Ch. 52: Safari

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"Look, Mama!"

We're looking at a black bear and her cubs from about twenty feet away and twenty foot fence. The mama is cleaning one of the cubs right now, while the other two play a few feet away from her. Nia and Angel are both looking in astonishment as they interact with each other.


I look behind me, seeing Jasper not far with a smile on his face. I smile a little as he walks up. I keep my eyes on the kids as we begin to talk.

"How've you been?"


"Pretty good...Martha and I decided to give it another go.."

"Wow! That's great!" A weight was lifted off my chest as I smile at him. "I'm sorry for the way things went between us, but I am glad you're doing well. May I ask a question though?"

"As long as you let me ask one after."

"Okay...why did you split in the first place?"

"Lack of communication...and my work schedule...but mainly the communication."

"That will do it."

I watch as the kids start to act like the animals around them. I clear my throat as I wait for Jasper to ask his question.

"What's your question?"

"Your ex, the one you told me about, when are you going to admit you still care about him?"

My head snapshot to him, shock shining through as I process his words. He smiles at me as he nods.

"I'll take that as a not yet..."



"Gotta go! But, hey, we should stay friends!"


"It's okay if not-"

"Jasper! There you are! We gotta go!"

"Hold on...come properly meet someone..."


This awkward...


"This is Anastasia McCall, nurse McCall's Daughter."

"Oh! I love your mom! She always keeps me company when I'm waiting on this one to get off."

"Yeah! I love her too..."

"Well...we gotta go...but it was lovely to meet you!"

"You, too!"

They smile at me before walking away. The kids run up to me, growling as they tackle me. I laugh as I growl back and rub their heads. We continue down the path to the next animal.


"Did you have fun!"


"It was amazing!"

I laugh as Scott and Mom talk to the kids about their trip to the safari, all four of them with large smiles. We stopped by my mom's after we got back to town. It's about six at night so we decided to have dinner here.

Mom got take out from her favorite place and Scott just happened to be home so we decided to stay for a bit longer.

"Can we watch Jimmy Neutron again?!"

"Nia. No yelling. Ask in a quieter tone so I can answer your question. I can't if you're yelling."

She takes a big, deep breath as she prepares to speak.

"Can we watch Jimmy Neutron again?"

Her eyes stay wide as she asks me in a quiet but still excited tone. I hold back my amusement as I nod. She looks at Angel in excitement as she rushes away. Angel follows soon after, right after he takes his last night of food.

Scott and mom both watch them with amused smiles as the kids rush towards the living room.

"They are so adorable!"

"Are they always like that?"

"No. They have their moments...just this morning I woke up to Nia rambling about Angel pushing her, even though she hit him first, and and that she scraped her knee..."

My mom bursts into laughter as she looks at me.

"Sounds like siblings..."

I shake my head as I laugh, thinking back to the two little boys who annoyed me more than anything when we were younger. I'm including Stiles because, let's face it, he's just another brother.

I sip my coffee and listen to my mom talk about different things.



I slowly wake up, seeing Nia looking at me in distress. I sit up immediately, looking around for whatever threat was to come. I'm laid on my couch, a movie playing on the tv as Angel sleeps away on the pallet he made himself. He likes being on the floor sometimes, even when the couch is open.

I don't sense anything as I look back at Nia, a confused look on my face. She looks at me with sad eyes as she leans closer to me.

"Mama...I had a nightmare..."

I exhale as I sit up fully, allowing her to sit down. She sits as she starts to cry a little, breaking my heart.

"What was it about, sweetie?"

"You disappeared and I had to go live with a mean old lady who locked me in the basement...she had a bunch of dogs and cats and birds and even squirrels that she trapped in cages and she was so mean..."

"It's okay, sweetie. The mean lady won't hurt you..."

"You promise?"

I see her big brown eyes sparkling as she looks at me, hope and fear shining through. I smile as I rub her cheek, kissing her head as I nod.

"I promise to always be there for you and to protect you even if it takes everything from me. I love you, Nia."

She smiles as she throws herself into my arms, gripping tight as she pulls me into a hug. I smile as I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight, rubbing her back as i hear her mumble something.

"I love you too, Mama..."



Thanks to any who read!!!!

I love seeing y'all comments even if it's just a couple!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the author

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