Ch. 9: Conference Night

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I wake to the sound of laughter coming from my living room. Angel fell asleep last night in the living, so I threw a blanket on him and turned off the lights.

As I step out into the room, I see him sat on the couch watching SpongeBob. Smiling, I walk to the kitchen to start the coffee.

"Have you ate anything?"



"Coco pebbles."

I see the bag on the counter, a bowl next to it. I shake my head at it, cursing Stiles for getting it in the first place.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know..."


I look at the clock, seeing that it was 6:45. Shit.

"Get ready! I have to get to work. Wait... I can't bring you with me, today's parent-teacher conferences..."

"I don't have any clothes..."

I sigh as I think of something. I could ask Ms Pearl...

"Stay here. I have to get dressed, okay?"

He doesn't answer, to enthralled in the cartoon on the screen. I rush to get ready, hurriedly picking out clothes and doing my hair. I go without makeup, knowing I can do that later.

"Let's go. I have to see if Ms. Pearl will watch you for me. And tomorrow I'll take you clothes shopping, okay."


He gets up, grabbing his bag of his old toys and following me to the door.


"Ms. Pearl?"

I knock, trying to be patient as I wait for her to answer. Angel is stood next to me, yawning as he waits.

The door opens, revealing a tired looking Ms. Pearl.

"Ms. Pearl? I am so sorry to wake you! But I have an emergency. Would you be willing to take care of Angel for me while I'm at work? I'll even pay you later for it..."

Her eyes brighten as she sees the boy next to me.

"Oh! Of course! We can make cookies and a pie! I even have some tapes of Tom and Jerry!"

"Thank you..." I exhale as I smile, showing my gratitude. "I owe you Ms. Pearl."

"Nonsense." She waves me off as she directs Angel inside. "After you helped with my Felix... I owe you, Missy."

"Thank you, Ms Pearl." I smile as I give her a quick hug.

"No problem, dear..." she waves me off again. "Now get to work."

I smile as I wave, telling them both bye as I leave.


I'm in the teachers lounge printing off copies of progress reports, when I hear someone come in.

"Ms. McCall?"

I turn to see Mr. Harris standing there, giving me a strange look.

"Yes?" I act natural as I continue with my task.

"Have you seen your brother? He didn't come to my class."

"No, I have not. I don't live with him, nor do I talk to him in the morning."

"Well...he's failing my class. He should be here."

I stop and look at him, an annoyed look on my face.

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