Ch. 74: Paige pt. 1

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I force myself to stand as I walk to the living room. Both kids are asleep while the movie plays on. I quietly walk towards the door, gently opening it and stepping out. I lock it behind me as I walk towards the elevator, pushing the button to the first floor after stepping on.

Ms. Pearl is standing outside it when the doors open, holding a container of pie. I smile at her as I step off, walking around her to check the mail. She looks up as I pass her, surprise clear on her face.

"Oh! I wasn't expecting to see you! I have fresh pie and I thought we could eat it!"

"I actually was going to ask you to watch the kids for a moment....I have to step out and didn't want to leave them alone..."

"Of course! Where are they now?"

I flip through bills and junk mail before locking up my mailbox. I turn and smile at Ms. Pearl as I step towards her. I slip the mail into my purse, which is on my arm, as I speak.

"They're upstairs sleeping on the couch....they were watching a movie but I guess they fell asleep...."

"Okay. I'll go ahead and head up there and start on dinner while you're out, okay?"


I smile as she turns, pushing the button before stepping on. She smiles t me again as the doors close, blocking my view of her. I turn around, heading for the door as my face goes blank.


I walk up to the big metal door, preparing to knock when I hear voices coming from inside. I silently press my ear closer, focusing on the familiar voices coming from inside.

"If you want to know what changed'll have to know what changed the color of his eyes...."

I listen as Peter begins his tale about Derek and Paige. The tragedy of his first love. Memories flash in my head as he carries on.


I'm walking down the hall, talking to Roxy as she tells me about her new boo. I giggle as she swoons, gushing all about his muscles and handsome face. Lexi and Dezi are behind us, talking about a history project that they have to turn in today, not paying attention to anyone but each other.

"He is just....perfect!"

I hear a commotion up ahead, drawing my attention away from my friend as she slowly goes quiet. I see a group of familiar boys hassling a girl. Derek seems to be fighting her for the ball, keeping it away from her as the boys laugh.

I watch as he starts to show off, causing me to scoff as I shake my head, smiling at his behavior. The girl starts to walk away as I step forward, drawing the attention to me.

"That's not fair, Der-bear! You're going to fast!"

They both stop as I walk up, a smirk on my face. Derek smirks before he starts it up again. I watch him, walking up as kick out, hitting the ball away from him. Tucker grabs it, smirking as he passes it to me. I laugh, dribbling around as we start to play keep away with Derek.

Everyone else laughs as the girl smiles in amusement. She gets bored, turning and walking away as I stop. Derek stares after her as I laugh again, throwing my arm around his shoulder.

"Come on lover boy..."

He takes the ball from me, choosing to follow the girl as I feel someone toss their arm over my shoulders. I turn, smiling at Tucker as he guides me away.

"Let's go, Kobe..."

I giggle as we walk away, catching up with both of our groups of friends.


I snap back to reality as Stiles starts to talk, drawing my attention back to him.

"So wait...if Derek was a sophomore back then, how old was he? How old were you? How old are you know?"

"Not as young as we could've been but not as old as you might think..."


"Okay...that was frustratingly old are you?"

"I'm seventeen..."

"See? That's an answer! That's how you answer people..."

"Well...seventeen when you measure in years..."

"Alright...I'm just gonna drop it. What happened to Derek and the cello girl?"

I decide to walk in now, speaking up as they all turn to look at me.

"Her name was Paige...and Derek was fifteen..."


I walk over, dropping my purse on the table as I dig inside. I pull out the picture I found, holding it up to Stiles and Cora. He gently takes it, holding it where both of them can see it.

"That's Paige, Derek, and I...."

"She looks familiar..."

Cora furrows her brow as she studies the picture. Peter speaks up, drawing my attention to him.

"I remember that picture! Wasn't it taken..."

"On Laura's seventeen birthday? Yes."

"If I remember and Derek we fighting that night..."

I glare at Peter as Stiles looks up, looking at me.

"We're talking about Paige. Not me."

Peter nods as he begins to talk again, keeping his eyes on me a he does. I cross my arms, listening to him as he talks about Derek and Paige's favorite hiding places. When he mentions the distillery, my heart skips as I remember when I first showed it to Derek. Then he took it from me after he met Paige.

"Back then I wasn't Derek's uncle..." I'm snapped out of my daze, hearing Peter talk again. He leans forward, resting his arms on his knees as he speaks. "I was his best friend..."

I snort, causing Peter to look at me as Stiles throws on a confused face. Cora sits back, enjoying the show that was about to start.


"Best friend?"

He exhales, rolling his eyes as he looks back at Stiles.

"Fine. Closest adviser..."

I snort again as he glares at me. I hold up my hands, letting him continue as I step back. I look down at the ground, listening to Peter as he talks away.



So I just found out that the website that I use is making teen wolf not free in less than a week....

And since I'm a broke bitch....I might not be able to write this that often....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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