Ch. 2: First Day

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It's the night before the first day of the school year and I'm currently rushing to find an easy lesson to plan. Principal Thomas said that I will be teaching both Spanish and history, and I'm completely unprepared.

I hear my phone go off, knocking me back to reality. I rush to my coffee table, shuffling through my papers to find the ringing device.


"Ana, it's me, Noah Stilinski. I just found my delinquent son in the forest, and can't seem to get ahold of your mom to make sure that Scott is at home..."

"Sheriff! How are you? Yeah, don't worry! I got it!"

"Thank you, Ana. I'm glad that you are back, kiddo. Let me know if you need anything..."

"Will do. Good night, Stilinski!"

"Take care."

He hangs up as I grab my keys and coat, heading for the door. I drive to my mothers house, seeing all the lights off. I walk up to the door, using the key that she gave me the other day to get in. I walk up stairs, into Scott's room. I find it empty.


I rush back to my car, locking the door on my way out. I take off to the preserve, hoping to find him on the way.

As I drive down the road, my mind fills with flashes of different possibilities. I try to keep the worry from seeping through as I focus on the road. Up ahead, I see a lone body moving in the darkness.

I pull over as I see the familiar brown mop of hair. I hop out of my car, leaving it on as I see him shivering and holding his side. The rain is pounding on us as I move forward.


He stops for a second, looking up. I rush forward and pull him into a hug. I take off my coat and force it onto his shoulders as I guide him to my car.

"What are you doing out here?! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!"


"Get in. I'm gonna kick Stiles' ass.."

"Where are we going?"

"My apartment. I'm not leaving your dumbass alone."

"But my clothes and bag... tomorrow's the first day..."

"Shit... we'll swing by the house."

When we get to the house, I tell him to grab everything as I write mom a note. I don't want her to worry like I did so I tell her that he decided to stay the night. As I finish, he steps down the stairs carrying everything he needs.

"Let's go."



It's been about an hour since we got to my apartment. Scott put his stuff up in the guest room as I went back to what I was doing.


"Do you have bandages?"

I freeze as I look up at my idiot brother. I see that he's still holding his side as he stands in the doorway, not meeting my eyes.


"Because I need some..."

"Let me see."




"Let me see or I'll tell mom you were running around the woods at night..."

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