Ch. 14: We're Okay...

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I make it to my apartment, dropping my bags on the way to my bedroom. I go to take a quick shower, smelling my sweat from today on me. As I get out, I hear my phone ringing in the other room. I step out, walking over to it and see that I'm getting a call from Stiles.


"Ana?! Are you okay?! Where are you?!"

Shit...I forgot.

"Stiles? I'm at home...I woke up here.." I shake my head at my own stupidity, not believing my own lie.

"What? What do you mean you woke up at home?"

"I woke up here..."

"Are you okay? Did th- did you get hurt?"

"My head hurts a little..." I roll my eyes as I act confused. "What happened?"

"Uh- there was an attack at the pushed me ahead..." I know that. "You disappeared after that...we didn't know what happened to you...and my dad couldn't find you..."

"Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah! Well.. except the janitor..."


"Nothing...get some sleep..."

"Okay, too.."

He hangs up as I roll my eyes. I know they don't know that I know, but they are idiots. I check the time, about to get in bed.


I go to lay down when my phone goes off again. I roll my eyes as I go to answer it.


"Hi! Sorry that it's so late...but I'm Jasper Griffin, I'm Jack's dad.."

The kid that Angel's with...

"Oh, everything okay?"

"'s just that Angel woke up from a nightmare and is asking for you...he won't calm down with out you..."

"Okay...uhm...give me a minute and I'll come pick him your wife with him?"

"I don't have a wife..." he sounds confused my words.

"Then who was that woman I met earlier...the one that picked up Angel..."

"Oh! That was my sister...she watches Jack when I'm at work..."

"Okay. Sorry. Uhm...just give me the address and I'll be there in a moment."

"Thank you...and sorry for calling so late."

"No worries. I'd rather you did then didn't."

"Okay...uh...see you soon.."


I hang up, dropping my phone on the bed as I go to get dressed. That was one of the most awkward phone calls of my life...


I knock on the door, watching my breath as it floats threw the air. It flies open in seconds, revealing a very attractive man.

"Hi.." I smile as I meet his eyes. "I'm Anastasia McCall.."

I hold out my hand. He looks at it for a moment before reaching out and shaking it. He smiles at me before letting go.

"I'm Jasper Griffin...we talked on the phone."

"Yeah.." I smirk as I see him gulp a little. "I'm aware.."

He smiles a little before stepping aside, letting me in. I follow him inside, seeing a staircase and a long hallway. I can see a room down the hall with it's door open and light on. Hard wood floors, gorgeous wooden stairs, and burgundy colored walls are all I see as I slip off my coat.

He takes it and hangs it in a closet on our right before he steps into the room on the left hand side. I hear the sound some show playing, a laugh track. I step into the dark room and see Angel wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on the floor.

"Angel?" he Jumps up and runs to me, throwing his arms around me.

"Can we go home?" I can barely hear his voice, his face against my stomach.

"Y-yeah...let's go..." I smile a little as I rub his head. "Get you're things..."

He goes to grab his bag which is by the couch and rushes back and grabs my hand. He grips on tight as he he waits for us to go.

"Uh-thanks again. And sorry about could be asleep..." I say as I look at Jasper.

"No worries. I was up doing work anyways..." he smiles at me before leading us to the door.

He grabs my coat, holding it out for me to put on. I slip my arms through, looking at Angel as he grabs my leg. I look at him confused as I button up my coat. I hold out my hand and he grabs it fast. I can tell his heart rate is high and his chemo signals are setting off fear and anxiousness.

I grip his hand in comfort as I turn and thank Jasper one last time. I lead Angel out the door, heading for my car. I feel eyes on me as I help him into the back seat, buckling him up. I give him a blanket I keep in the backseat and he covers up.

"Anastasia! Wait!" I turn around fast, seeing Jasper rushing out after me.

"Yes?" I shut the door, turning to look at him.

"I-uh..." he stops, not knowing what to say. I give him a confused look as I wait patiently. "Uh-next week is Jack's birthday...would you like to bring Angel?"

I smile as I watch him closely. He's rubbing his neck, not making eye contact as speaks. He keep's gulping as he shifts his feet. I can also hear his heart beating fast as he reeks of anxiety.


He exhales as he smiles at me. He stands up strait, fixing his hair as he looks at me.

"Good...see you then."

He turns to walk back inside. I smile as I watch him, before turning to open my door to get in. As I go drive away, I see him look back, a smile on his face.



We walk into the apartment ten fifteen minutes later. I set my keys in the bowl as he puts his backpack on the shelf. He sits on the couch, wrapping his arms around his legs. I walk over, sitting down gently as I watch him.

"Angel?" He doesn't look up at me as I hear a sniffle. "What happened?"

My voice is soft as I speak, wanting to calm him and provide comfort. I hear him sniffle a few more times. He starts to talk, but it's muffled by his legs.

"I can't hear you, sweetie." He slowly sits up, looking at me.

"It was the hunters again. They came and got you...and I couldn't help..."

He starts to cry again as my heart drops. I reach forward and pull him in for a hug. He wraps his arms around me as he buries his head in my stomach. I rub his back and his head as sooth him.

"'s okay. I'm okay. I'm right here. We're okay...Shh...shh...



I about cried when writing this one...

So I hope y'all enjoyed!!!!

Drink water!!!?!!!!!!!?!!!!

-the Author

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