Ch. 44: Pre-Raving

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"Teacher McCall!"

I stop and turn around, looking at Bobby as he storms up to me.

"Have you seen Jackson?!"

I shake my head as I look a him. I take a sip of my coffee as he rambles on and on about the responsibilities of being a captain and how his star players are slacking. I just nod my head and sip, listening to him like a good friend.

"Hey, I brought extra spaghetti if you want some for lunch." I hold up my lunch bag, showing him the goods. "I think I also have a dessert..."

"Pearl Cookies?"

"Pearl Cookies."

"You are a-"

"No need." I brush off his thanks and smile. "Just stop by my classroom later and you can have the food."

"Got it."

He points at me as he turns and walks away, in a better mood; though not by much; than before. I shake my head before taking another sip of my coffee, heading for my original destination.


"Dezi and I will be at your apartment around five, we'll eat there, hang out, meet your kids, then get ready and go, sound good?"

I'm on the phone with Lexi, who has tickets to a rave that she got from an old friend from high school. I called her about Tucker, who was he first boyfriend, and she suggested we go out to distract ourselves.

"Sounds perfect. I already have a babysitter. She volunteered as soon as she heard what was happening...I swear she has a sixth sense about some things...."

"Do you want us to pick up dinner? or do you want to make something? I just want a solid plan..."


I glance at Ms. Pearl, who glares at me. She points to the stove before pointing at herself, telling me she's going to cook without saying a word.

"I got it covered..." I smirk as I look at Ms. Pearl. "My babysitter wants to coo for us...."

"Who is this person?"

"My landlord, Ms. Pearl. She's been a lifesaver, honestly..."


I hear loud talking coming from the other line, alerting Lexi of something.

"Gotta go. See y'a later, okay?"


I hang up, setting my phone on the counter before I look up at Ms. Pearl.

"Thanks again for everything, Ms. Pearl. You help more than you have ever had to.."

She waves me off, walking to the pantry and taking out some flour and sugar. She starts making sugar cookie dough as I stand there, watching.

"What're you wearing?"


"Out? What're you wearing out?"

"I have no idea..." I plop down on a stool, resting my cheek on my fist. "It's been forever since I've been to any form of party...I don't even know if I have any of my old clothes..."

"Well...we can't have that!" She abandons her dough, brushing her hands off before grabbing my arm and leading me to my room. "Start pulling stuff out. We'll find the perfect outfit!"


I laugh as I open my closet, pulling out boxes of old clothes and shoes. She opens up a box, shifting through the shirts and pants. She pulls out a tube top from when I was sixteen and holds it up, thinking about it before shaking her head.

"It's still a bit what about jackets! We can see if you have anything there and work around it!"

She's really excited, clapping her hands together as she smiles at me. I smile before grabbing a bunch of my blazers and jackets, tossing them on my bed. She shifts through them before landing on a certain one.

"This one."


"Yes! I have some old leather pants from my youth that are still in wonderful condition! I'll bet they fit you nice, too! Hold on."

I shrug as she rushes out, leaving me confused. I shift through old tank tops and cropped tops before settling on a black one. I set it to the side before getting into my shoes.

I find a pair of black heels before standing. I walk to my vanity, pulling out everything I would need after a shower and head to the living room. I see Angel preparing the forgotten cookies, a glare on his face as he mixes everything up.

"What're you doing, Bud?"

"Finishing these cookies...." He grumbles as he stirs.



A knock sounds from the front door as I help Nia pick out her clothes for tomorrow. She's really getting into clothes, loving dresses and anything pink. She's really starting to act like a certain strawberry blonde and I'm not even sure they've met....

"Deary! It's for you!"

I nod to myself before turning to the little princess beside me.

"I like that one! Okay?"


I smile at her before turning and heading out the door. Ms. Pearl made us a hearty dinner filled with carbs and proteins. She also made a chocolate cake after the cookies were done.



I hug both of them as they step in. They both smile at me before looking behind me. I glance and see both Angel and Nia standing there, confused.

"Oh! Lexi, Dezi, this is Angel and Petunia. She prefers Nia!"

"Oh! How cute!" Dezi steps forward, leaning down as she looks at them. "Hi! I'm Desiree! It's lovely to meet you!"


Nia smiles big as she greets Dezi while Angel stays quiet, on guard. Lexi pushes forward and greets them with a smile as well before turning and introducing herself to Ms. Pearl.

"Let's eat!"



"Mama Mia!"

I just stepped out of my room, finally done after having to change my hair stile for the millionth time. I do a twirl before making my way to the girls.

"Let's go!"


They both groan as I rush to the kitchen. I grab the leftover cookies, about nine, and put them in a ziplock before making my way to the living room again. I smile at them until I see Ms. Pearl with her camera.


"Yes. Now get over there."

I shake my head with a smile as I walk over to the girls, sandwiching Lexi as I hide the cookies behind her back. We do different poses before Ms. Pearl is satisfied and say our goodbyes and good nights, walking out the door.



I'm excited for the next chapter!

I hope everyone is having an amazing day(or night)!

Drink water!!!!?!!!!?!!!

-the Author

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