Ch. 46: petunias

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"Are you sure you want to do this?"

We're at the Beacon Hills cemetery, Nia and Angel beside me as we walk towards Jennifer's grave. Nia asked me to bring her to say goodbye, saying it's something her 'theory list' said.

I talked to her therapist the other day, and was informed of her progress. She's really coming far in her sessions, which is a really good thing. Her behavior at home has also improved by a lot.


We walk up to the stone with 'Jennifer King' carved into it, holding petunias in each of out hands. Nia said that they were her favorite flower, enough so to name her little flower after them.

"Do you want us to stand back here?"

She shakes her head at me, stepping forward and grabbing my hand. We each move forward and set the flowers on her grave before stepping back. Angel moves to Nia's other side, grabbing her hand with his head down.

"Ma-Mommy? I-I don't know if you can hear me...or if you're even able too...but I j-just want to say goodbye....and th-that I love you...and don't worry because I have a new Mama who is g-going t-to take care of m-me..."

I hold back tears as I rub Nia's back, giving her the support she needs. I see Angel looking at her in the corner of my eye, tears in his eyes as he tries to hide them. He wipes them fast before looking at me. I keep my eyes forward, not giving it away that I saw his tears.

"I'll always be your flower...I love you..."

Nia wipes her tears before she turns towards me, nodding for us to go. I nod back as I send her a sad smile. Angel is still gripping her hand as we all make our way to my car.


We get home and indulge in the rest of that chocolate cake as we watch SpongeBob. The kids pass out on the couch, giving me the perfect opportunity to read more of my books. I cover them both up with blankets before I head to my room.

I pull out my trunk again, going for the books I haven't read yet. I pull out about twenty different books, stacking them as I open the first one.


Hours pass and I'm still reading. I took a slight break to wake the kids for dinner, before I sent them off to there room as I go back to reading. My doors cracked, allowing me to hear them playing on the PlayStation together. I look over at my clock to check the time as I yawn.

12:30, wow.

I get up, walking to the kid's room.

"Okay, Monkeys, time for bed."



"Yep. Now save so you can play tomorrow. It's way past bedtime already..."


Angel saves it as Nia stands, walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Angel follow suit as I start to gather up their toys, putting them away as they prepare for bed.

They both return, yawning as they give me a hug good night. I kiss each of their heads as I help the get comfortable, covering them up with their big blankets.

"Good night, Monkeys. Love you."

"Good night, Love you..."

"Night, Mama..."

I gently shut the door as my heart soars. I will never get tired of hearing what I just heard.

I make my way to my room, a permanent smile on my face.


I wake with a jump, frantically looking around dazed. I find myself in the basement of the Hale house, dirty and in the clothes I fell asleep in. I can see a giant hole in the floor, right in the center of the room, broken wood and debris everywhere. I stand quickly, moving to get out of here. I hit an invisible wall, hard.

I jump up and see a line of mountain ash surrounding me. My breath picks up as I hit my hand on the barrier, yelling.

"Hey!? Can anyone hear me?! Hello!!!"

Hours seem to pass before anything changes. My throat is raw from screaming, my hair is a mess from running my fingers through it, and my hands are bloody from trying to find a way out.

I rest my head on the barrier as I succumb to my reality. I hit the wall one last time as I begin to cry.


I hit the wall again, angry now as I glare at nothing. I hit it more and more, releasing all my frustrations out on the invisible wall.

I hear someone coming, dragging a heavy object as they walk. I look up, seeing Lydia dragging Derek towards the hole. I can hear that he's barely awake, mumbling to Lydia and trying to reason with her.

She bends down, grabbing his arm and leading it towards the hole. I hit the barrier again, trying to gain her attention. Once she's done with Derek's arm, she looks up at me and smiles. She glances behind her, towards the beams of moonlight slipping in.

She rises, walking over to the light and moving a mirror. Beans of light fill the room, ending directly into the hole. I hear a crackling sound coming from the area as I watch, helplessly.

Suddenly, Derek begins to grunt in pain, trying to get his arm out of the hole as he scrunches up his face.

"Derek?! Derek!?" I hit the wall harder, desperately trying to get out. "Lydia Stop!? Derek!?"

It gets quiet as Derek calms down, catching his breath. Lydia takes a deep breath as she leans forward. A blast is heard as the floor bursts, revealing a naked Peter returning to life.

I stare in astonishment as he stands to his feet, saying something before smirking. I back up as he looks at Lydia, who looks terrified of what is happening.

I back up into the farthest corner of the barrier, trying to hide from the man who just returned to living. He doesn't even look in my direction as before he runs off into the night. Derek passes out as Lydia stands, walking towards me.

She looks at me again before bending down to break the barrier. I give her an angry look as she stands again. She reaches into her pocket and grabs a hand full of something. I look at her confused before she blows purple dusts into my face.



Writing the first part of this chapter made me sad....

Drink water!!!!?!!!!!!!!!?!!!

-the author

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