Ch. 56: First Day Back

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"Let's go, Monkeys! We're going to be late!"

It's the first day back at school for all three of us. Nia is going into first grade while Angel is going into third. I still have my old classroom with the same schedule and same desk, so I'm looking forward to meeting my new students.

Angel comes rushing out, his backpack on his shoulder while he grabs a banana. Nia comes strutting out not long after, her hair all nice as she shows off her new dress. She's wearing the necklace I got her for her birthday, a silver Lily.

"You both look nice! Now let's go!"

We make outlets way out, heading for the elevator.


"Hello! It's great to see you! Welcome back!"

I greet different students as I walk down the hall, heading for my room. I see a few unfamiliar faces as I pass them. I see Scott Stiles up ahead, looking at a bulletin board. My smile drops as I see what's on it.

"I Hope they find them soon..."

They both jump, turning to me.

"Where did you come from?"

I ignore them as I back up, hearing my old boss talking in his office. I smile again as I walk in, knocking on the open door.

"I'm glad to see you back sir! Say...I love that it yours?"

"No...Ms. McCall, it's not mine. Would you like it? Because I doubt it would be worth anything anyways...probably a fake..."

"I would love it, sir! Have an amazing first day back!"

I take the sword, turning and walking away with a smile.


"Are you Ms. McCall?"

Before I can look up, I smell two alphas in my presence. I look up, seeing a set of twins in front of me. They have smirks on there faces, both wearing leather jackets while holding helmets.


"We're new and were told to ask you about what to expect this year..."

"What classes are you in?"

"World history and Spanish I..."

"Then I'll see you then."

I go back to what I was doing as they look at each other, before turning and walking away. I glare at the door after they walk out, contemplating the endless explanations.


"Excuse me?"

I look up from my papers I'm holding, stopping and turning around. I see a beautiful brunette smiling at me as she walks up. I can sense something is off about her, definitely something dark. I throw on a smile as I turn fully around.

"Hi! I'm Jennifer Blake! I'm the new English teacher....I was wondering if you could show me where the teachers lounge is?"

"I'm actually on my way there, now." I smile as I nod towards my destination. "You can walk with me if you want..."

"That would be wonderful, Mrs...."

"Ms. McCall. If the name sounds familiar, it could be that I have a younger brother that is a student here or that my mom is a very popular nurse at the hospital..."

"I think it's the former..."

She laughs as we begin our trek through the halls.


" can anyone tell me about the difference between the progressive era and the Gilded age?"

I'm standing at my podium, talking to a group of sophomores as they stare blankly at me. A bang against my window draws my attention in. I look over, seeing a blood spot on the glass.

I watch as another bird dives into the glass, breaking its neck. Shock fills me as I watch another one come. I see a sworn in the distance and immediately turn to my students.

"Get down!? Now!?"

A few dive under their desks, some cover their heads, and a few do the exact opposite of what I said. I tackle one student to the ground, covering her with my body as the glass shatters and rains down on us.

When it calms down, I stand and check on everything and everyone. I hear a few students crying and many raised heart beats as I stand.

"Is everyone okay?"

I hear a few replies of a yes, some nods, but no one says they need help. I continue to check everyone with my eyes as I esses the damage.

"Ms. McCall! Your leg!"

I look down, seeing a large shard poking out of my left leg. I can see a lot of blood streaming out and immediately feel myself falling. Arms catch me as I hear students freaking out, saying to call 911 or the principal.

Everything gets fuzzy as I slip into darkness.


I feel myself regaining consciousness as I feel my body being lifted up. I hear voices all around me as I drift in and out.

"I-is she going to be okay?"

"We don't know....but we will try everything we can."

"S-she jumped on to me to protect m-me...that should h-have b-been me.."

" don't know that..."

I here two of my students and two unfamiliar voices talk as I start to feel myself being pushed. I hear more voices as we move.

"Ana? Wait! Ana!"

I hear Noah as we pass him in the hall. I still can't open my eyes, must have been a bad one. My head is pounding as I feel the dizziness setting in again. I also hear multiple students and faculty members talking as we pass them.

"What happened?!"

"Sir. We're sorry but this is an emergency case. Her femoral artery was nicked. I'm surprised she's still breathing...."

The male voice that I didn't recognize speaks from above my head, mumbling the last part to himself.

"Wha- I-Is she going to be okay?"

"We're not sure, sir. But we need to get her to the hospital now."

A female voice speaks from my left, more firm than the other.


I hear more voices moving closer as we move.

"Ana?! Dad was that Ana?!"

I feel myself blacking out again as I hear Stiles voice fade away.



Season three!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also known as the BEST season and I will fight someone on that.....

Drink water?!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!

-the author

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