Ch. 29: Sad Christmas

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I'm currently sitting in my mother's living room, wrapping last minute gifts as Angel and Nia sleep in my old room. It's 11:48 p.m. on Christmas Eve and neither one of them are happy. Nia even cried before she went to sleep because she misses her mom...

I exhale as I reach for the tape, shaking my head at how much they're going through. They're both so young and yet, they have more grief than fortune it seems like.

"Hey..." I look up and see Scott standing there, a mug of hot chocolate in his hands. "You want some help?"


He smiles as he sits down, grabbing a Barbie to wrap.

"How're you holding up?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Weren't you forced to break up with your girlfriend for an unknown reason?"

"Yeah, but I'm not the one who is a single mother to two kids who are about to have their first Christmas without their families..."

I keep my face down as I try to fight the tears. I sniffle as a tear slips out, sliding down my cheek. I wipe it away fast as i can without drawing attention to it. I'm feel Scott's eyes on me as I focus back on wrapping up a nerf gun.

" can talk to me...I'm your brother."

I burst into tears as keep my head down, hiding it as I fiddle with the wrapping paper. I exhale a shaky breath as I wipe my eyes, not looking at my brother.


"I'm..." I exhale as I calm down, going back to wrapping.


"It's been stressful, okay? Nia barely talks to anyone, always locking herself away. Angel is still having nightmares and waking up before dawn sometimes. I'm trying my hardest to keep it together for these kids, but it's hard when I'm constantly seeing them in pain..."

"I couldn't see anyone else taking care of them. You are one of the strongest people I know, Anastasia. You're not one to back down, so why do it now?"

I shake my head as I look at my brother, giving him a look.

"Where did that come from?"

"I don't know..."

I laugh before yawning, rubbing my eyes as the exhaustion sets in. Scott laughs at me before taking the tape and wrapping paper from me.

"Go to bed. I've got this."


I kiss his head before walking to moms room. She's at work and told me to sleep there until she gets off.

"Don't stay up to late."

"Good night."




I smile as I watch the kids open their gifts. My mom yawns as she watches them, throwing on a smile when they show her something. Ms. Pearl is sitting on the couch next to her with a giant smile on her face. She made pies for later and requested my help in making the Christmas dinner.

Nia is opening the Barbie dream house that I got her and Angel with his new PlayStation. I smile again as I snap a couple pictures, knowing that my mom wants to have copies. There's a knock on the door as Scott comes down the stairs, yawning as he scratches his head.

"Scott! Look!"

"Wow! That's cool, buddy!" He reacts to Angel's gift as if he didn't wrap it the night before. "Let me get the door then I'll help you set it up, okay?"

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