Ch. 7: Gunshots

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I wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of gunshots. I shoot up, gasping as I focus on my surroundings. A howl sounds through the air as I get up, checking the time.

2:06 AM

I get dressed and make my way to the origin of the sound.


I'm standing on a roof, crouched down watching as Derek looks around. He seems to be hunting the alpha as he crouches down a checks out a blood spot. I hear movement a ways away as I slip back into the darkness, unnoticed.

I watch as Derek takes off after the alpha, moving fast as he leaps over everything. I silently follow, sticking to the shadows as I move in the night. He gets up on a roof of a building, using a pipe to climb up. He stops as he watches the alpha get away. He goes to follow, leaping into the air.

As he soars, a shot rings through the air, hitting him in the arm. I watch as he falls to the ground, hitting everything as he does.

I slip down, going to him. I make sure that my mask is in place as I slide down a pipe silently. I land not far from him, finding him groaning on the ground. I crouch down, drawing his attention. My eyes are glowing green as I go to help him.

He gets in a defensive stance, still on the ground. I hold up my hands, showing that I mean no harm. He backs up, leaning his back against the wall. I move closer as he pull his sleeve up, showing a bullet hole with blue smoke flowing out. I help him up, supporting him on my shoulders.

"W-what are you doing?"

I don't answer as I start to pull him with me. I lead us to an underground abandoned train station, I found it about a week ago and decided to make it an emergency safe house if I need it.

I dump him on a bench, moving to a chest with medical supplies and emergency equipment. I pull out everything I need as I hear Derek groan from behind me. I can feel his eyes on me as I move closer to him, my arms filled with medical supplies.

He stiffens as I set everything down, grabbing his arm gently. He groans as I slowly pull up his sleeve. I pull out some tweezers, disinfecting them and the wound. I grab a belt, folding it and giving it to Derek. He gives me a strange look, huffing as he tries to catch his breath.

I take it from him and put it in his mouth. I grab a bottle of alcohol and dump it on each of my hands before grabbing the tweezers again. I grab his arm, feeling his eyes on me as I dig in. He growls through the pain as I dig out the bullet in his arm, trying to not hurt him more than I have to.

I finally get it out, dropping it into a bowl. I disinfect his wound again before I start to wrap it up. I know that this won't save him, with the bullet being laced with wolves bane.

I knew it was the moment I saw the blue smoke. I also know that the only way to cure it is to have one of the same kind bullet. I was going to have to get it.

Once I'm done with dressing his wound, Derek spits out the belt. He groans as he watches me putting everything away. I avoid his eye contact, not wanting to have any moment.

"W-who are you?"

I ignore him as I put everything up, wiping up the blood on the tweezers.

"Are you going o answer me?"

I continue to ignore him, focusing on my task.

"Okay... then... What are you?"

I don't acknowledge him, gathering up everything and putting it back in the chest. I lock it up and turn around, finding him staring at me.

"Huh?" He asks as he stares me down.

I shake my head and turn, leaving him alone. As I leave, I hear him getting up and following me.


He grabs my arm, stopping from going up the steps.

"Why can't I smell you? Or hear your heartbeat? What are you?"

I stare at him, not answering his questions. He keeps eye contact as he grips my arm, not letting go. I look down at his hand before looking back at him, trying to get him to understand. He finally gets it and let's go. I turn and leave, not looking back.

I need to get to bed.


I'm in the hallway, flipping through papers as I lean against the wall. I'm waiting for everyone to hurry and get to class. I see Alison and Lydia walking by as they head up the stairs.

"Scott's coming over, tonight?"

"We're just studying..."

"Just studying is never just studying. Someone always cops a feel."

I grimace at the idea of my brother having a sex life. I shake my head as I try and continue looking over an essay. Five misspelled words later and I'm interrupted by Alison's voice again.

"Are you kidding? After one date?"

"Don't be a total prude...just give him a little taste..."

"Well, how much is a little taste?"

"Oh my god! You really like him, don't you?"

"Ladies? Shouldn't you be getting to class?"

"Sorry, Ms. McCall. We're going there now." Lydia throws me a smile as she drags Alison away. "She's the only teacher around here with any style..."

I shake my head as I go back to grading the papers in my hands.


I'm supervising the students leaving the premises when I hear a commotion coming from the parking lot. I head outside, seeing a line of honking cars with Stiles' Jeep at the front. From where I am, I can see Derek on the ground, Scott over him.

I make my way over, acting as if I was an oblivious older sister/teacher.


He turns and sees me, his eyes widening as he sees me.

"Get rid of her!" He whisper yells to stiles as he helps Derek up.

"Wha- she's your sister!"

"Just do it!"

"Oh my g- hey! Ana! H-how are you?"

"Stiles?" I cross my arms. "What's going on?"

I can feel Derek's eyes on me as stiles tries to distract me.

"Oh! Uh- a friend of ours got sick and fell... I'm taking him home."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah! Yeah..."

"I don't believe you..."

"What? Why?"

"Because Scott's your only friend.."

I smirk as he does a whole body spasm, offended by my words.

"Wha-I have friends!"

"Okay. Name them." I cross my arms and smirk.

"Well. There's-"

"Stiles!?" Scott yells

"Right. Coming."

I shake my head as I watch them leave.




Drink water!??!!?!!!??!!!!??!?

-the author

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