Ch. 73: Photos

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Blu Hunt as young Anastasia


I look down at the photo, seeing a younger version of myself standing next to a younger Derek and a smiling Paige. Paige has a plate of food while Derek puts on his cheesy smile. I'm standing by them, looking at the camera confused.

Laura had been given the camera on her birthday and was told to take pictures of everyone she saw. She snapped about a million of me that night just to annoy me. I also wasn't in the best mood because of what happened that night.


I storm away from Talia as she calls after me. Apparently she thought it would be a great idea to tell me that I'm not my moms kid. A man was here with her, saying that he was my brother. I felt tears reach my eyes as I rethink my life and existence. I walk towards Derek's room, hoping to find comfort in my best friend as I knock on the door.

He hasn't been around a lot lately, spending all his time with Paige. He still hasn't apologized for missing my birthday that was months ago and has even been avoiding me in school. I don't even know if I can call him my best friend anymore....

I knock on his door again when I don't hear an answer, tears streaming down my face. After the third knock, I give up and rest my head on the door, breaking down into tears. I hear someone stoop behind me as I continue to cry.

"Buttercup? What's up?"

I sniffle as I turn around slowly, looking up at Laura as she looks at me with worry. She's holding a bag of new clothes, most likely for her party tonight. It's her seventeenth and I know she's excited.


"Come on...."

She nods to her room as she throws on a small smile. I follow her as I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. I glance back at Derek's still door as anger fills me.


After spending an hour venting, crying, and comforting, Laura suggests that we get ready for her party. We do each other's hair and makeup, picked out the perfect outfits for both and laughed as they did.

As they were finishing with the touch ups, a knock sounds at the door. Laura opens it, revealing her brother. I ignore him as he smiles at us both. His eyes linger on me as I act like he's not there, looking in the mirror at my reflection instead.

"Hey...I didn't know you were here..."

I continue to ignore him as Laura steps in front of him. He looks at us both confused as I put a necklace on my neck. Laura crosses her arms as she raises her eye brow.

"What did you want?"

"Uh...Mom said that some of the guests are come downstairs...."

I straighten out my top as I feel his eyes on me. I walk over to Laura's bed, grabbing my purse and slinging it over my shoulder. I grab my back pack and zip up my clothes as I listen to the siblings talk.

"Great! We'll be down...."

She goes to close the door but Derek stops it, his eyes still on me. Laura rolls her eyes as I continue to ignore him. He gulps as he goes to talk to me.

"'Stasia? What's wrong?"

"What makes you think anything is wrong?"

Laura, knowing how mad I am at him and agrees with it, steps in front of her brother. He looks between us with a confused look. I just keep my eyes down as he watches me.

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