Ch. 41: Tell Ms. Pearl I Love Her

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After the game, the kids and I make our way to the parking lot. Both of them are hyper and ready to run a mile, while I would rather take a million year nap.

"Hey! Could I get a ride to work?" My mom comes up behind me, a smile on her face. "I would take myself, but Scott has the car."

"Yeah! I'll swing by and drop you off...have you ate? We can stop and grab you something..."

"Oh! I'm fine!" She waves me off as she looks at the kids, smiling at them as she ruffles their hair. "Hey, guys!"

"Hi, Nana Mel!" Nia yells, clutching her hands together.

"Nana Mel? Where did that come from?"

"I have no idea...but I don't hate it."

We both laugh as we get to my car. Angel yawns and grabs the blanket I brought, getting comfortable in the backseat. Nia starts rambling about the game and how she loves lacrosse and wants to play.

"Maybe Scott can show you a few moves, sweetie!" Mom smiles at her from the passenger seat. "You just gotta ask him!"



I smile as I watch the dark ride ahead of us, driving into the night.


"Ms. McCall!"

I look up, smiling as I see a familiar face.

"Issac? I didn't know you were returning today! How've you been?"

"Okay...I did miss my favorite teacher, though..."

He smirks as he walks to his seat, sitting down just before the warning bell rings. I go through the work from the last month, accumulating a fairly thick stack of papers. I smile as I walk to him, holding the papers in my arms as I do.

"Here's the work you missed from my class. Since it's a lot, I'll give you the same amount of time to complete everything as you were gone. That's ruffly a months amount of work to complete. If you need help, or have questions, please ask me and I'll try my best to help!"

"Thanks, Ms. McCall..."

"No problem!" I smile at him before it turns sad "I'm sorry about your father, Issac."

"I-it's okay...we weren't that close..."

I nod, looking down before making eye contact again.

"If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm your teacher"


I nod again before returning to my desk, exhaling as I shuffle through the papers for today.


"Thanks again, Ms. Pearl! This was an amazing surprise!"

I clutch the containers in my hands, a large smile on my face as I retrieve them from the office. I was in the middle of explaining the mid-terms that are planned for tomorrow to the class right before lunch, when I was paged to the office. Ms. Pearl unexpectedly stopped by to give me lunch and a whole dozen chocolate chip cookies that she just made.

"Well I didn't get a chance to give you and the kids your lunch today, so I figured that you wouldn't mind!"

"I really, seriously, appreciate this! I was scared for a moment that I would have to eat the cafeteria food..."

She laughs as I look at the container holding my lunch.

"I made grilled chicken sandwiches with homemade steak fries on the side..." I lick my lips at her words. "I also already stopped by the school and dropped off the kids lunch for them."

"How did you pull that off? They usually only allow family to do that..."

"I said I was their grandma." We both laugh as she continues. "It helped that Nia went by the office and yelled towards me, calling me Nana Pearl..."


Just then the warning bell rang, signaling the start of the next hour. Considering that lunch just ended, I still have another hour before my next class.

"Well, deary, I best be going..." she grabs her purse and heads to the door. "I still need to get a few things for dinner, I'm making steak and mashed potatoes...I haven't figured out what else, but that's what Nia requested when she saw me earlier..."

"Sounds good! I'll be sure to be there!"

As I turn to the desk, I see Victoria Argent sitting there reading a book. I throw on a smile and walk up, opening the container of cookies.

"Mrs. Argent?"

She looks up, giving me a hard look as she does.

"Would you like one? They're freshly made..."

"No thanks, I'm watching my figure."

I scoff to myself as she goes back to her book, brushing me off.

So much for 'kill them with kindness'...


I walk past Bobby's classroom, hearing him yelling at someone to shut up. I giggle a little before knocking on the door. He throws it open, giving me a crazy look.

"Hey, Bobby! I have some cookies! Freshly made by Ms. Pearl, you want one?"

He takes two out of the container, biting into one immediately as he nods.


"You're welcome!"

"It's my favorite McCall, offense McCall."

I poke my head in, smiling and waving at Scott and Stiles as I see them. Stiles smiles and waves back as Scott does a small, barely moving wave. I offer the Coach one more cookie, which he gladly takes, and go to leave.

As I leave, I hear the coach talking again.

"McCall! Who's Ms. Pearl?"

"My sister's landlord, Coach."

"Well. Tell her I love her cookies!"

"Yes, Coach..."

I laugh as I continue to my classroom.


"This necklace looks familiar..."

"She said it's from her ex...said it's also made of moonstone..."

"I think I've seen it before...with Derek..."


"What're you two doing in here?" I scold as I walk in, glaring at them.

"Oh! Sorry Ms. McCall! We had a free period and wanted to come say hi!"

Erika smiles at me as she drops my necklace back onto my desk. I was looking at it earlier and didn't put it up. Issac stands next to her, a concentrated look on his face as he looks at the piece of jewelry laying on my desk.

"You still shouldn't be in here, touching my personal belongings, without my permission."

I walk up to my desk, setting my things down before turning back to the teens in front of me.

"Now. Even though I appreciate you both coming by, I have work to do. So, please, go find somewhere else to hangout..."

They both smirk as they nod, walking out the door without a second glance.



Dots are connecting for some people...

Drink water!!!!?!!!!!?!!!!?!!!

-the author

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