Ch. 13: Questions

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After watching high school drama unfold in front of me. I stay silent as Stiles punches Jackson, Alison going to comfort him. I narrow my eyes at her as I watch her tend to him as if they were close.

Stiles ends up calling his dad, only to get his voice mail instead of him. I shake my head as I look at all of them around me.

"Are you all done?"

Just then, the door started to get banged on. I stand in front of all of them, pushing them behind me with my arms.

"The kitchen...there's a door that leads to the stair well!" I say pushing them back.

"Which only goes up!?"

"Up is better then here!?" Stiles says as he grabs my arm, pulling me with him. "Let's go!?"

I shake him off as I shove him a head of me. He stops to grab me again but I stop him.

"No! Go! It's my job to protect you!?"

He shakes his head, but stops as he sees the Alpha almost getting through. I push him again as I move to the other door. He finally goes, sending me one last look before he does.

I turn, pulling out my gun, and aiming it. I fire, hitting the alpha in the chest. He howls in pain, clutching his chest. I take of, running in the opposite direction the kids went. I hear him chasing me as I sprint down the hall.

I feel hot air on the back of my neck as I continue to move. Something hits my chest, launching me across the hall. I hit a set of lockers, landing hard.

I struggle to catch my breath as I hear him approaching me. I feel a claw slowly grab my hair, moving it out of my face. I make eye contact with the Alpha, seeing only red. I can smell the anger dripping off him as he stands above me.

As I focus more on his smell, I notice a bit of affection shining through. I scrunch up my eye brows in confusion as I feel his clawed hand gently caress my face. My heart beat picks up as I feel him leaning in.

A bang is heard from across the school, drawing his attention away. He takes off, leaving me alone.


I change fast, decking out in my full suit before leaving the room. I hear foot steps head for the gym as I walk silently down the hall. I rush to beat them there, silently walking in. I pull out my daggers, readying myself as I find a suitable hiding place.

I see Scott walk in, going under the bleachers for something. I wait to see what it is, but stop when I see the bleachers closing in. I jump out rushing over to my brother and pulling him out. I see the alpha across the gym, looking directly at us.

Scott looks at me I surprise before turning to the Alpha. He ready's up, getting into a stance.

"If you want me, come get me."

He throws a flask of liquid at him, hitting him in the shoulder. I look at him in surprise, wondering what the fuck I just watched. He looks in shock, I guess that didn't go as planned...

"Damn it!" He turns to run as I shake my head.

The alpha starts to run at us, his eyes on Scott. I start to run at the alpha, jumping up at the last second. I land on his back, slamming my dagger into o his back.

He howls in pain as he tries to get me off of him. I slash his side with my other dagger, cutting him deep. He continues to try and shake me off as I hold on tight. I stab him with my other dagger, right in the neck.

He backs up fast, slamming me into the wall as he does. The daggers dig in more as I struggle to hold on. He swings around and hits me against another wall. My breath leaves me as I struggle to stay on. As he continues to swing around, I feel my fingers loosening. I try to get my grip back, kicking my legs up to do so. I almost fix it when he slams into another wall, knocking me free.

I slide down, gripping my chest as I try to catch my breath. I see the alpha launch Scott across the room, rushing to pin him down. I get up, pulling out my foldable bow staff.

"Shit.." I mumble under my breath as I clutch my ribs.

The alpha howls loudly as I lean against the wall. I clutch my ears as I close my eyes, trying to calm my pain.

When I open my eyes, the alphas gone. Scott sits up, looking around. He starts to roll around in pain as I watch him transform against his Will.

I'm helpless as I watch him claws at the ground, needing release from the pain. I back away as he stops, looking up with his golden yellow eyes.

I slip away, heading for the sound of the other teenagers.


I hear police cars, about a mile away. I rush outside, seeing Derek coming too. Still in my alter ego, I rush over and help him up. He looks up, blood still dripping from his lips. I rush to his car, getting in and pushing him into the passenger seat.

I turn on the car and drive away.


We're back in the train station, him shirtless as I clean his wound. He groans as I put pressure on it, dabbing the blood away. It's healing, but not as fast due to it coming from an alpha.

"How did you know where I was?"

I ignore him as I put a bandage on his torso.

"Still not talking?" He tries to joke, smiling at me as I fix him up. "Are you mute? Deaf? Do you speak English? Espagnol? Français?"

I smirk under my mask as I turn away, putting everything up. I hear him sit up, groaning as he does so. I grab a clean shirt that I keep here, a x-large for my comfort. I turn around, holding it out to him.

He looks down at, smiling.


He grabs it and starts to put it on. He stops as he smells it.

Does it smell like me...shit...

"It smells..."

He stops as he looks back up at me. I glow my eyes green to try and hide my true color. He watches me for a second, thinking of something.

"It smells like vanilla and lavender..."

My shampoos...the ones I've used for years...

He looks down, smiling as he goes to put it on. I look at him in question as he goes to stand up, grabbing his jacket.

"I like it..." he starts to walk away, leaving me there questioning everything. "Thanks for the help."




Why do you think the alpha likes her? Does Derek know that it's her?

Drink water!!!??!??!!!?? 

-the Author

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