Ch. 3: Tryouts

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It's early in the morning, I'm just finishing getting ready for the day, when I get a phone call from an unknown number. I answer it, only to find out that it's my brother needing a ride from a strangers house because he slept walked three miles into the woods.

I grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie for him, my bags, and my lunch before walking out the door. I drive to the address to find him sitting on the curb in nothing but his shorts.

"What happened?"

I'm pulling into a drive-thru, getting us both breakfast before driving to his house.

"I don't know..." he has his head resting on the window as he stares out the window.

"What do you want?"

"A coffee and a sausage sandwich.."


"Welcome to McDonald's! How May I help you?"

"I want two coffees, one with cream, no sugar, and two sausage McGriddles, two hash browns, and one sausage egg McMuffin."

"Will that be all?"

"A mocha frappe with a shot of expresso."

"Okay! Your total is $- at the second window! Have a great day!"

I pull forward as I hand Scott my wallet, gesturing for him to get out the money.

"When we get to the house, I need you to hurry if you want a ride. I have to be at the school by 7:20 and it's about seven now..."


"I can give you a ride after school if you want..."

"I'll get one from Stiles.."


I pay and get our food. I get one of the hash browns and eat it while I'm driving. I pull up to the house and see that mom's already gone. Scott hops out and runs inside. While he's gone, I eat my food. I check my watch every few minutes, making sure I have enough time.


Hurry up, Scott...

He rushes out the door a minute later, locking it behind him. He hop's in the passenger seat and buckled up, putting his bags in the backseat as I pull out of the driveway.

"Eat. I already did."



I'm carrying my coffees in a cup carrier in one hand, and my book bag and purse in the other. I pass students and facility members as I walk towards my room.

"Ms. McCall!"

I stop and see the same brunette from yesterday walking up to me.


"Hi! I'm Alison Argent! I'm a new student and I was transferred into your second hour. I wanted to make sure that I won't be behind.."

"Ms. Argent, it's the second day... I just went over the syllabus yesterday... and to be frank, I don't see much importance to it other than going over a few rules. Today is the real start to the year."

"O-okay. Uh- I'll see you later.."

"So long, Ms. Argent."

I roll my eyes as I continue down the hall. I get to my door and set my bags down, getting to my keys. I struggle to open the door with one hand, not wanting to spill my drinks.

"D-do you need help, Ms. McCall?"

I turn and see Issac Layhey standing there, rubbing his hands together.

"Yes! Thank you, Mr. Layhey."

He holds out his hands and I handed him the Coffees. I unlock the door and open it. I bend down and grab my bags, putting up my keys before taking back the carrier.

"Thank you again, Mr. Layhey."

I walk into my room and turn on the lights. I set my things down and sit in my chair. I start to take out my lesson plans for each hour when I hear someone clear their throat a little.

"M-Ms. McCall?" Issac still stands at my door, not stepping in.


"W-would you call me Issac? Mr. Layhey reminds me of my father..."

I notice that his eyes are dodgy, his hands rubbing together. His heart rate is high and he keeps clearing his throat. I can see a faint bruise on his cheek and a cut on his lip.

"Sure, Issac. But if it slips up, I'm sorry.." I smile a little before turning away. "If you need anything, and I mean it Issac, just let me know, okay?"


"Now, you better get to your first hour, the bells about to ring."

"H-have a good day, Ms. McCall..."

"You too, Issac."


I walk out to the field again, a cup of coffee in my hand as I sit on the bleachers. I see both Scott and Stiles out on the field, looking at the coach as he does his speech.

I take a sip as I wait for the tryouts to officially start. Scott looks over at me and smiles. I smile back as I see Issac in the back looking glum. My smile drops as I see his sad look.

Coach finishes his speech and blows the whistle. The team spreads out, getting into the correct positions as everyone cheers them on.

I watch as Scott gets knocked to the ground, Jackson standing over him. My eyes narrow as I watch him smirks before running off. Scott gets up and gets into position again. He makes eye contact with Jackson before the whistle sounds again.

In a blink of an eye, Scott takes off with the ball. He dodges everyone as he makes his way across the field. He gets to a block of three guys and flips over them. I gasp as he sticks the landing, swinging the stick to score a goal.

I jump up, screaming and cheering for my brother. I don't doubt that he's a werewolf, but I know that this is an important moment to him. I clap as I watch him celebrate with his teammates.

"Good job, Scott!"

"McCall! Get over here!" Coach yells "what in God's name was that?!"

Scott takes off his helmet as he walks to the coach.

"This is a lacrosse field! What? Are you trying out for the gymnastics team?!"

"No, coach."

"What the hell was that?!"

"I don't know. I was just trying to make the shot..."

"Yeah, and you made the shot! And guess what, buddy?" He grabs Scott's shoulders. "You're starting. You've made the team!"

Everyone starts to cheer as I smile at my brother, seeing the happiness on his face. My smile fades as I realize what tonight is.

It's the full moon.



Drink water!!!!!!!!!

-the author

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