come back on, I pick up Nia and grab Angel's hand and lead them away from the field. I don't want them to see the body on the ground or the worry on everyone's face as I know they don't need it. Instead I opted to rush towards the school, away from the rushing cars and frantic bystanders.

When we get over by the doors, away from everyone else, I drop Nia and check both of them to make sure that they're okay.

"Are you okay? Are you okay?"

I keep asking as I look them over. Nia nods, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks at me. Angel takes my hand, squeezing it as he gives me a strong nod. I pull them both into a hug as I release a breath.

Noah rushes up on us, frantically looking around us.

"Have you seen stiles?! Where's stiles?!"

"I-I don't know..."

I grip the kids tighter as worry drips into my vains. Noah rushes off as I guide the kids inside, heading for my class room. I get into a mini fridge that is under my desk and get out two juices and a bag of cookies, giving one to each of them. They get comfortable as I sit down, rubbing my eyes.

I hear noises coming from down the hall. Looking at the kids, I stand and move towards the door. Peeking out, I don't see anything around us. I rush back over to the kids, grabbing their hands and leading them behind my desk.

"Stay here, okay? Don't come out unless you know that it's me.."

Angel nods as I grab the cookies and another juice for each, rushing to the door and locking it as I walk out. I get the hidden daggers that I always keep on me as I creep down the hall, heading for the noise.

I'm lead to the locker room, where I here multiple voices coming from inside. I stay outside, silently listening to them talk.

"What the hell is this?"

"You know I thought the same thing when I heard you talking to Gerard at the sheriffs station..."

"Okay, hold on! He threatened to kill my mom and sister!" What? "And I had to get close to him. What was I supposed to do?"

"I'm gonna go with on this one...have you seen his mom? She's gorgeous! I bet that's where Anastasia got her looks...I know you've seen her.."

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

Uh..thanks I guess....

I slip my daggers up as I silently walk back a bit, readying myself to play my part. I can still hear them talking from my spot, now talking about Jackson and Gerard.

I rush back towards them, making my footsteps loud and fast as I move towards the room. I rush into the room, seeing Scott and Issac both looking at me in surprise.

"Scott! Issac! I'm so glad that you're both okay!"

They stare at me as I hear a throat clear behind me. I turn and see both Hale men looking at me.

"Anastasia! It's lovely to see you, as always..."

"Peter! I was told you were dead!"

"Well who would say that?"

I look at Derek who exhales in exasperation.

"Derek! How could you lie to sweet Anastasia like that? Wait..."

Derek and I both glare at him as I cross my arms. Scott speaks up from behind me.

"You know him?"

Before I can answer, Peter speaks up from his place.

"Oh, yeah! I've known sweet Anastasia since she was about yay high and running around with a slightly shorter Derek."


"I have to go, actually...Angel and Nia are both freaked out and I bet the chaos outside has calmed down enough to actually get somewhere..."

I walk out of the room, heading for the kids.


I get the kids home and in bed before taking a shower and heading to bed myself. As I drift off to sleep, a sickening feeling fills my chest. I feel the anxious feeling sinking in as the darkness takes over.


I awaken to the feeling of cool metal underneath me, I hear gunshots ringing out under me. I stand, finding myself on the roof of the rave warehouse on the far south side of town. I'm also dressed in my suit, decked out with countless weapons. Including my bow, Katanas, daggers, and quiver stocked full of arrows.

I hear growling and more gunshots, drawing my confused attention back to the danger below. I creep over to a window, peeking in and seeing a battlefield down below. I see only familiar faces battling it out as Gerard watches. I growl a little before I make sure my mask is secure, picking the perfect time to break the window and join the battle.

I see Alison going after Isaac as I move in. Dropping into a silent roll, I land easy and immediately begin battling. I draw my katanas and begin slicing at Jackson as everyone lays on the ground. I begin to get the upper hand as I relentlessly slice away.

I can feel myself slipping the more I move. It's small, barely noticeable, but enough for Jackson to swoop in and nick my neck. I feel the paralysis slipping in as I go to the ground, hard.

I see Isaac go down right after me, Alison standing there looking at Derek with vengeance. The kanima grabs her, a clawed hand wrapped around her throat. I watch hopelessly as Scott grabs Derek and drags him over to Gerard, making him open his mouth as Gerard puts his arm in.

I can smell the mountain ash from here as it seeps out of his wounds. Soon, he's throwing up black bile before collapsing.

I feel the darkness slipping away as the chaos proceeds around me.




Season two is wrapped up!!!!

I can't believe I made it to chapter 50.....

I didn't even know if I was going to make it past 15....

Drink water!!??!!??!?!!!

-The Author

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