Ch. 81: Books

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After school, I pick up the kids and take them home. I try my best to ignore the worry I feel as time ticks on, distracting myself with everything the kids want to do. I even played Minecraft with both of them right before dinner.

Even with all the laughter and smiles, I still have the sickening feeling that I won't ever see my mom or Noah ever again. I didn't want to leave the kids, either. I still felt the after shock of them being taken by a dark Druid and left in the woods for hours. I had Jasper come and check on them, wanting a full bill of health in short notice. That was last night when we got here.

Right now, I'm reading more of my bestiaries about druids and Nemetons. The kids are in bed, it's after eleven, and I'm sitting up in my room. I have a note pad filled with information that I could use, but about eight more books to read.

I really need to go digital with all of this.....

I rub the sleep away from my eyes as I stretch. I stand up, yawning as I walk to my dresser. I pull open the drawer filled with my pajamas and grab a random pair. I go to take my shower, opening the kids door on the way just to check on them.

After making sure they are both okay and in their beds asleep, I smile before continuing to the bathroom.


The next morning, I got up, gathered all the books and bestiaries into the large chest. I also grab my laptop and the accessories, putting them in my large laptop bag. I get dressed, make breakfast and get the kids up to eat. After that, I help Nia get ready as Angel takes a shower.

She's getting where she doesn't need my help to much, flying through everything on her crutches. When they're both ready, I strap the laptop bag to my back, grab the large chest filled with books, and lead the kids out the door. Nia yells at Angel to grab the cookies that we made yesterday, a dozen each of chocolate chip and peanut butter.

I scold her as Angel grabs it and a chocolate milk for himself and Nia. After locking the door, we make our way to the elevator and head downstairs. We make our way across the street, both kids in front of me as we cross. Nia has her crutches and my hands are full, but Angel sticks by us with his eyes peeled for any threats.

Once we get inside the building, we use the elevator to go up. I usher the kids along as I head to the big, metal door. I use my boot covered foot to knock on the door as I readjust the heavy trunk in my hands.

The door flies open, revealing an annoyed Peter. I smile at him before pushing the trunk into his hands, smiling more when he grunts and almost drops it. I walk past him, the kids following me right inside. Nia takes the cookies from Angel, smiling big as she offers one to Peter. He looks confused as stares her down.

"I Hope you don't mind...I brought the kiddos."

I see Cora sitting on the couch, eating a mango. I walk over to the table, setting down my bag as I dig out everything to scan the pages and transfer them to a digital book. And hard drive.

Peter drops the chest on the floor next to me as I set everything up. I turn on my myfi and fire everything up. Cora walk up to me, watching me with curiosity and confusion clear on her face.

"What's all this?"

"I am transferring all of my bestiaries onto this drive and need help reading through all of them..."

"Multiple?" Cora asks

I bend down, opening the chest and revealing the stacks of old books. Their eyes widen as they look over the countless books. JI turn to my bag, digging out the three notebooks filled with different facts from different books.

"These are the nots that I've taken from the last year....from Kanimas....alpha rituals....sacrificial rituals...Druids...daraks.....Nemetons....and facts about my own species...."

Cora takes to note pads, flipping through the pages filled with ink. Peter is looking at Nia, who is sat on the couch eating a mango Cora gave her. Angel is sitting beside her, doing the same.

"She looks familiar...."

" did kill her mother..."

Cora and Peter's eyes snap to me, the former looking between us. Peter looks at Nia again, before looking back at me. He leans in, whispering as he asks a question.


"Jennifer...your nurse...."

His eyes widen as he looks back at Nia, studying her with a slightly remorseful face. He covers it up quickly as he bends down and grabs a random book, clearing his throat as he opens it up.

"Where did you get all of these, anyway?"

"Hunters...fallen packs...druids who no longer have use for"

"Trading?" Cora asks.

"Oh yeah! There's a lot of supernatural black markets out there..."

I look around, not seeing Derek anywhere. I look at Peter, seeing him flipping through a book about different shifters. Cora is reading my notes, not looking at me, and the kids are talking to each other on the couch.

"Where's Derek?"

They look at each other, Cora looking for guidance while Peter looks for an excuse. I listen out, hearing his heartbeat upstairs. I walk past them, heading for the stairs as they rush to stop me.

"He's...not well..."

"He sacrificed his power to save me."

I turn and look at them both before turning, rushing up the stairs as they call out my name. When I reach his room, I find him leaning against the window, passed out. I rush over, checking on him before positioning my hands to get him up.

He's out cold, unmoving as I struggle to move him across the room to his bed. I'm gripping his torso, my head against his chest and his arms over my shoulders. As I make it to the bed, we both fall with myself landing on his chest in a grunt.

I curse as I get up, trying to get off him when he grabs my shirt. I look down, seeing his eyes still closed as he tries to speak. I reach down, loosening his hand off my shirt as I grip it in my own.


"Shh....don't speak."

I gently reach out, caressing his face as he drifts away from reality.




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Drink water....this is a threat.

-the Author

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