Ch. 51: Mean Mama

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"Why don't we just remove her mask? Find out who it really is?"

I walk to the sound of voices around me, all familiar. I'm still laying on the hard ground of the warehouse, my eyes closed. I can move my toes and feel my arms as I sense someone moving closer. I swiftly draw one of my daggers, holding it up to whoever's throat without opening my eyes.

"That's why..."

I slowly open my eyes, seeing a stunned Isaac right above me, Derek standing above him with his arms crossed. The beta holds up his hands, backing away as I sit up, putting my dagger away as I stand. Peter is on the other side of me, about ten feet away with a smirk.

"I remember sliced me up right before I died...hurt like a bitch."

He almost seems impressed as he moves closer. I roll my eyes as I was all around him, heading for the exit.

"Not much of a talker, huh?"

"She doesn't talk. Never had..."

I ignore the Hales as I walk into the night, heading home to my kids.


I get home, climbing in through my window as I slip inside. I check the time as I strip out of my weapons and suit.


Enough time to take a shower and maybe get a few hours of sleep...maybe.

I grab my night clothes from last night, which ended on my window seal and lampshade, and slip them on before I go and check on the kids.

Nia is snoring her cute snores as Angel cocoons himself in blankets, wrapped up even in the warm room. I smile before I gently close the door and head for my shower.



I wake to the impact of a child's knees in my back as Nia jumps on me. I groan a little as I rub my eyes, sitting up. Nia is right by me rambling a mile a minute.

"And Angel is making us omelets and I wanted to play the princess gam by myself but he said no and then I said I was going to tell and he got mad and said that I didn't get an omelet when I am starving..."

She finally runs out of breath as I watch her go on and on, eyes dead as my sleep slips away. She takes a big breath before she starts up again.

"I know I ate a lot yesterday but Nana Pearl says I need to eat more because I'm a growing girl and I told him that but he said that I eat to much so I hit him then he pushed me and I scraped my knee so I yelled at him and said that I'm coming to get you because he hurt me!"


I rub my eyes again as I exhale. Time to be the mean mama...

"You shouldn't of hit him."


"I know. He upset you. But violence is not the answer. This could have easily been settled with a simple agreement."

She pouts as she looks at me, shining her big, beautiful brown eyes at me. I have to stay strong....

"And the PlayStation is need to respect when he says no."

She glared at me, sitting back as she crosses her arms.

"You're a mean mama..."

"Who loves you."

I smile at her and watch as she tries to fight the smile. She ends up winning as she glared at me again. I exhale as I get up, stretching as I yawn.

"Besides...we don't have time for games..."


"Because...we're going to a safari today!"


"Yeah! We're going to see big cats, little cats, wolves, foxes, giraffes, lizards..."

I walk out of the room as I continue, Nia rushing after me. I see Angel plating omelets as I walk into the room. He looks up, confused.

"Tortoises, snakes, spiders, monkeys, hawks, eagles, sparrows, gorillas, baboons, apes, Lions, and tigers, and bears oh my!"

Angel laughs as I growl at the end, smiling as Nia jumps a little. She immediately starts laughing and jumping up and down. I wash my hands before I sit down and grab my plate, taking a bite.

"Ooooh! Buddy! These are delicious!"

They both sit down and begin to eat. I go to get up and get my coffee when Angel hands me a mug before sitting back down. I smile at him, saying a thank you before taking a sip.


"You ready!"


"Okay! But first..."

They both look at me confused as I stop right out side the car, making them stop.

"I want you both to look at each other and say sorry for arguing this morning and hug after."

They look at me in disbelief as I gesture for them to do it. They reluctantly turn to each other, glancing at me before looking down.

"I'm sorry, Petunia, for pushing you and saying you eat a lot...."


Nia glares at him as she crosses her arms. She glances at me, as if asking if she has to. I nod for her to continue and she exhales, exasperated.

"Angel...I'm sorry for hitting you and calling you a baboon butt...and throwing your favorite Ironman doll into Felix's litter box last week."


Hear we go...

"That's it. If you two don't start getting along, I'm going to take you both back home, gift myself a nice PlayStation with all the games and spend my days watching all the tv I want when I'm not playing it while you both sit in your room with nothing to do for the rest of your summer!"

They both shut their mouths, looking at me in surprise. I cross my arms as they both nod, looking down. I exhale as I look at them before rubbing my eyes.

"Now hug it out or I might make that my summer plans."


They both hug, looking at each other before reluctantly hugging. I nod before getting back in the car and grabbing the snack bag.

"Let's go."



Siblings am I right.

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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