Ch. 102: Where is She

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*3rd person*

Derek is helping Nia tie her shoes, hiding his worry as he gets the kids ready for school. Ana usually does this, not him. He doesn't know where she is or what's taking her so long, but he does know that she'll get an ear full when he finds her.

"Where's Mama?"

Derek clears his throat, looking down as he ties the pretty pink laces. Angel walks in, having the same question on his face as Derek tries to come up with an answer.

"Uhm...she went for a walk. She'll be back."

"But...she always takes us on her walks..."

"And never this early in the morning."

Both kids say, the older being the latter to finish the argument. Derek sighs, standing up straight before grabbing his car keys. He stops as he spots Ana's keys, his worry coming back full swing. He switches them out, grabbing her keys before moving towards the kitchenette.

"Grab some breakfast. You're both almost late so we gotta hurry."

They nod, grabbing an orange juice, a banana, and a granola bar apiece. Derek grabs their school bags, heading for the front door as the two kids follow silently.


Melissa listens to the ringing of the phone before it's answered, a male voice answering with a sleepy undertone.


"Decan? This is Melissa McCall, Scott and Anastasia's mom?"

"How may I help you, Melissa?"

"Anastasia's been stabbed and she's bleeding black blood...with your history and certain connections that..."

"I'm on my way, where are you?"

"The hospital...she's in exam room one but they'll be setting her up with a room after they do some tests. They might need to take her off to surgery..."

"Where's Scott and Derek?"

"I haven't told either one...with everything going on with Isaac and Stiles..."

"Call Derek. The longer you wait, the worst it'll be."

"Okay. Thank you, Decan..."

"Of course, Melissa. I'll be there shortly."

Raphael rushes into the ER, his hair a mess as he looks around. His eyes land on Melissa who is to busy typing in a number to notice her Ex-husband.


She looks up, barely hiding the tears as he rushes over. His eyes hold a similar worry, as if he has seen his worst fears come to life. The nurse from before, Judy, walks up with a chart in her hands.

"She's being prepared for surgery, Melissa...and there was aconite in her system. Not enough to kill her, but enough to cause that reaction."


"The blade. Whoever stabbed her laced their knife with it."

Melissa says before hitting the call button. It rings a few times before another male voice fills her ear.

"Hey,'s me, Melissa..."


"Have a great day!"

"Bye Derek!"

He waves at the little redhead as the two rush into the school. He sighs, putting the car into drive before turning down the side road that leads towards the high school. His phone starts buzzing, causing him to curse while struggling to get it free from his pants.

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