Ch. 82: Princess

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After hours pass as all three of us sift through the pages of the old, worn down books. The kids even began to help at one point, Nia helping Peter and Angel helping me. Peter is confused about Nia and keeps giving her strange looks, as if asking her 'why are you near me?' with his amusing face.

Angel and Cora begin to talk after a while, both speaking in Spanish as they smile and talk about shared experiences. I mainly work the scanner and the computer as I organize everything to my liking. We finally get to the last five when I see the sun settling.

"I can do the rest. Kids, get your things...we gotta go."

I separate the five books as Cora and Peter start putting the others back. I save everything on my laptop before shutting it down and taking everything apart to put away. As I'm zipping up the last object, the sun completely sets.

I strap it to my back again before grabbing the large trunk and looking at the kids. They're both at the door, reading to go as I walk towards them. I turn, looking at the two Hales as I speak.

"You should go check on Derek. The moon will rise soon."

Cora nods before walking towards the stairs. Peter rolls his eyes as he walks towards the stairs doing the same, his arms crossed as walks up the spiral staircase. I turn towards the kids, ushering them out as I get them away from the impending danger.


I'm tucking the kids in bed after dinner. They're both tired and more than ready to sleep as I give them a hug of them a forehead kiss. As I'm shutting the door gently, I hear a blood curtailing scream coming from across the street.

I can't change into my usual night outfit because of the slashes in it, so I head to my room. I shift through my closet, finding a suitable replacement for the night. I don't bother with the mask because one, everyone already knows, and two...I don't have a spare.

Once I'm dressed and strapped down with weapons, I hear a knock on my front door. I pull out a dagger, keeping it hidden as I walk towards the door, peaking out the peep hole. I see Ms. Pearl with her hair in rollers and a box in her hands. I put the dagger away before opening the door.

"Ms. Pearl?"

"Oh! Sorry for knocking so late...." She trails off as she sees my outfit. "Another emergency?"

I look at her confused as she walks past me, heading for my couch. I follow her, watching as she fires up the PlayStation and puts in Minecraft. She logs onto one labeled Nana P and begins playing.

"Go ahead dear! I've got them."

"Okay...we'll talk later..."

She waves me off as she begins to mine in a dark tunnel in the game, setting down torches as she moves. She's playing on survival and seems to be a frequent player. I turn, confused as I walk out the door.


I let the currents guide me again, feeling the pull all the way to a place I thought I would never see again. I walk into the distillery, looking around as memories flash in my head. This used to be one of my hiding places...I found it when I was about Nia's age...

I ran away from home for a night and stayed here, all alone. The next day I decided I didn't like being alone so I went back, only to find out that I was lost in the woods.


A young girl stumbles through the woods, fear in her eyes as they dart around. She stops as she hears a snap close by. Her heart rate picks up as her breathing becomes gasps. She sees a big, black wolf peak it's head out. It seems to be studying her, watching her every move.

The little girl stares in shock, not believing her eyes as the wolf steps back. Her eyes widen more as a beautiful woman steps out, a smile on her face. She's stark naked, hair long as it drapes over her exposed chest.

"Hello...are you lost?"

"Y-yes...h-how did you do that? W-were you that wolf?"

She smiles and nods, bending down to eye level as she looks at the scared girl. She stays a few feet away, not wanting to startle the child anymore than she already has.

"Sorry for my appearance...I unfortunately can't carry clothes with me when I'm a wolf.."

"A-are you princess?"


"The princesses in the movies have magical powers...I just thought..."

She smiles at the small child, understanding what she was asking. She decides to play along, looking around as if wanting to keep it a secret. She starts to whisper as the child's eyes fill with wonder.

"Actually...I'm more of a queen...see"

She flashes her red eyes, smiling as the girl gasps in astonishment. The child suddenly gasps, getting into her backpack and grabbing a large coat. She holds it out, smiling up at the queen with admiration.

"Here...I forgot I had it! It's my dads...I used it to keep warm last night...but I don't think he'll mind if you use it!"

"Thank you..."

She smiles softly at the child before grabbing it and draping the coat over her exposed skin. The child holds out her hand, a smile on her face. The lady grabs it gently, smiling as she starts to walk towards the Hale house.

"Queen Princess...what's your name?"

The lady laughs as she looks down.

"Talia. What about you, wonderer of the woods?"

"Anastasia...but my mommy and daddy call me Ana.."

"What a beautiful name!"

"So is yours!"


I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a strong gust of wind hitting the metal walls. I blink away the memories as I move towards a good hiding spot. I showed this place to Derek a long time ago, when we were just starting to be friends. We used it as a hangout for where we'd plan pranks and just to get away from our realities.

After he brought Paige here, I stopped coming. I felt betrayed at the time...and not just because of that...



A little flashback of how she met Talia, Derek's mom and her first trainer. They had a little bit of a mother daughter relationship if you couldn't tell....

Drink water!!!!!

-the Author

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