Ch. 26: Alpha, Alpha

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I just all of you to know that most of these chapters were written when I was tired and in the middle of an insomniac episode. I will edit them later after I've finished the book.

Please, if you find a mistake in any of the chapters, comment and let me know so I can fix it.

Have an amazing day, loves!


I make it to the Hale house, my duffel bag of weapons on my shoulder as I set up on the top floor. I strap knives of all kinds to my torso, putting my gun in its holster fully loaded, my daggers and katana in their places, and my dart gun with my pouch of different kinds of intoxicating ammo on my waist.

I take a breath, preparing myself for the battle that is to come. I walk downstairs to the bottom floor, as I go to open the door, I hear a howl break through the air. My hand is hovering in the air as my mind races o decipher the meaning of it.

I open the door and walk outside just as another howl breaks the silence, this one closer.

A lot closer...


I'm in a tree, keeping my eyes out for anyone, as I wait for someone to come out of the tunnel. I know both Scott and Derek are down there, but I decided to wait it out. I pull out one of my throwing knives out, fiddling with it as I wait.

I hear them stumble out, Scott pulling Derek as they walk on the dead leaves around them. I perk up, silently moving to follow them as they make their way away from me.

I hop from tree to tree, silently moving with ease as I follow my brother. I see Derek stop up ahead, catching his breath as he tries to speak.

"Something doesn't feel right..."

"What do you mean?"

I tone in on the sound of movement to their left. I look over, seeing two of the Argent women standing there. I pull out three throwing knives, preparing to fight. I look back at Scott and Derek, watching helplessly as Derek gets shot right there.

I hop from my tree, following them as they all take off. Just as Kate shoots Derek, I tackle her. She hits the ground hard as I startle her, putting a knife to her throat. She looks at me in surprise before she smiles.

All I see is red as I punch her a few times with my other hand. She laughs before I feel a shooting pain coming from my head. I hit the ground, landing next to Derek as I struggle to stay awake. I see Alison looking at me in surprise, holding rock that has my blood on it.

I slowly slip away, the last thing I see being my brother looking down a barrel of a gun.


I jump awake to the sound of Alison's voice. I spring up, gathering my bearings as I look around. I can hear growls coming from inside h the Hale house. I rush in, seeing both Scott and Derek fighting Peter as Kate's lifeless body lays on the floor.

I pull out my katana, taking aim before striking. Peter looks at me in surprise as I swing my blade, cutting him in multiple places as we perform the dance flawlessly. As I cut his leg, he growls and grabs my blade. We begin to fight over our dominance as blood drips from his hand.

He back hands me into the stares before discarding my blade across the room. Derek and Scott both hit him from both sides as I get up, pulling out some of my knives. I aim before letting them fly from my fingers. One hits him in the hand as the other two land in his arm.

He rips them out angrily as he flares at me. He goes to charge at me as I pull out my matching daggers. I wait as he moves fast towards me. I duck at the last second, slipping between his legs as I cut him on both. A stab him in the leg with one before pulling out a knife. I stab him in the back as he howls in pain. He goes to turn around as I flip back. I dodge a few of him attacks, moving back as he swings his arms around.

I swipe at his torso as he swings for my head, slicing him as he misses his target. I see Scott and Derek both moving forward, going for the attack as I hold him off. In my moment of distraction, he managed to punch me in the face, knocking me into an old, broken bookshelf.

I watch as he throws Scott across the room before transforming into his alpha form. Scott gets up again, going for a hit when he's distracted. Peter punches him, sending him flying out the window as I gasp. I get up, gripping my side as I stagger to the door.

I pull out a few more knives as I step out into the night, seeing the alpha holding my brother up my his throat. I aim, hitting him in his back before pulling out more. He growls, dropping my brother as he turns to me, red eyes shining with anger. I throw another, hitting him in the chest as he charges at me. I continue to throw knives as he moves, hitting him with every one of them.

Right as he's about to reach me, I roll out of the way. I land five feet away, turning fast to look at him as he prepares to charge again.

I grab my last knife, gripping it as I watch his every move. H grabs my neck, holding me in the air as I swing my legs up. I wrap them around his neck, jerking my body fast. I land hard, still gripping his neck and arm with my legs as he claws and bites me. I stab my knife into his thigh, hitting the artery as he howls in pain.

I roll away as I see headlights heading our way. A horn honks as stiles and Jackson jump out of Jackson's car. They throw a flask of liquid at Peter, who catches it. Alison aims and shoots it after Scott yells, causing Peter's arm and o burst into flames. Jackson throws another flask, causing the flames to spread.

I watch as peter withers and howls in pain as he burns alive. He goes to attack Alison, bearing his teeth at her as he moves.


Scott jumps up and kicks Peter away, flipping as he does so. Peter stumbles away, the flames dwindling down as he moves away. He transforms back, a dead look in his eyes as he stands there. My hand covers my mouth as I see the burns and blisters that cover his body.

He drops to the ground, landing on his back. I stare at his body, shock shining through as I ignore my brother and his girlfriend kiss. I stand slowly, silently moving back as I spot Derek walking to his uncle's body.

I watch as he stands over him, looking down on him. Scott rushes over as he tries to stop Derek. I look at the ground as I listen to their conversation. Scott doesn't succeed in convincing Derek as when I look up, I see Derek slice his uncle's neck.

I gulp as I back away more, silently making my way inside the Hale house undetected. I silently gather any weapon I see as I make my way upstairs. With the distraction outside, no one notices when I'm gone or hears me inside. When I have found and gathered everything I could, I slip away.

Heading home.



Season one

Season two is up!!!!

Drink water!!!?!!!?!!!!!

-the author

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