Ch. 45: Raving

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"Hold on...I want to stop here and give the rest of these cookies to someone..."

"Here?" Dezi asks, confused.

"This place is closed..."

"Don't worry about that. I technically own half the building so..."

"What? How?"

"Alan Deaton, the owner, was having financial difficulties a few years ago and reached out. I helped pay it off, but he didn't like me paying it off. Said something about not liking owing people..." I scrunch up my face as I try to remember. "He pretty much forced me into a contract of partnership. I'm not complaining as I get 30% of any profits."


"It's the lowest he would allow."

"Just hurry..." Dezi



We pull up to the warehouse, linking arms as we move towards the building. I see some of my students here, making me feel awkward as I stand beside my old friends.

We walk in, handing our tickets in before moving to the main room.

Time to dance!


My eyes are closed as I swing my hips to the music, focusing on only the beats as I dance. I feel hands grab my hips, pulling me in. I scrunch up my face as I look up, seeing Greenberg grinning. He stops as he sees it's me, surprised. I shove him back as I walk away.

I don't see Lexi or Dezi as I look around, shoving people out of the way. I need air, bad.

I shove people out of my way as I make my way to the door. As I shove open the heavy door, i take a deep breath. I hear gunshots and growls coming from behind a wall, causing me to look around.

I grip my jacket tighter as my eyes shift around. I see a line of mountain ash just a few feet away. I walk over, looking around as I keep my ears out for trouble. I see Stiles blue jeep about ten feet away and immediately know what's happening.

I can't even have one night away...

I hear hissing and screeching coming from behind me. I jump into the shadows as I see the Kanima run past me. I grip my chest, trying to catch my breath. I hear people moving closer as I look up. Stiles is talking to Derek on the other side of the mountain ash barrier as Erika and Issac move closer to it from my side.

I keep to the shadows as they continue talking. A howl fills the night as my head snaps up, looking towards the origin of the noise. I feel my body moving before I realize I am, running towards the sound.


I fly into the room, seeing Derek helping Scott out of there.

"What happened?!"

"'Stasia? What're you doing here?"

"What happened to Scott?!"

I ignore his question as I rush forward, checking on my brother. He has acute aconite poisoning, that's for sure, but there doesn't seem to be anything else wrong with him.

"Get him to Deaton! Go!"

I shove him as he gives me a confused look. I ignore him as I pull out my phone, calling ahead to warn Alan of my brother's condition.


I storm into the clinic, eyes wild as I scan the room. I see Deaton talking to his sister, who's sitting down in one of the chairs.

"How is he?"

"He's much better now."


I nod before rushing to the back room, seeing Scott laying on a table as Derek watches over him. He looks up as he hears me rush in. I ignore him as I walk towards my unconscious brother.

I brush the hair out of his face as I listen to his heart beat, happy to hear it beating strong.

"You still have it..."

I look over at Derek, a confusion shining through. He's looking at my attire, more specifically my Jacket. I look at it, realizing my mistake.

"It's a nice jacket..."

I shrug as I turn back to my brother, checking for anymore wounds. I can feel his eyes burning into me as I try to keep my focus on Scott.

"I like your outfit..."

" too..."

I don't look up at him, brushing a piece of glass out of Scott's hair.

"You look really nice..."

I ignore him more as I look at my brother, keeping my eyes trained onto his face. Derek stands, moving closer to me as I continue to ignore him.


Brown meets green as I turn and glare at him. His eyes are drowning in multiple emotions as he looks at me, reaching out. I end up caged between him and the table Scott's on, looking up at his face.

His sent suffocates me as I feel his warmth surround me. I know he shouldn't have this effect on me, especially after all this time, but it seems my body didn't get the memo.

"What do you want, Derek?" I cross my arms, glaring at him. "Can't you tell that I'm not interested.."

"I actually sense the opposite..."

He smirks at me as he leans in. My breath catches as he gets closer, looking into my eyes.

"I ment what I said..."

Before I can say anything else, he's backing away from me. Deaton walks in, holding a cookie as he takes a bite.

I get my bearings as I move away from Scott, looking at Deaton.

"I think I'm gonna go...let me know if anything happens..."

"Of course!"

I smile at Deaton before heading towards the door. I glance back, looking at Derek as I walk out the door.


I get home, removing my makeup before I strip for a shower. Letting that warm water cascade down my body as I was away my evening. It turned out more of a hassle then it was worth. I wish I would have just stayed home and relaxed.

After I dress for bed, I walk into the kitchen. Seeing the leftover cake on the counter, I get me some before sitting down at the table. I hear little feet hitting the wooden floors as they make their way towards me.

I glance up as soon as a little body enters the room, seeing a sleepy Nia looking at me confused.


My heart skips a beat. I look at her in surprise as she steps towards me.

"Mama? When did you get home?"

I smile as I look at her, not believing my ears. She rubs her eyes as she yawns. I stand, directing her towards her room.

"It's time for bed, sweetie. We'll talk in the morning, okay?"

"Okay, Mama..." she yawns as she crawls into her bed, covering up. "Love you.."

"I-I love you, too..."

I gently close the door, holding back tears as I smile.




I hope everyone likes it....

Drink water!!!!?!!?!!!

-the Author

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