Ch. 76: Orchestra

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I walk into the school, heading for my classroom as someone walks up behind me. I turn, finding Ms. Blake smiling at me. I send her a small smile as she starts to talk.

"Good morning, Ms. McCall! I was wondering if you had heard anything about the memorial service being put on for the victims of the resent attacks?"

"Uh...yeah! I was actually the one to suggest it..."

"Really? I was asked to help out and was wondering if you would help me with something?"


"The set....should we start with the freshman band, choir, or orchestra?"

"Orchestra. And also end with the senior orchestra....I love string instruments...."

"Okay! And the other sets?"

"The Band will do three songs together and two as a separate group. After that, the choir with do a few songs and provide a nice humming behind the speech that the principal has planned. Then the orchestra closes strong..."

"Is that off the top of your head?"

"No. Mrs. Martin and I figured it out last night during rehearsals...."


"I have to go.."


I smile before turning and walking away.


I'm standing outside my room, glaring at the twins as they stand at Ethan's locker. They seem to be arguing while students walk past. Aiden gets angry, slamming the locker and walking away. I watch as Lydia catches up with the furious dog, causing a distraction for the two that are walking up to Ethan.

The three boys walk away, glancing around to make sure that they were in the clear. I scoff as I watch them go, crossing my arms as they leave. Someone taps my shoulder, drawing my attention away from them.

"Ms. Blake? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like me..."

I smile in a joking way, trying to boost my mood as she smirks at me.

"Maybe I do..."

My eyes widen as she replaces the smirk with a smile, holding out the stack of papers for me to look at. I grab them, looking at a few as she begins to speak.

"These are the set plans that will be handed out at the recital...."

"They look great! I'll go ahead and put them in here so they won't get misplaced...."

She nods as I turn, walking to my desk and putting them in the top left drawer. She stands at my door, watching me as I grab my copy of the class schedules and look it over.

"I'm supposed to supervise the choir today...and you have the band..."

"I know...I was about to head that way..."

"I have a something else to do before I can head that way...."

"Okay...well, bye! See you later."

I nod as she waves, walking away.


I'm walking to my car, going through the little tunnel outside. I see a figure step out, standing there as I step forward. When I recognize who it is, I rush forward. I throw my body into his arms as he breathes in my scent.

I pull away from the hug, pulling him in for a kiss. I throw all my emotions into it as he grips me tight. When my lungs have had enough, I pull away and rest my head against his.

"Where the hell have you been? I thought the worst..."

He stays quiet, just holding me as I study his face. I bring my hand up, resting it on his cheek as he exhales. Grabbing my hand, he brings it to his lips. Placing a kiss on my palm before kissing my knuckles, rubbing it as he looks down at it.

"I know..."

"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry..."

I see tears in his eyes as he looks down, avoiding the contact that I need. I cup his face, pulling his head up so I can look him in the eyes. I rub his cheek a little as we poor our emotions into the look. His grip on my hips tightens as more tears form in his eyes.

I pull him into another hug, letting him release all the emotions he feels right now as I comfort him. After a moment, he pulls away. His eyes stare down at me as I look up, giving him a small smile.


He goes to speak, opening his mouth as no sound comes out. He rubs my sides, looking down before making eye contact again. The bell rings, alerting me that I need to go just as he goes to speak again.

"I swear I could take a sledgehammer to that bell sometimes..."

"Why don't you come back with me?"

I look up at Derek seeing him smiling down at me. I smile as I shake my head, looking down. I brush the hair behind my ear as I look back up, a serious look on my face again.

"I can't..." I exhale before continuing. "I have two more classes and a recital to attend...I organized it in honor of the people we lost recently...."

He smiles down at me as I look up at him confused.


"Uh..." he smiles to himself before making eye contact again, brushing my hair back as he looks down at me lovingly. "Nothing...go teach the future doctors and lawyers..."

I laugh as he leans down, meeting my lips as he brings me in for another kiss. I hum into it as I savor this moment, running my hands through his hair as he grips me tighter. When it starts to get a little heated, I pull away from him again.

"Whew! That was..."

I fan myself a little as he laughs, resting his head against mine as I giggle. We quiet down, keeping eye contact as he rubs my cheek. I sigh, biting my lower lip as I look at him.

"I really do need to go now...."

"I know..."

I look down at his lips, biting mine as I exhale. I give him one last quick kiss before I pull away, waving before turning and walking away. I glance behind me one last time before I turn the corner, seeing Derek watching me with a small smile.



I keep forgetting to clarify this. But I envision everyone calling her Ana and Anastasia like Hanna or the American pronunciation.

Peter calls her Ana and Anastasia like Fawn or dawn....or the proper pronunciation....

Now that I have got that down I can actually move on and stop getting agitated every time I forget....

Drink water!!!!!!!

-the Author

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