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*young Maggie Elizabeth Jones as Nia*

I get home, take a shower, and get dressed before heading for Ms. Pearl's. I knock, hoping that I'm not waking them. I hear laughter coming from inside, putting a smile on my face as I try the door knob.

"Ms. Pearl? Angel?"

"Oh!" Ms. Pearl comes around the corner, a big smile on her face. "There you are! Come in! Come in!"

She grabs my arm, pulling me into the kitchen. I see Angel and a redheaded little girl sitting on stools, spatulas in their hands. I smile at them as I walk in. I smile at them both as I slip into one of the chairs at the table.

"This is Petunia, but she prefers Nia. He mom's a nurse who works most nights. She dropped her off yesterday and hadn't picked her up yet. She usually does around four...."

"In the morning?"


I nod, surprised as I glance at the kids again.

"What're we having?" I smile at them as I ask.

"Pancakes!" Nia shouts excitedly. She seems to only be about five, three years younger than Angel. "With strawberries and bananas and blueberries and syrup and honey and raspberries and pineapple and chocolate!"

"Nia, that's enough yelling."

"Yes, Nana Pearl."

"Nana?" I glance at her, a small smile on my face.

"A nickname she gave me. I honestly love it."

"I can tell." I smile.


I'm at the mall with Angel, looking at dresses for the formal that is tomorrow. He's sat on a bench, playing his game boy I got him. I look at a red dress, holding it up for him to see.

"What about this one?"

He looks up, a look making its way to his face as he shakes his head.


"Okay..." I pick up a blue dress. "This one?"

He shakes his head again, the look staying on his face. I huff as I put it back on the shelf. I grab a gold one, not even looking at it as I hold it up. I'm still hoping to finally be done with this.

A smile forms on his face as he nods.


I look at it, seeing golden sparkles everywhere and small golden flowers around the bust area. I look back at him in surprise.

"I can't where this!? I would look a witch who comes down in a bubble or something?!"

"I like it."

"I must agree with him. Gold has always looked amazing on you."

My head snaps to where the voice came from, seeing someone I thought would be dead by now.

"Peter? I thought you were in the hospital?"

I ask as I slowly step in front of Angel, trying to keep my heartbeat and breathing under control. If he's here talking to me, that only means one thing...

"Anastasia..." he says my name properly, not the way most Americans say it. "I thought you would never return...not after what Derek did to you..."

"I got over that a long time ago..."

"Oh...I wouldn't tell him that...with the way he still pines after you, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a secret stash of photos of you pinned all over a room..."

I look at him in confusion as I step back a little. Peter has always had a way of making me feel...unsafe.

"I'm sure that's an...exaggeration...wouldn't you be the one to do something like that?"

"Oh, no! I would go about things way better than asking them out on a lovely date...or for their forgiveness..."

His eyes show nothing as he stares at me. I keep eye contact as I feel Angel move closer to me, grabbing the back of my shirt as he senses my uneasiness. I know Peter senses it too as he looks behind me at Angel.

"Who is this?"

"None of your business, Peter. I'm glad you're better, but I honestly don't want anything to do with please leave."

I gulp as he smiles, taking me by surprise as he nods once. I feel Angel grip tighten as I glance at him. I look back, not even a second later, to find the spot empty. I exhale as I look around us, seeing only other shoppers and workers moving about.


"Are you sure that it's okay?"

I'm standing in Ms. Pearls apartment, Angel right beside me with an over night bag. Once I got home from, she stopped me in the hall with a bag of homemade candy. I let it slip that I needed someone to watch him over night and she immediately volunteered. She said to bring him by when I was ready to go and so she can see me in my dress.

"Of course!" She waves me off as she continues to look for her camera. "Besides, Nia's still here and I bet she wouldn't mind the company."

"Nia's still here? Has her mom called?"

"I'm afraid not..." she looks at the ground. "If she doesn't show by tomorrow, I'll make a missing person's report...this is not like her..."

"Okay...if you need me, let me know"

"I will...oh! Found it!" She holds up her camera. It's an old Polaroid camera from the 1900s. "And I know it works because I used it the other day, so don't try to run."

I smile as I fix my dress. I see Nia and Angel looking at me in a funny way.

"Are you a princess?" Nia asks.

"No...she's my guardian." Angel scoffs as he crosses his arms.

"Guardian? Like a guardian princess?!" She gets excited as she looks at him in surprise.


They continue with their childish scrabble. Ms. Pearl and I laugh as we watch them. I finally move forward, separating them as I try to hold back my amusement.

"That's enough, both of you. I'm not a princess...even though I have been called one before..."

"Really?" Her shoulders drop as she realizes that I'm not a princess. "That's sad..."

"Let's get that picture taken!"

I stand and move over to where Ms. Pearl wants me. She holds up the camera as I smile, putting my hands on my hips.

"Wait..." she steps back, looking at the kids. "Both of you, over there."

They walk over to me, both with confused looks.

"Pick her up and have him stand in front of you."

I pick up Nia, holding her on my hip as Angel steps in front of me. I smile as Nia plays with my hair, both of us looking at the camera.




If you haven't figured it out, Nia is the nurse's daughter, the one that helps Peter.

I haven't decided if she's going to be adopted by a family member or Ana yet....


Drink water!!!!?!!!!!

-the author

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