Ch. 5: First Game

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I'm walking to the stands, a coat and scarf on to keep me warm. I'm holding a cup of coffee in my right hand, steam floating through the air as I walk. I see my mom up ahead, she has her hair down with her curls flawless.

"Mom!" I call as I speed up to catch up to her.

She stops and turns, a big smile on her face as soon as she spots me.

"Ana! I'm glad you could make it! I really don't want to sit alone."

"Of course! I wouldn't miss this."

I link my arm with her's as we continue into the stands. We see Scott as we walk into the bright lights. We both smile and wave as we go to take our seats. I made sure to bring my bag with my equipment in it, incase I need it.

I see the sheriff walk onto the field and stop by Stiles, crouching down to talk to him. I sip my hot coffee as I watch everyone around me get ready for the first game of the season.

The game starts and I immediately know what's going on. All Scott's teammates are refusing to throw him the ball. He continues to chase it around the field as the game goes on.

I watch as the kid with ball gets tackled, causing the ball to fly through the air. Scott and Jackson both go after the ball, Jackson shoving Scott to get to it first. Mom stands with her hands over her mouth as she sees her son hit the ground.

He gets up and gets ready again. Once she knew he was okay, mom sat back down. We both watch as Jackson runs across the field, scoring the first goal. I shake my head as mom stands again, clapping with a blank face.

I see Scott looking into the stands over to my left. I look over and see Lydia Martin telling Alison to help her with a sign. Based on Scott's reaction, it doesn't have his name on it.

They get into position again as the ref goes on to the field. I hear growling coming from the field and see Scott hunched over. I narrow my eyes as I watch him from my seat.

The whistle blows, the ball scooped up as the players go into action. The ball gets launched into the air as the players scrabble to get it first. Scott jumps high, using a random kids shoulder as a crutch to get it first.

He sticks the landing and goes into action, running and dodging everyone in his wake. Mom starts the jump up and down as she watches her son with pride. I clap as watch him move, flying across the field like a pro. I stay sitting, sipping my coffee as I watch the game.

Scott scores and mom screams. She throws her hands up in the air as she jumps up and down. I smile as I watch her face fill with pure joy. I look back at the game, seeing them get back in position for another round.

I watch as Scott gets the ball again as he moves towards the goal. He stops and stares at the goal, looking between three players of the opposite team. Mom clutches her hands together as she mumbles under breath.

"Come on, come on"

"You got this..." I say under my breath as I watch him struggle to hold on to control.

I grip my bag, ready to disappear if I have to. Scott scores the winning shot, causing everyone to storm the field to celebrate. I see Scott disappear as everyone comes in. I excuse myself and follow him. I make it into the school, smelling him nearby.

I see Alison up ahead, making her way into the locker room. I hear glass breaking as I move forward. I slip into the locker room undetected as Alison asks is Scott's there. I pull out my bow staff as I move in the shadows.

I can hear both of their heart rates beating rapidly as Alison moves closer to the broken mirror. I notice movement up above, moving on the pillars. I see Scott watching Alison as she looks around. The hears his movement and turns around, looking up.

She silently moves out of sight as her heart rate sky rockets. She keeps looking around the corner, trying to see if she's in danger or not. She takes a breath as she speaks


She slowly moves around the other side of the lockers, moving towards the showers. I follow suit, keeping out of sight.

Once I knew that she would be safe, I creep out the door. I walk back to the field, finding my mom looking for both of her kids.

"Hey mom! You wanna get some drinks?"

"I forgot that you could drink..."

"Well?" I laugh as she shakes her head and smiles.

"Sure. But don't tell Scott. I don't want him getting any ideas."

"Okay." I laugh as we both get in my car.

She's letting Scott use the car tonight so I'm driving us to her favorite spot. We make it, going in to have a few drinks. I know I can't get drunk, but it's nice to see my mom let loose and have fun.

The moment that I talked to her again, I could tell that she was stressed. She's always working or taking care of Scott, it makes me regret ever leaving her to do it all alone.

By the end of the night, my mom had drank enough to kill a cow. She's sang Fleetwood Mac's 'dreams' twice and even danced with a stranger. When we get back to her house, I help her get in bed and comfortable.

I set a glass of water and pain reliever by her bed before I go to crash in my old room. When I open the door, I see that nothing has changed. Even my journals and books are sat in the same spot that I left them.

It's clean besides the stack of classics on my desk. I walk over and pick up the top one, Little Red Riding Hood. I flip through a few pages before a picture falls out. I reach down and pick it up, freezing as I see what's on it.

My teenage self is shown smiling as she laughs at her best friend. He's got his arms around her as he looks at her with love. Or what appears to be love.

This was right after homecoming, Paige was long gone and Derek was finally becoming himself again. We were having a bonfire out at the Hales for his sixteenth birthday, Talia was taking pictures of the event and snapped this one without our knowledge. She later gave me a copy and told me that she thought it was cute.

She's the only one who knew what I was, not even Derek knew. I was told to keep it a secret to stay safe. That I would be in danger if any one actually knew what I was. She's also the one who told me the truth.

That my mom wasn't my mom.

That my dad cheated early on in their relationship and had me. My mom accepted me as her daughter even though I wasn't...



Dunn Dunn Dunn!!


Drink water!!!!??!?!!!

-the author

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