Ch. 53: Shopping

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I'm with the kids at the mall, looking through clothes for the summer as well as the next school year. I'm also keeping an eye out for anything Nia may want, considering next week's her birthday.

We're in a department store with clothes for all ages, looking at the tops in the women's section. I saw a cute one and wanted to look. Nia and Angel are behind me, giving their opinions about each one.



I roll my eyes as I put a blouse up, a small smile on my face. I see a familiar strawberry blonde a few racks away, looking at skirts. I throw on a smile as I call out.


She turns around fast, looking at me in surprise before smiling.

"Ms. McCall! I didn't expect to see you here..."

"Well...the kids are growing so I need to get them new clothes and I saw a cute shirt that I thought I wanted, but..."

"Let me see."

I reluctantly grab the blouse, holding it up. She stare at it for a moment, standing still with her arms crossed.

"Absolutely not."

"That's what I said!"

I laugh as Nia looks up, exasperated. I put it back as Lydia walks over to us. She sees both Angel and Nia and immediately smiles.




I giggle a little at their different greetings. Nia is overexcited while Angel is barely audible. Lydia looks into our basket and hums. She looks back at the kids with a calculated look on her face.

"Okay. I've decided to help you. Maybe give these kids some helpful insight on how to actually dress.."

I scoff a little as she looks at me, a small smile on her face.

"No offense...."

I wave her off as I go back to looking at tops. Nia gets excited behind me as she grabs Lydia's hand and starts rambling like she does.

"Next weeks my birthday and I want a BIG chocolate cake and chocolate chip ice-cream! I also want a PlayStation because Angel always hogs it but a PINK one! And a pink controller!"

Lydia just nods along as I watch her in amusement. Nia continues after taking a breath.

"I also want a Kitty! Felix is cute but grumpy....but I want a kitten who will play and play and play! Don't you think a kitten would be cute?"

"Yes...I find them very adorable..."

"Adorable...they're adorable! Oooh! I also want a pool party!"

"Can you even swim?"

I hold back my laughter as Nia and Lydia do the same stance with the same actions. I don't know who's the sassier one, but it is entertaining.

"Of course I know how to swim! Do you?"

"Yes, I do...matter of fact, I even own a pool!"

Nia's whole body language changes as she finds the perfect opportunity to have her dream pool party. She throws on an award winning smile and blinks her big brown eyes as she tries to play the cute card.

"Oh! That's so cool! It would be amazing if I could have my party at a pool...I've always wanted one...but mommy said when I was older...then she...died...and Mama says that...if I want one, we have to find one that we can use...."

She goes from smiling to a very sad, amazingly cute face with a few tears in her eyes. She even pokes out her bottom lip as she swings back and forth. I know that look very well, it's what she uses to get what she wants...

And she's good...

"You're good...but I don't know..."

"Did I mention that it's the first birthday without her...."




"I haven't had a pool party in a would be nice to host one...even if it's for a small child..."

"Hey! I'm turning six!"

"My point still stands...."

Nia gasps as she turns away dramatically. Angel and I both watch in amusement as this continues.

"It's a good thing we're at a mall...or I wouldn't be able to get everything for this amazing pool party..."

Nia jumps, turns around with a big smile as she hooks her arm back with Lydia's. They start to walk away, heading for the kid's section as Angel and I follow.


We're eating lunch in the food court, Lydia and Nia talking away. Angel and I silently watch, eating our food.

"When's your birthday?"

"March 19."

"Mines May 29! Angel's is January 4, and I don't know Mama's..."

"It's March 23."

I smile as I look at her, answering her with out her needing to ask. I go back to eating my grilled chicken sandwich. Lydia smiles at me as she thinks.

"Your's is right after mine! I wish I knew that when it was around...I would have gotten you a gift!"

I'm glad to didn't considering on your birthday you locked me in a basement of an abandoned house where people I cared about died....

I smile as I take a sip of my drink. Nia starts rambling again Lydia's attention is taken off me.

"Do you know that each birth month has a flower?! Mine is a Lily!"

"Wow! What about me?" Angel asks, finally looking up from his burger.

"A carnation! And mama and Lydia's a daffodil!"

"Did you know that there is different signs for each person depending on when they were born? Actually more than one but my favorite is the astrological signs..."

Lydia gets her attention as she begins to explain each one.

"So I'm a Pisces, you're mom is an Aries, Angel is a Capricorn..."



I shake my as I smile, amused by the situation. We finish our food and head back to shop more.


"How exactly can you afford all of this? You're a teacher..."

I just smile at Lydia as I pull out my card, swiping it as the kids play with their new toys. I don't want to tell her that the real reason I can afford this and more is because my birth mother died not long after I was born and left her fortune in a trust fund I received when I turned 18.

Aiyana, my birth mother, was part of a very wealthy and important pack that was destroyed twenty years ago. Because no other descendants remain, I got it all. I don't use it that often but I do have enough to probably buy Norway.




I literally had to do research to find the right birthdates for each character because they have multiple...all supposedly canon...

But anyway! I hope everyone is having an amazing day or night!

Drink water!!!!!?!!!!!?!

-the author

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