Ch. 33: Morning Rituals

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I jump awake again, this time because of the pressure on my head. I look around, realizing that I'm in the train station from before. I feel for my mask, exhaling as I feel it still in place.

"I didn't touch it." My head snaps to the right, seeing Derek hunched over in the corner looking at something in his hands. "I just took care of your wound."

I gulp as I feel my head, wincing as I touch it. He stands and moves to me, a hard glare on his face. He holds up the necklace, a gold chain with a moonstone charm, and looks at me expectedly.

"Where did you get this?"

I just shake my head at him, not answering his questions. He picks up a bottle of alcohol and throws it against the wall, it shatters everywhere as I stare at him unblinking. He gets up in my face, a hard look on his face.

"Where the hell did you get this?!"

I stare unbothered as he continues to try to scare me. It's not working and he's getting even worse then before. He growls and grabs a deli sandwich off a bench and throws it against the opposite wall. I cock my head at him, slightly amused as he displays his anger.

"Why won't you answer me?!"

He turns away from me, putting his back on full display for me. I take the opportunity to silently get up and move away, disappearing into the darkness and out the door.

I have children to check on.


I get back into my room, shutting the window as I do. I remove my mask, stripping down to nothing as I walk to my bathroom. I turn on the hot water, letting it warm up as I check my wound. It's already healed, a small scratch compared to the giant gash from before.

I dispose of the bandages and step into the water. The warmth over takes me as I allow my worries to wash away. I close my eyes as I focus on nothing but the hot water that's running down my back.

Time passes as I continue to relax in the shower, allowing the warmth to take control. By the time that I had finished, the sun is peaking through the clouds and a small hand is knocking on the door.

I dry off and grab my robe, securing it to my body before opening the door. A sleepy Nia stands there giving me the evil eye as she rushes around me. I giggle as she shuts the door, locking it to do her morning ritual.

Angel is in the kitchen, making pancakes when I step out of my room, dressed for the day. I also decided to wear Claudia's necklace today, with my earrings I received from my mom for Christmas.

I step up to the stove, licking my lips as I look at the delicious food before me. Angel flips a pancake before checking his bacon, a concentrated look on his face.

"Wow! This looks amazing, bud!"


I can barely hear his grumble of a reply over the sizzling of the bacon. I smirk as I reach over and steal a cooked sliver. He growls at me as I slip away, giggling like a child.

"It's delicious, bud!"

I see a grumbling Nia walk out of the bathroom as she makes her way to her dresser. I giggle more at her cute face. She hates mornings, especially when she can't immediately use the bathroom.

I grab my papers that I graded last night and slip them into my bag, preparing for work. Angel calls from the kitchen that it's ready just as Nia walks out of the room dressed.

Angel hands us both a plate before he rushes off to get ready. Nia digs in as I wait for Angel to return. I sip my orange juice as I watch her chow down on a plate large enough for a NFL quarterback. Angel rushes in and slides into the seat next to me, digging in.

I eat mine as I watch the two animals in front of me devour everything in sight. By the time that I finish, both of them have rinsed their plates and rushed off already. I rinse mine and grab my bags, heading for the door as they both rush out their room, holding their bags and slipping on their coats.

We walk out the door, heading for the elevator.

When we reach the main floor, we see Ms. Pearl standing there with three lunches and a smile on her face. We each thank her before walking out the door, heading for my car.


"What do you mean 'he resigned'? He can't do that?!"

"I know. He turned in his resignation last night." Nina and I are walking down the hall, heading for the teachers lounge. "Apparently he ran off right after. Said something about missing home..."

"But he hated teaching there...said so himself just a couple weeks ago..."

We pass by a window, seeing the lacrosse field in the distance. I stop as see something I thought I would never see. I watch as my brother run out of the goal and tackles Danny, flipping him through the air.

"Is that your brother?" Nina asks confused beside me.


"What the hell is he doing?"

"I have no idea."

We watch as coach yells at him, anger clear on his face. I shake my head as I watch the idiot get back in to position. Movement to the right catches my attention. I glance over and see Jackson move to the back of the line, saying something to coach. I notice the emotions wafting off of the person behind him and immediately get nervous as I see who it is.

The whistle blows, both boys running at each other. They tackle each other and land on all fours. Nina laughs beside me, finding the demonstration hilarious. She stops as both of us see the flashing lights pull up. Cops walk onto the field and detain Issac, taking him away.

Eyes filled with surprise and worry, I watch as he's dragged away.




Closer and closer...

Drink water!!!!?!!?!!!!?!

Comment and let me know how I'm doing!

-The Author

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