Ch. 104: What Happened

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*3rd person*

Scott, Allison, Lydia, Kira, and the twins all stand together in the hallway outside Ana's classroom. Allison asks the question she's been wanting to ask since they got out of class.

"Has your mom said anything about Isaac?"


"What about Stiles?" Lydia asks, her eyes pleading for some answers. "Has anyone heard from him?"

Scott shakes his head, sighing out as he glances at his phone. Coach decides to join them then, a sad look on his face as he grips his lunch from the cafeteria. The teens give him confused looks as he sighs out.

"McCall...I'm sorry to hear about your sister. She's...she's a lovely woman and I hope she pulls through..."


Scott's heart rate picks up as fear shoots through him. The others look between Scott and Coach as they try to understand the situation. Coach clears his throat, looking around at the other teens.

"I have cards for both her and Isaac in my office if any of you want to write a message or sign your names..."

"We will..."

"Thanks, Coach..."

Lydia and Allison say, both watching Scott as the other three nod towards their teacher. Kira grabs Scott's hand in comfort as he unlocks his phone. He immediately hits Ana's number, cursing as it goes straight to voicemail. He tries his mom's number next, silently begging her to pick up.


"Mom! What's wrong with Ana? Why isn't she here?"

The twins listen in on the conversation, using their hearing while the three girls patiently wait for Scott's reaction. Kira still grips Scott's hand, trying to provide comfort.

"She..." Melissa takes a deep breath before answering. "Your sister was found outside of Eichan this morning...she had a stab wound in her abdomen...they brought her in shortly before school started..."

"Why isn't she healing?"

"Because the blade was laced with wolfsbane..."

The twins share a look as Scott's jaw drops. He almost drops the phone, his hand falling limp in Kira's grip. The girls share a look, all wondering what's happening.

"She's in surgery now and when she's out, Decan will take care of the infection. Derek's already here and Noah and your father are out looking for the suspect..."

Scott stays quiet, taking in the information as his mom sighs. She clears her throat, trying to find her words from the other side of the line.

"Scott...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. It's just...with everything with Stiles and now Isaac...I wanted to try and save you some of the pain..."

Scott clears his throat, nodding as he forces out his reply.

"It's okay, mom...."

"I did plan on calling you right after her surgery...let you know what the doctor said and everything. Do you still want me to do that?"


"Okay...I gotta you."

"Love you too..."

He hears the click as the girls wait for an answer to what's going on. Aiden is the first to speak, breaking the silence as he looks towards the alpha.

"It was Stiles, wasn't it?"

"I don't know..."

"What happened?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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