Ch. 49: Favorite Student

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I wake with a start, finding myself in the abandoned train station again. Derek walks over, offering me a bottle of water as I sit up. I glare at him as I look at he water before feeling for my mask. It's still I place thankfully, but my hair is falling out of my hood.

"You don't have to drink it right now..."

He sets it down before turning away, his shoulders tense as he shifts through a medical box.

"I-I wanted to apologize...for the last time you were here..."

My eyes widen as I look at him, surprise dripping from my vains as I listen to him speak.

"You probably just found the necklace or something..."


"So. I apologize for my actions."

He turns to me, looking expectedly at me. I nod before standing, grabbing the water before I head for the door. I turn back to him, making eye contact as I touch his arm. I squeeze it once, letting him know that I accept his apology.

I turn away, heading for the exit with a yawn.


I make it back to my apartment just as the sun begins to peak over the horizon, providing light to all who have awoken. I climb through my window, changing before walking to the kids room.

I gently open the door, peeking in and seeing them both still asleep. I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding as I gently shut the door, heading to my bed for a nice sleep.


Days pass before I hear anything else about that night. Matt drowned the night at the police station. The cops say it was his choice, done by his own actions, but I have a sickening feeling that they are wrong. Scott and our mom have been distant, both not saying what is wrong, but I have a feeling it has something to do with Scott's after hours activities.

Stiles has been coming over more often, saying he just wants a break from his room. I think it is really about how they figured out I was on the swim team in high school and that I could have been one of the victims.

Angel and Nia love it. Stiles will play the PlayStation and watch cartoons with them for hours and hours. Some nights Scott will join us, most he doesn't.

Angel will be going to counseling with Ms. Morrell soon, to help with his trauma from when his pack was killed. He knows that he can tell her everything as she is a Druid herself. She's agreed to keep everything to herself and Angel has agreed not to mention what I am.

I'm walking into the animal clinic, through the side entrance that Deaton usually uses, with food in my hands. I know Scott is working late and figured I would bring them both food. I'm closing the door when I hear voices coming from the back room.

"I guess that makes me lucky cause...uh...cause I don't have anyone..."


"Are you gonna go with them?"

"Yeah, yeah I think I will...good luck with the game though..."

"Thanks...but I don't think I'm going either...can't even think of playing some meaningless game right now..."

"You're not playing tonight?"

I chose this moment to make my presence know, walking in the room as if I just got here.

"The kids were really looking forward to watching you play..." I set the food down, giving my brother a sad look before turning to Issac. "Issac! It's great to see you! I've been so worried about you since you didn't show up that first day..."

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