Ch. 70: Hanging Tree

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I'm sitting in my class, going through the tests for tomorrow. As I sort them by hour, I hear a buzzing sound coming from my purse. I drop the stack, exhaling a long breath as I reach for the straps on the bag.

I dig around, searching for it as I get another message. After grabbing the same pack of gum five times, I finally find it before putting my purse back in its original place. I sigh as I unlock the device, swiping until I get to my messages.

My face immediately goes firm, my shoulders stiffening as I read and reread the message. I gulp a few times as anger and worry slips in. I get up, grabbing everything I need before I rush out of my classroom, heading to the office to check out as I think of nothing but the message.

Darach coming I'm being taken...tell Scott and find me... -Deaton


I watch from the shadows as police search the clinic. I see a moth coming out of the vent, flying away. I glance back and see Noah and deputy walking out. I move forward, walking inside just as Stiles and Scott go to leave. I can see Deaton's sister standing behind them, a small worry line on her forehead.

"Boys...what're you doing out of school? Shouldn't you be in class?"

They look at each other, before looking at me. Stiles decides to take the lead as he starts to talk.

"Hey! A-Ana! What're you doing her? Should you be teaching a class?"

I glare at him as I cross my arms, watching him awkwardly trying to find the right thing to do with his arms. Scott is just looking between us as he rubs his hands together. I an feel the worry dripping of him.

"Touché..." I look at my brother before looking back at Stiles. "Now...What do we know?"

They look at me confused as I wait patiently. I exhale as I uncross my arms, rolling my eyes a little.

"Please. I know you're a werewolf and I know what took question is what do you know so far so we can find him."

They look at me in surprise, eyes the size of the sun itself. They continue to look a me as I cross my arms again, watching them recover from the shock.

"How do you..."

"That's not important right now. What do we know?"

"We need Lydia..."

"Then get her."

I turn around, walking out the door as the boys watch in shock. I walk into the ally, disappearing from sight as the boys rush out.

"Where did she go?!"

"I don't know...but we need to do what she says..."

"Dude! Your sister just dropped the bomb of a the century that she knows and you're just rolling with it?!"

"I have too...we don't have time for anything else..."

I nod as I continue down the dark ally, heading for my car.


  Something told me to head to the preserve, dressed for a battle. I head let my feeling guide me as I move through the trees, not knowing where I was going. I'm glancing all around, keeping my senses open as I move.

I stop as I see something up ahead. I step closer, narrowing my eyes as I try to make out what it is. My eyes widen, heart racing as I rush forward. I can hear a faint heartbeat as I draw my katana, cutting the rope holding the figure up.

"Jasper? Jasper can you hear me?"

I get the ropes off him, throwing them to the side as I check his breathing. I pat him down, looking for his phone as his breathing evens out. I find it, calling the police as I check him over.

"Beacon county police department, how can I help you?"

"Hi! Uh-I just found a man hanging in the woods! H-he's alive but I don't know for how l-long...I-I don't know what to do?!"

"Calm down, ma'am...can you tell me exactly what happened?"

"I was taking my daily walk through the woods when I saw him! I rushed over, pulled out my knife and cut him down!! He isn't r-responding...b-but he is breathing..."

"Okay....can you tell me where you are?"

"I-I'm not for s-sure...I decided to explore a little today...I-I don't even know where I am..."

"Sit tight, Ma'am. Help us on the way...can you tell me your name?"

I drop the phone, leaving it going as I dispose of any evidence that I was here. I hop into a nearby tree, keeping an eye on Jasper as I wait for the first responders.


After they took away the still breathing Jasper, I made my way back to my car. I parked over a mile away, wanting to keep my car out of sight of any crime scenes. I pull out my phone, texting Scott and Stiles to check on them. I don't get anything in return, causing me to roll my eyes as I shove it back into my pocket.

I get in the driver's seat, turning on my car as I slip on my seatbelt. I pull out of the parking lot that I stashed my car in, looking both ways before driving off to the hospital.

I need to go check on Nia...


I change back into my original clothes, rushing inside as I see Noah leaving.

"Hey! Any word on Deaton?"

"No. I'm sorry.."

"It's okay...I gotta go..."

"See ya later, kid."

"You too, old man."

I walk inside, heading for the elevator. I see my mom standing by a wall, gesturing for me to follow her, I look at her confused before following her.She looks around before pulling me into the morgue.

"Okay...I've found out how the doctors were killed.."

"I think I already know..."


"I just found Dr. Griffin hanging from his hands in the middle of the woods..."

"What?! Is he okay?"

"Yeah...I got there just in time. Any word about Deaton?"

"No. But I do on Nia's discharge..."


"Yeah....she can be discharged at anytime! They just need your signature and you...."

"Okay. Then I need to get up there. I already took off the rest of the day, so I can get her home and comfortable with Ms. Pearl..."

"Sounds good....I'll keep you updated with everything else, okay?"




I'm sorry that it took so long for me to update.....

I was having family drama, then a family birthday, then my mind decided that it didn't want to write....

But I got it done and more is to come!

Drink water!!!!!!!!!!!

-the Author

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