Ch. 62: Favor

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It's raining when I get back to the apartment building, rushing the kids inside. I see a shadow sitting by the door. I tell the kids to stay right by the desk as I rush back out. I watch as Isaac stands up, slowly walking towards me with his head down.

"Ms. McCall...I-I was wondering if I-I could ask you a favor...."

"Issac? Let's get you inside..."


I'm carrying a pair a sweats and a t-shirt with me as I walk out of my room. Both kids are at the table, doing homework as Issac stands by the front door awkwardly. I smile as I inter the room.

"Okay...these may be a little small, but they should work for tonight. The best I can do is the couch...are you hungry? The kids and I both are pizza but we have leftovers in the fridge from last night...chicken parm..."

"T-this is okay....uhm..."

I nod as I point to the bathroom.

"You can change in there..."

"Thanks again, Ms. McCall..."

I smile and nod as he walks around me, heading for the bathroom. I try and think of a solution for him that doesn't involve him staying here. I don't have the space as well as he doesn't know about my after hours activities.

I grab my phone, stepping out into the hall to call my mom. She answers after the third ring, her voice groggy as she begins to talk. I curse myself for waking her up.


"Hey! Mom! I-I'm sorry for waking you up but I need to ask you a really big favor..."


I'm carrying empty boxes into my old room, preparing to clean it out so Issac can stay with my mom and Scott. The kids are downstairs, playing outside in the backyard while the adults and almost adults work inside.

Stiles is also out there, keeping an eye on them for me. I hear Isaac coming up behind me, his head down as I go to open the door. I smile at him as I turn and being talking.

"Whatever you find, see, or experience in here is to be kept to yourself. I haven't lived here since I was about seventeen so I honestly don't know what my teen self kept or treasured, okay?"

He nods as I stare at him, my arms crossed. I wait patiently for a verbal agreement, my answer eyes on his every move.he notices and clears his throat.

"Y-yes....I agree, Ms. McCall..."


I smile and open the door, revealing the dark blue room with a mix of different things from different ages of my childhood. I drop the boxes, turning to Issac who's looking around.


"I know, right..."

I grab one and head to my desk, starting to clean it off. Issac does the same but heads to the book shelf in the corner, pulling out books and reading the titles.

"There's a lot of classics here..."

"I loves to read when I was younger...really haven't had the time lately...."

I look back up, seeing him staring down into the inner cover of my copy of 'Little Red Ridding Hood'. I curse to myself as I walk over, taking the book and shutting the picture away.

"T-that was you and Derek..."

I ignore him as I put the book in a box, walking back to my desk and continuing my project. He starts to ramble, the dots connecting in his head.

"That's why there's always tension between you two when he's around....and why he always is looking at you that way....he's got pictures, too! One that he keeps in his bedroom that I saw once..."

"What picture?"

I close my eyes as I notice the blush on his cheeks and neck and immediately know what picture he's talking about. I exhale as I rub my brow. were supposed to get rid of that mistake of a picture....

"Remember what I told you?"

He nods as I turn, going back to my desk again. I hear his mind moving even though he's not looking at me. I exhale again as I walk over, pulling out the book and getting the picture out. I look at it myself as I feel his eyes on me.

"Do you really want to know?"

I make eye contact with him, seeing his curiosity running wild. I sit on my old bed, exhaling again as I look at the picture from Derek's sixteenth birthday. The one with us both smiling and laughing by the bonfire, his his eyes on me and his arms around me as he lifts me up.

"Derek and I met in elementary school...both of us were on the basketball team and we honestly...hated each other...."

I laugh a little as I think back to our meeting. I can see Issac sitting down in my desk chair, listening to my every word. I keep my eyes on the picture as I take a walk through my memories.

"It wasn't until we started middle school, thirteen to be exact, when we got over our rivalry and actually became friends....then best friends...then...."

I cut myself off as I look over at my desk, seeing Isaac looking at me with a little smile. I clear my throat and continue.

"It was right after a great loss....Derek wasn't the same and I could tell. So I started forcing him to get out of the house...or I would stay in with him...reading and hanging out....anything to bring the former lively, happy Derek back. His mom was okay with it because...."

I clear my throat again, preparing for my talk on Talia.

"Because she missed him too..."

"Wait...I thought you were talking about the fire...what loss are you talking about?"

I look down, remembering the young brunette who lost her life before she could even live. Her beautiful smile, addictive personality, and talents. It's really no question why Derek fell for her.

"It's not my place to say..."



It's finally unraveling.....

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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